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Everything posted by huanjie

  1. Hi guys, were in Aur 2 weeks ago and trying out my uw camera for the first time
  2. Use the egg crate wrapped with plastic net ( those that comes with some fruits ) to cover the overflow to prevent fishes falling in.
  3. Visit sgreefclub at least once a week to read at least the tip of the month !
  4. my niger trigger sleep with its head stuck into a hole with body expose, very much like an ostrict:lol:
  5. In Short, its either 1 or 3 or more, 2 is strongly not advisable.
  6. Read somewhere, its possbile to keep more than one tang of the same species like bpt since they school in the wild. But keep more than 2 , since like any school, one will be domineering and keep bullying the other, if you have 3, then two will take turn to be bullied and thus distribute the stress. that is provided all the three survive and acclimate in your tank well, and you have to consider the tank size of keeping so many tangs in the same tank. I have no experience to back the theories up , tank not big enough and too risky for me. But then again the temptation of seeing a group of PBT in one tank might motivate some reefers to try it. just my two cents.
  7. This tang is full of suprise, first it was the identity now it is the choice of food. Just saw it pulling the shit out from the clown tang and swallow it full !! .... , the only fish that is gutsy enought to chase the clown tang for its shit.. haha... once in a while he eat the yellow tang's shit, but only bit and pieces never right from the ######(pardon my language), I guess he prefer digested meaty food more as the clown eat mostly meaty food.
  8. Hmmm. the more I look at it the more it looks like Ctenochaetus binotatus. Had been mis-informing people that see the fish from orange-band, to kole to lavender haha... luckily the care for most tangs are similar.... I hope this fella will retains its yellow tail too...
  9. Not on the top of its menu, but will eat when no choice, especially when first introduce(probably resemsbles more to its natural source of food) ,but now prefer the food it is fed.
  10. this must be a lavender tang
  11. Should be real.... Read this : (taken from Padi website) "Arthur Porzycki, Derawan, is not an authorized PADI member and is not authorized to conduct any PADI course or program. If Mr Porzycki represents himself as an authorized PADI Instructor please contact PADI Asia Pacific at: traindep@padi.com.au. " They are even looking for him .... yeah they should post his picture...
  12. Hi, I have a chiller (Teco 680 ) that has been running for about a year now. Wondering if it needs service. How often do you service your chiller ? is it based on a regular basis ? or when the chiller take a longer time to chill the tank ? How long does a typical service take ? How do you keep the temperature low while the chiller is away, any shop providing service for rental and service of chiller ? All opinions welcome.
  13. I have not use it before,... hopefully members have experience with corallife kalk and help.
  14. yeah, has to agree with you. Its a fun fish to have, it attack the magnet cleaner everytime i scrap off the diatom off the glass as the cleaning took his food away
  15. I got mine from pasir ris about 8 months ago , its seasonal I think..... ands its really difficult to tell what species it is when they are young its all yellow ...
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