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Posts posted by Sam999

  1. maybe appoint someone will be great..

    maybe u can let us vote for someone.. and the winner will decide if he/she willing to take up the job. :D

    Sounds good. How about nominate a few reefers?

    I have in mind, just some suggestions.

    1. Blueheaven (Young, energetic, full of :idea: , the sort of ppl who makes thing happen. Very impt that he is also very much of a environmentalist. Very much like our very own Steve Irwin, except he is much younger and lives in a small island of ours.)

    2. Jervismun (Relatively newcomer, but have vast experience on reefkeeping. Most importantly was highly adicted to SRC. Nightmares for troublemakers. His experience from moderating another forum would be greatly appreaciate here).

    3. Acidjazz (Who says sponsor cannot be moderator? With his knowledge on Singapore law system, he can serve as a legal counsel for SRC handling all defaming suit etc. Yeah, he seems to be a good buddy of of Jervis, ever exchanging reefing ideas, methodology/product reviews. When the 2 works hand in hand, should be some kick axx partnership)

  2. i am no coral expert.. but based on my limited knowledge ... T5 would be enough to keep zoas, unless the tubes are like only 12 watts or so.. they are probably juz getting used to the new enivronemnt ?

    Enuff to keep zoos as in it survive? How abt letting the zoos thrive?

    Did u notice that when u buy zoos from LFS, the colour of the polpys is very well define, with very clear colour tone.

    However, if u keep it under T5, the neck grows longer and longer. The colour tone seems to "diffuse", ie as in not so clearly define anymore? The colour isnt as vibrant as u 1st brought it. This has to do with lights, especially so for those not up to standard T5s.

    Dont u find zoos with long neck an ugly sight?

  3. t5s are more than sufficient right? B)


    True: If yr tank is shallow (<1.5feet) and u use high intensity good quality T5 bulbs(ATI/Deltec)

    False: As in this case, the tank is tall and the T5 use is only 24W. Light intensity follow inverse square law, therefore u see all the long necks. And this lack of intensity cannot be compensated with longer photoperiod.

  4. ... my zoo have been under T5 lighting for quite long too :)

    oic, then u must have confuse between thrive and survive. no offence but if u look at those zoos, it has very long neck. which is not a good sign at all.

    contradictory to most belief, zoos requires very strong light. ppl in the US uses 250W/400W MH on their zoos. search RC and u have more clues...

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