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Everything posted by Coral_ClamS

  1. Ehiem has a very high power consumption... Like aquabee alot......high flowrate and low wattage! anyone know where to get iwaki pumps. nvr see one in anyLFS... also anyone usiing them ...are they good...tot that the wattage is alos lower than Ehiem!
  2. hahaha both are equally nice jus that one is colourful and the other simple. going for #1 graphic and #2 logo anyway it's a #2
  3. sorry me going on Sunday cos AT seminar on sun ! BTW will all the companies be promating their products there...can i buy? how to locate SRC booth so no need to go one big round looking for it!
  4. wat that's too ex$$ for me BTW will i have enough space for that only sps need that strong current rite? it wun do for softies ,,, will it? is one tunze 6000 on each side enough? BTW does the controller come with the pump?
  5. thanks AT ,will heed your advice and start slowly from soft corals first... have already decided on the other equipments budgets except the lighting problems... unless the situation calls for it at the eleventh hour , every thing should follow as plan... probably some problems with financial difficulties but parents should be able to pay for a start with monthly if start saving now and get my equips slowly and then bills i 'll pay when i get a part time job after my 'O'! that 's about it... if start with soft corals first,, probably i 'll minimise on the lightings hours first and bills wun be that ex$$ rite... So i'll see what happens then...now i'll jus gain experience from my FOWLR first and obtaining info from u guys as well as websites and books and maybe some Questions if i dun understand...wld love to visit some of your tanks maybe in the december holidays!!! Happy reefing! BTW are sponges suitable with jus FL?
  6. what do u mean by 3ft outside....do u mean that if i use a 1 ft reflector, i can cover the whole 3ft tank light with Mh lighting? if that true then no need to get 2 bulbs for 3ft lioa! yipee
  7. yap i'm planning for sps but if i put them in a single line behind one another...and get a 2.5 ftwide width...will it be enough for the coverage of the whole tank or jus the center? pospeh...do u recommend double 6500k with T5 actinic supplement... by the way which of this has a bluer look T5 actinic or blueplus... How much supplement wld give me the look of the 6500k and 20kk combination? Thnks!
  8. hey i saw Ian's 4fter lighting and i like it very much...izzit suitable for 3fter ... will be asking for more info though! thanks alot... BTW does 6500k combine with radium provide more growth and better colouration or izzit the 10kk wan better... cos tot i saw alot of 6500k and radium and i like the colour very much and that iwasaki 6500k promote good coral growth....that's why i wanted that combination! does T5 actinic and 20kk MH have the same PAR value? Who deals best with ballast in SRC need to ask some Q on that ! TIA
  9. BTW can sponge coral be kept under FL actinic lighting can it survive?
  10. hi anyone can tell me whether it's true that 150watts HQI are equivilent to normal 250watts bulbs? (got info frm reefcentral) is two of Giesmann System Nova II hanging side by side too big for a 3fter? does HQI bulbs have any degree of hotness if no can i use 2 150watts/250watts HQI daylight and supplement by T5 actinic will 4-6 actinic be too much or can anyone give me any combination whether how many tubes i shld use and whether it's actinic blue or blueplus? TIA
  11. is 6hrs enough for sps and the rest of the day are T5?
  12. depend on what are u keeping for soft coral it should be enough for hard coral tink 250watts is just sufficient BTW a least chillier is a mus have for MH unless your room 24hrs air-conditioned then maybe use fan to cool down water surface!(risky for corals)(if FOWLR can try at your own RISK!) 3fter probably u need 2 bulb unless u put every thing in the center!
  13. it;s nice but too bad i don have any digi cam but shld be worth the trip... his eden 228 is just blocking part of the view is a 2.5 ft one with soft corals and mushies! hey if any of u going after the 30th of OCT pls pm me so can go down meet u guys......as a chance to know u ppl. me just staying behind the mac so very the near!LOL!
  14. what are solenoids and how are they linked to the CA reactor... How much are each of these items....the dupla regulator(what does it do), the solenoids and ...
  15. where u staying so when did u change to SW recently? Woonming, ' it's at Jurong West ave 1 Blk 494 #01-132 contact : 65649691
  16. when a 250 watts is switch on does it cost 250watts or 500watts of power to run the MH meaning plus the ballast? can one ballast operate two bulb?
  17. when a 250 watts is switch on does it cost 250watts or 500watts of power to run the MH meaning plus the ballast? can one ballast operate two bulb?
  18. Hey anyone has gone to lakeside aquatics at Jurong West ave1 near polyart aquarium make a left turn at the bicycle shop and cross the carpark to get to LA michael just set up his new show tank full of soft coral using arcadia series 3HQI 150wattsMH and resun chiller tot quite nice but don't seem to gain popularity from SRC guys though his equips are alot more exp$$ but his tank his worth the view!!!
  19. trade fair me go can do what BTW me still under 16 leh... if 15 years old can enter then inform me hor thanks!
  20. got enough seats anot....can reserve one seat for me haha thanks! me probably going on saturday!
  21. how abt a 3 by 2.5 by 2.5....which model should use for sps?
  22. so are u using 1.0 or 0.5 think 0.5 may only sum up to $100+ with the lights and pumps rite?
  23. so 600+watts of light and probably a 0.5/1.0 hp chiller wun cos that much rite!
  24. what's the difference btw titanium and reef relief or are they the same any difference in price or which is better ...kanna confused liao!
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