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Everything posted by chinmo

  1. Har.... so got pple spot chek wan lah? liddiat very sianz leh.... from the pics saw quite a few diff kinds of algae! shld be nice for a seahorses tank!
  2. Hey gothia sis, think issit possible to bring back some seagrass from chek jawa? got pple check one or not?
  3. Sure do bro! glad to help! but hor.... when u come back from ausssie must hang carry some H.barbouris, H.breviceps and if can find H.zosterae! (joking lah)
  4. another male gave me 25 babyceps! must try my best to raise them to adults!
  5. any bros letting go? or seen for sale at which lfs?
  6. Thanks guys! hope they be easier to take care them reidi fries... except that they need CHILLER! yah.... bigger like barbouri's fries!
  7. pics of babies! they hitched!
  8. pungol ar? issit very ulu? was thinking bringing my CO along.... to pick the mangroves...
  9. api api? near which side ? the ntuc chalet? or elias park?
  10. me should be granpa rite?
  11. not sure about into glass.... but read up that the roots might find it's way into the sillicon.....
  12. Cool! Thanks bro! i need ard 20 mangroves... u don't have to troublt to help me lah, let me know roughly the location will be very good liao.
  13. boy am i lucky! the brevi was already preggy when i got him well he gave me a suprise this afternoon!
  14. Yo bros! any spot where there is alot of mangrove plants to pick in singapore? Pasir ris beach have not?
  15. a bit of updates.... 5 out of 6 are eating frozens! one more to go! than i can rest and relax liao!
  16. nice sh Colours doesn't matters... most importantly the sh must be healthy. the "dark red breed" looks like h.spinosissimus. the orange ones is a H.reidi if not wrong. whole tank pics would be cool!
  17. Where to get beta glucan? i'm very keen! the last time i went looking for it at bishan J8 pharmacy..... they just shake their head and look at u...."what's he talking about"
  18. Thanks bros for e encouragement!
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