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Posts posted by tomowilson

  1. whoa nice! :ThanxSmiley: unfortunately i ordered those from ebay already at only 2$ but i think waiting time will be looong.

    If you are paying less for a product that does the same thing. Y not? laugh.gif

  2. connection between the rubber hose and fittings might be letting air in. try cutting off the part where it used to connect to the Rio to make a tighter fit with the new pump.

    I tried doing that by cutting off the part which was connected to Rio but the problem is still there. I will change the whole rubber hose tmr since it starting to harden.


  3. this is how i DIY my DI water...

    1. cut some slots at the container...

    2. cover them with fine mesh to prevent the resin from coming out

    3. cut a hole at the cap and attach to the outlet of the pump must be tight fit

    4. pour the resin into the container and screw the cap on

    5. put the pump into the water drum and fill it up with tap water

    within hrs (depend on your water vol) it should turn to zero reading

    today is my 3rd time treating the water with 4 cups of small KFC mash potato cntr from the day i first created this post..

    total water treated 180L today with out changing the resin...

    Bro, don't really understand pt 2. Care to elaborate? Thanks.

  4. nothing really innovative though :heh: . Will need to do some modifications to improve the efficiency. Any recommendation for a cost effective phosphate test kit? I am using API now and find the reading is not granular enough. (e.g. 0 and next color code is for 0.25). My current reading is somewhere between 0 - 0.25.

  5. Bought 2 10" water filter canisters intending for my DIY RO/DI unit project but did not proceed. Not wanting it to be wasted, I DIYed a phosphate reactor instead. I am testing it using PhosGuard now and will share more if it is working.

    Cheers. groupwavereversed.gif

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