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Posts posted by sugi

  1. It is growing too big thus need to let go.

    Stem is babby Blue

    Brown Polyp.

    Rarther big Colony.

    Sorry pic is a little blur as taking the shot in a rush.

    Selling for $50

    Please bring along a container.

    Cannot pack into plastic bag as it is too fragile.

    Interested, PM me.




  2. Hi Sugi,

    thanks for the explanation. As mentioned, once the waste collection bottle is full, there will be back pressure right? Which means during that period of time, the skimmer will no longer produce skimmate isn't it?

    We are not a keen supporters of the waste collection bottle because we feel that for a skimmer to work to its optimum, it should be clean at least once a week, and not let the waste collection cup to fill up before washing it.

    So far, only beckett skimmers come with this auto shut off collection cup. have you guys ever wondered why reputable brands like Deltec and H&S and even AquaC don't come with this gadget?

    However, having the auto shut off gadget will come in handy when the user do not know how to tune the skimmer properly.

    No offences meant, :peace: just want to explain the design of our skimmers. If required, we can still make it air-tight.

  3. yes I can use an auto shut off, there is an outlet at the bottom of the collection cup which can be connected to an external container with auto shut off (I was told).

    Anyway I am going to place the external collection cup in my sump just in case for one reason or another it overflows, the water goes back in the sump and does not flood the room.

    The tank is located in my wife's office, so minimum maintenance is easier for me.

    FYI, the tank has mainly fishes with some leathers and fingers (hardy corals) for ease of maintenance.

    I feed them with ocean nutrition F1 and F2, mysis and finelky chopped squid, scallops, prawns and mussels alternately.

    I had high N03, about 150ppm. I would also like to share an experience with you guys on sugar dosing, a couple of reefer friends used to dose sugar to reduce NO3, it worked very well initially, I was very reluctant, but eventually gave it a go, I dose two sachets of sugar for my 350gals tank every 2-3 days. Initially the nitrates did actually comes down. I lost a few fishes in the process, not sure if it is the sugar initially but now it looks like sugar is the cause. Then the other 2 friends who had dosed sugar for a much longer time than me had their tanks completely wiped out! All fishes dead. i was lucky enough to stop it in time!

    I hope this skimmer will make my tank cleaner!


    Nice skimmer you have there.

    FYI, this skimmer will not work with Auto shut off waste collector.

    In order for the Auto shut off waste collector to work, Skimmer has to be air tight with only air escaping from the skimmer waste collection cup which in return connected to the auto shut off waste collector.

    When this waste collector is full, the ping pong ball inside will rise and close the holes in the waste collector. This will resulted into back pressure and your skimmer water will stop foaming or the water inside will stop to rise to prevent flooding.

    But with holes on top of the skimmer collection cup, there will be no back pressure and water will continue to flow out from that holes eventough the auto shut off collector is full.

    Better double confirm with the maker.

    Cause no meaning for you to get the waste collector as it will not serve any purpose.


  4. I am thinking extending the 32 inch Beckett by adding a 12 inch extension kit.

    Now, I observe that many beckett had a downtube that raise the beckett nozel always higher or same with the reaction chamber.

    If i am not wrong the downtube primary purpose is to help prevent back pressure.

    So will i need to heighten the downtube after adding the extension?

    I am using a 8500l/hr pressure rated pump.

    Just would like to know,

    Which 8500L pressure rated pump did you use ?

    Wattage ?


  5. air lock: caused by influx of excessive CO2 to ur CR. CO2 input rate too fast. look out for CO2 on the top of the CR, recirculation pump is not able to draw any water from the top.

    This is what i suspect in the begining,

    but he claims the water level in the chamber always full.

    Which is unlikely to be airlock.

  6. water level is always at the top.... have also done the co2 re-circulation mod via a y-junction as shown by cookie. Am really lost???


    I am also rather confused of your problems.

    Probably get someone to come and take alook at it.

    He will have a better understanding of the probems.


  7. The pump is still working but the stirring of the media seem to stop.... Had to open up the outlet valve so that the increase flow of the effluent will restart the stirring. Any ideas?

    Is the water level in the chamber drop to certain level ?

    Which cause the pump unable to sucks water to circulate the water ?

  8. Anyone here facing same problem. I am running corallin 1502 but often find that the attach ehiem pump would stop stirring the calcium media from time to time. I am not using a dedicated pump to run the CR, just a tee off from my chiller pump. Could this be the problem? Any help would be much appreciated....

    What do you mean the eheim pump stop stiring ?

    Does it mean the pump is not working ?

    More details would be helpful.

    Anyway teeing off from chiller is not an issue.


  9. IMO,

    At 1" below the neck and you get such wet skimate, then it would be very difficult to adjust for dry skimmate.

    May be there is something wrong somewhere.

    May be your skimmer water level very eratics.

    Best if you could post your skimmer pipping output to sump lay out

    and the bubble foams at the the collection cup.

    May be these pictures can explain more things.


  10. ,Aug 16 2005, 10:35 AM] Chris, can I go suntan while I 'm preggant ? I look like a bleached whale now :sick: .

    also,is it not possible to have both dogs and babies?

    I have Shitzu and 6 weeks babby.

    My nephew and niece also grew up with dog environtment.

    What matter most, keep your dog clean and regular house cleaning too.

    Dont forget the yearly vacination, for dog not babby.


  11. I have been trying to reduce the micro-bubbles coming out from my Beckett flow outlet using different methods like:

    1.) sock covering the outlet

    2.) filter wool placed in baffles

    3.) My sump has only 3 partition with baffles in between. Beckett is placed in 2nd compartment.

    The above methods are not perfect solution as micro-bubbles are still able to 'sneak' into the main tank.

    Is there any other methods ? I heard from some reefers that one effective method is to extend the outflow tube above the sump water level.

    Please advise.


    Sump design is rather important for beckett skimmer.

    I change my sump to resolve 0 micro bubble escaping to main tank.

    I have double filter for my skimmer at the sump and multiple buffles to prevent bubbles.

    Before that I try many ways but they do not works.


  12. I m using 98. Was thinking if I m able to just use the 95? Not very sure whats the differences though,to me,its unleaded :D

    A tank of petrol like 52L, goes for max 360KM,thats if I ignored the blinking light until really cannot tahan anymore.Usually it was only about 300km.A few tmes was even around 270-280KM only.

    Previously when I had the trajet,within 6mths,battery not working....after that,sterring wheel shaking...twirling to the left side....brake pad got problem....then within a yr,aircon foul smell....even with agent warranty,I wasnt able to get it really fixed.

    Thats why I m worried about getting it from PI.Although my current matrix doesnt seem to have any problem beside the battery changed last yr.

    Korean cars usually give more troubles than European cars.

    If you are determine to buy Toyota Wish, you can only buy from PI as Borneo do not bring them. So make sure you get from reputable PI.

    Anyway, Wish is a good buy and economical too.

    Other japanese cars like Nissan, Mazda also cannot be trusted.

    Friend Cefiro new model 230 less than a year, gear box problem

    Friend Mazda 6 2 years alternator break down

    Trust Toyota and Honda, they are good and realiable.


  13. matrix is already not bad comparing to our previous trajet.Thats a drink machine,imagine full tank at close to $100(3yrs ago price) only last lesser than 260km and thats 5 days usage.Matrix's full tank was like within $80(at 1.837 per litre) and can go till 370km.


    Base on your petrol price, you are pumping premium petrol rite ?

    I use to pump Vpower it is smooth and burns easily.

    Then I switch to 98 and i realiase I can travel longer distance with 98.

    My friend then experiment between 95 and 98, he told me 95 can travel longer than 98.

    The higher the octane, seems burns better and comsume more petrol.

    May be thats why your Hyundai seems to be a heavy drinker.

    Toyota and honda engines are great and economical.

    Toyota wish is a gd buy but as everyone says, you better know your stuff before you approach PI.

    I have 2 cars at the moment. 2000cc and 1600 cc

    My 2000 cc consumption is almost equivalent to 1600 cc

    No doubts 2000 cc is Japanese (IS200), 1600CC Renault Megane

    At around $85 petrol I can travel 600Km for both car and still have lots of reserve.

    Choosing the right brand car will save you lots of cost in long term.

    Furthermore Fuel cost is rising.

    My good friend family is in vehicle business, from bikes to cars.

    If you need me to check details on Toyota Wish, pls PM your number and i will get them to contact you. (I am not car salesmen :D )

    Anyway my friend told me new EVO9 stocks just arrive.

    I was surprised on the prices, so cheap.

    Anyone interested ? :rolleyes:

  14. OMG! How both of you manage???!!??!

    We tried that for a couple of days when the confinement lady left, OMG!!! It was crazy!

    In the end, have to go for a maid.

    But is your wife working too?

    The first 1 week after the confinement lady left, she almost breakdown :pinch: so do I.

    My wife has stopped working since December.

    She has a miscarriage before so I really want her to rest during the 2nd pregnancy.

    I did suggest for a maid but we do not like to have strangers under one roof.

    We are coping quite alright now.

    Now I have to buy less things as I have to support

    1. Wife

    2. Son

    3. Reef

    4. Dog


  15. My was 4.5kg at 1mth. Now should be around 5kg liao.

    Sugi, your son loks those very "kuai" type. Will be a scholar one day man. ;)

    I see that was close.

    Mine is 4.3 Kg. Birth 2.8Kg he was 3 weeks early.

    Your son look big at the 1 month photo. :D

  16. u using 1.25" pipe size also for your setup or some other size????


    That was my old set up.

    At that time, I use uniform size, i think I use 3/4" pipping throught out.

    The outer diameter fits nicely with Eheim hose 25/?? and this fit well with MD55 too.


  17. I think this will be much easier.

    Just fill up water on top and turn on the pump and it will pump out water automatically.

    I use this method before with my MD55.

    PLease make sure the endcap is securely tight, if possible put a a white tape to make sure it is tight.



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