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Posts posted by jsoon

  1. I've used octozin...it was reef-safe for me..just follow the dosage instructions and all should be well. If I remember correctly the only invert group it is unsafe for are echinoderms...the starfish and sea urchin group..

    Octozin might take longer to work compared to Myxazin.


    I used myxzain but would like to try Octozin but I have 2 starfishes, a cucumber. Is it still safe for these creatures ?

  2. hey guy thank for all the info.....

    i know regal is a kind of need a lot of care....but i do find it nice so i buy it at C328....at $20.00

    i have try brine shrimp with seachem garlic....but this guy don eat to...

    kind of sad ;)

    maybe down by c328 to check got other frozen...anyone going down to C328 can give me a call....i be there around 10 plus.. my no 96884929


    There are 2 Regal Angels during the last shipment from C328. I believed you took the smaller one. I end up with the bigger one.

    Apparently, the Regal Angels are not stablised yet. I realise that it is shitting a lot. I am looking out for sign of poisoning - normally too much of the posion will cause it stomach problems.

    Most Regal are fussy eater but even the most fussy eaters I got from ML are all trained them to eat frozen food, I have no problems when I bring them back.

    I regret that I miss out ML Regal and ended up, my greed got better of me, bought the Regals from C328.

    I should have known better than to trust LFS when he doesn't even know what it should eat.

    I take it as a lesson learnt.

  3. Dunno where to post but I would like to ask all to help.

    Do you know where I can get a good book on Marine Aquarium that talks about filteration system as well as care of different species of Marine Fishes ?

    I have been searching around major book store around Singapore but no luck.

    Yesterday, I saw a LFS shop showing me an "all-bioballs filter system" from a book (title Marine Aquarium - big A4 size greenish blue cover ) but he did not want to disclose where I can get this book. <_<

  4. I got a pink colour slut from one of the LFS and that owner told me that it eats only algae.

    I bought it back and look like it stuck to my mushroom for some time. I am bit worried...

    Can someone id for me this slut and also give me advice what it eats?

    It is on the right..pink colour...can't miss it...



  5. I am so confused which corals can put side by side with other corals and which corals need strong current and etc

    Is there a good web site or link I can refer to about corals. It will be good also to know how to take care of certain corals and feeding habits.

    Any help ?

  6. I just added in a Flame Angel and straight away my coral beauty bully him until it scare and hide into the rocks.

    The bully then chase him until I can't find him anymore.

    I asked the shop and he says that the two species can mix but I never expect such aggression. I saw my yellow tang display a less threathening tone to the flame angel.

    What should I do ?

  7. well my tank have been runnuing for 2months already......

    filter running cannister-reverse flow and wet and dry overflow method....

    do not have any coral yet but wif live rocks and 3 anemones......few fishes like boxfish,domino,sergeant maj,chromis,common clown..... and two dancing shrimps..........3 tube worms...............

    recently my yellow also got nip at its fins by dunno-which fish...........?

    all the damsel are far small for the fish.........!

    few days ago my blue tang MIA .......dunno gone where ......?

    die always must has its dead body and skeleton mah........

    check everywhere but cant find..........is it possible for all fish to eat the entire in just 12hrs ???????????? food is provided everyday for all fishes.............!!!!!

    HAUNTED AQUARIUM..... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

    Try to lift up the rocks to find your fish...if it dies, the body will rot into the tank and your filter may not cope with it.

  8. AT,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Since this thread was started by me, I sincerely apologise that it has ended that way...from an informative thread to a ....uhmmm,....

    Did Jimmy mentioned to you who he would like to talk to ? Maybe, you can pm me in private and if I am one of them, I will ask Jimmy about it.

    In fact, Jimmy is open to people who are open to discussion with him on Marine facts as he is learning as much as we do. That is my observations on Jimmy.

  9. try using a pump with lower pressure.try using 1000L/H to 1500L/H and test it.

    Currently wat pump are you using now? if it's too powerful, it will have the same effect as what u stated earlier on.

    I am using Eheim 1262 (3400L) to pump the SCWD for a week it was working fine. Now kapuk !!!! :angry:

    According to the manual, it state that the minimum flow should be 2000 L /hr and that is why I upgraded from eheim 1060 to 1262. When I use eheim 1060, the effect was very weak. I hardly see any the corals swaying away to the waves. But when I upgrade to 1262, that was some significant effect.

    I did comtemplate to get Ocean Free 9000 which is 4500 L /hr but decide to lower the outflow to 34000 L.

    I will try to see if a lower pump can get the effect.

    Do you think the LFS can help us to change if it is defective ?

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