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Posts posted by tomowilson

  1. is the shrimps bigger than the sh snout? if so the shrimp might have scared the sh away... :P find shrimp real small and tiny... ;) if not get some brineshrimp , see if he feeds...

    hahhaha...even the small malayan shrimp it also not interested...even let the tiny shrimp climb on its head....like to look at it own reflection leh :nc: .....i corner it to the corner of my tank with some pvc pipe...just like ur method...but it keeps on trying to swim to those LRs on the other side..... :unsure:

    Tmr i go buy those adult brineshrimps see it works or not.....haizz :(

  2. Let them settle down first... Find those smallest ghost shrimp and drop it near them... Moving shrimp should get them interested...

    i have used bro chinmo's method, keep it at a corner of the tank..when i drop live shrimps in....it dun even bother to take a look.... <_<

  3. Bro hammy from CE/4 too??

    Bro wilson: have fun in CE man.. haha.. need any textbooks/source codes/lab reports feel free to PM me ya? hopefully ya syllabus has not changed much :D

    where got fun wor.....gers so few.....so many projects n labs..........lolzzz but the power to create is just so fantastic...... :P

  4. Let them stable down first... They dun eat immediately one.. Takes a few days to get them to feed...

    Are you keeping him in a species tank or community tank?

    i should say its a seahorse only tank with cleaner shrimp........yap bought it frm reborn :rolleyes:



  5. What type of starfish they have. Have those red, orange or blue type?

    And if these difficult to keep?

    ermm...i am not sure abt starfishs but got a couple of diff species....mayb u can make a trip down....i think if i see correctly, got small octopus also wor...uncle very busy so dun dare to ask him.... :P



  6. Is it true only sump can work?

    it depends what type of marine tank u wanted to have.....a fully established reef tank u will almost(to what i know) must have a sump to house all your heavy duty equipments.....fish only tank or FOWLR tank can be supported by a canister provided you do not over stock LS.....

    Sump allows easy maintainance, u can see for yourself how dirty is the filter media, increase overall tank volume which in turn keep your tank paramenters more stable....

    Pls correct me if i am wrong :thanks:



  7. hmmm.....maybe you can use an overflow system to transfer water frm main tank to your sump and use the pump as a return pump......you can find alot of information on how to diy a overflow system in the DIY section.... :D

    Well i would suggest tht you can diy a topup system as well.....you can get all equipments at sim lim tower....interested can pm me then i can give you an idea of how to do it...,if i remem correctly...diy topup system will not cost more $50. :rolleyes:



  8. Hi guys

    Just came across this interesting thread... I know... I'm not welcomed here... :cry:

    But I do want to learn from you guys leh... I have an idea... once I'm done with my office tank... I will decom my Percula 90 and start a small SeaHorse tank... all DIY... on a budget... I have to agree that this hobby is not all about $$$, it can be fun DIY also especially with a bunch of like-minded guys. I will do everything myself... including building my own tank?!? ;)

    Will have to learn from Colinsoon on building cabinet and hood :lol:

    Can I join? :P

    Yoz....i am cycling my tank now for seahorse also :P ....but got attacked by brown algae :angry: ......slowly trying to remove it.....only have a cleaner shrimp in my 2ft tank now......any suggestions to clear the brown algae??

    1st day of sch so sianzz.... :lol:



  9. i think what u mean is a phophate remover.

    denitrator is not necessary at all.

    I intend to use a denitrator to reduce nitrate(when livestocks arrived).....so when will be the good time to install the denitrator? during cycling or after cycling?


  10. Hi all....is it recommended to install denitrator during cycling or preferably after cycling? To what i know denitrator need a few weeks to be fully established....so i was thinking might as well let it cycle with the tank.




  11. Hi all.....been cycling my tank for 4 days.....for the past 2 days i noticed an increase in white patches on the live rocks....not just 1 or 2...almost all live rocks have those white patches.....will the white patches go away after the cycling process is completed?? tks :bow:



  12. any good cheap silent PC dc fan brand to recommand? wan to DIY....

    you can go to sim lim tower basement 1 to buy...i bought 2 @ $2.50 each to cool my 2ft tank.....reduce from 30 to 28-28.5......as i put my tank near to the window so its warmer than most tank.....



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