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Posts posted by berrykin

  1. looks female to me..

    guess u bought tt tiger tail at 5 bucks?..

    i went to Aqu*St** intending to get some beginner seahorse ..

    but i change my mind when i saw some infected ones and they kept like 8 in 1 very small tank...

    That time i buy a few nia.... and that was weeks ago... today i just went... and inside more than 8..... summore big big one... and u see their center row of corals and fishes.... all cannot make it sia.... the MH and actinic wasted.. hanging on the top for nothing like that... -_-

  2. SH i think should be a pair cos i saw them tangle with each other but i dun know which one male or female or maybe they are les or gays.... bought from aquar star... test test see they survive or not.. and they survive for weeks liao....

    PS: can help me see this one a male or female?


  3. Anyone ,if pass by or visits, ani LFS.. plss help me look out for the Astro Canister Valve, small size one. My current one had been leaking thru the tap.... sooo headache.....Need help immediately~

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