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Posts posted by ervine

  1. I don't condone taking corals from the sea if you can't take care of them and besides it may be illegal. You may want to rethink it coz if the authorities hear about this... ahem.

    I second this... Singapore already hardly has ANY decent marine life to begin with... if there's going to be people rushing off to strip our coast of fishes/corals then there will be nothing left... sad man...

  2. Yah I've used those tubes for my computer before.. I think u can buy them with the inverter and all at around 10-12 bucks if I remember correctly from Kaichi* SLT 3rd floor...

    But problems are:

    1. White, so have to add something to colour it (eg. blue cellophane)

    2. Very fragile, a little twist and it snaps

    3. Inverter can give a rude shock if touched (also a little bulky)

    4. Overall more ex than LEDs, but better spread of light (LED very concetrated)

    Someone try it out and see how?

  3. morgan,

    u can polish normal fine scratches but nt those deep cut. yesterday my tankmaker just polish my new tank.

    a 1inche scratches (they knock against my flower pot) and a 1feet(fine) scratches. it take abt 1 hr to polish the 1 inche scratches.


    u want polish ur 2ft tank?. y nt buy a new tank.

    2x1.5x1.5(6mm) only $29

    The polishing actually slowly "sands" away the glass.. so the glass at that area gets thinner and thinner until the scratch is gone... although it's relatively safe, i've heard that it actually harms the structural integrity of the glass..

  4. hmm.... can i choose not to add bio balls but just using LR? coz LR acts as a bio filter rite? if so how much LR should i get for my 3footer?

    Correct... just use some filter wool to mechanically filter the water then change it once a week or something....

    I've recently removed all the bio-balls and coral chips from my sump after the advice given by fellow reefers...

    As to the amount of LR, sorry not too sure myself.. hehe

  5. wan,Sep 2 2003, 11:27 PM] hi

    saw there are glass scratch removal stuff overseas wonder if i can get those in singapore, my front glass a lot of scratch and changing the tank would be damn troublesome.. dunno got hope or not..

    I was also looking for it before but to no avail... esp those that can cover larger scratches...

  6. The LEDs are not powerful enough to "light" up the whole tank... they are a much more subdued lighting suitable to allow you to view your tank when the lights go off without causing much disturbances...

    I leave my DIY moonlight on 24/7...

  7. Sea lettuce on the other hand needs rather strong lightings to make them grow. I've been using 18W PL for a depth of about 7inch, they dun seem to grow at all.

    I'm using sealettuce which I got from Day... illuminating it with 36W placed about 5" from the water surface, lettuce is 3" deep under the water.... but I also don't see any "explosive" growth....

    2 weeks the lettuce still looks around the same... maybe it's just overcrowded so I can't tell if it's growing or not.. but I'm pretty sure it's not dying.. unlike my ferns last time...

  8. Hi,

    I was hoping that an articles section could be set up to store some of the more "permanent" threads, eg. how to hatch brineshrimp, how to set up DSB or whatever...

    Coz now when I need to look for an article I have to do a search which can sometimes be quite frustrating... would be better if everything was in one place, outside the forum.

    In that way in case of a crash it would be easier to retrive...

    What say you?

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