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Everything posted by berrykin

  1. walt smith??? plss explain.... Hmmm maybe i first time see ba..... i see so many pple's tank got put this type of sps... so i must also try to like them.... and today i see actually they ###### in different coloring... Hmm..
  2. Went to Reborn and PR today..... Reborn got new shipment in... most are sponge...... buttons.... plants ..... fish still got alot sia... first time being there.. PR hmmm their clams is breath taking and cheap... $50 many staghorns......hmm quite exp... small one also around $35...
  3. Aloz guys..... does SRC got a channel in irc????? If yes plss tell me the channel... If no... why not set up one channel where all reefer can join and by using our SRC nick.... we can chat in a more easier way and quiker respond etc.......... Most important of all... we can chat together in the main.. ^ ^
  4. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw..... 20 or 30yr ago... wanton mee cos onli a few cents...
  5. No not from T95.. i bought from Hawaii Marine at sembawang.... I think i bought it for around 16 to 20.... cun rem.. i know its quite cheap cos i ask the aunty which is the cheapest corals... hehe hee budget mahz... rite?
  6. Hmm i use the tetra test kit and when i tested it... the result came out to be the yellow color which is the BEST and the yellow means 0.5mg/l so maybe 0mg/l
  7. Just changed my filter medium yesterday and today bought Garlic guard... hmmm i notice the ich on my blue tang is reducing... but still got a little more.... and now it is feeding well.... thank goodness...
  8. Is PR and Rebor* near each other??????? If i alight at Boon Keng... how should i get there???????
  9. By chemical means will work i think.... such as using the Seachem ph8.3 THis method need u to consistently mix with water and add to your tank daily...... should be huh?
  10. Reallyl hard?? in wat way?? cos i had been keeping it for at least a month plus liaoz....
  11. Hmmm may i know issit if my tank nitrate level is 0...... the green algae will go off huh?? cos i notice the green algae is beginning to getting more and more from the bottom of the tank rising.... i wonder wat will happen if it keep rising...then i no need to see fish but see green algaes... Pls help or advice...
  12. My tank habitants: one normal clown and one red clown three damsels one blue tang 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 blood red shrimp and 1 boxer shrimp one hermit crab two turbo snail
  13. Here my short water parameters: Tank: 4ft by 0.75ft by 1.5ft Nitrate : 33 mg/l ( just changed my filter medium, dun know wat to do sia nitrate so high..... gonna change water soon... nitrite : 0.5 mg/l ph: 8.0 Others: no tester >> budget mahz. Water top up: 3L/day maintain PH value using Seachem Marine buffer food: Ocean Nutrition Brimp shrimp plus (flakes food) and self culture live brimp shrimp Using CoralLife Superskimmer LIghtings : not that sure cos bought 2nd hand from LFS. Using two lights ..one white one actinci blue. The white is a cheap $15 philip brand. Gonna change to a better one when got money. Using a AC 4-fan -- Operate from morning 10am till 12am
  14. my baby brimp shrimp and Astro Canister.... Canister medium: wool, coral ships and ceramic bio rings
  15. I also not sure of the name of this hard coral
  16. hmmm not sure of the name... help ID...
  17. mushies hill with cleaner shrimp...
  18. lime green anemone with a hiding clown
  19. My leather? .... call leather rite?
  20. Hmmm so budge thus need to buy LR slowly and corals also slowly... btw sorry all fish sleeping cos its around 2am lioa and i disturb them by turning on the lites to take pics..
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