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Everything posted by bacon

  1. but my tank is only 15 inch deep,is it too shallow or not.and wat is the power of your power head and also how thick is your sandbed man ,razo.is 5inch going to be too thin??
  2. sorry,typo error.can my 2ft tank do without a chiller????
  3. thxs,everyone.but wat is the dimension of that two feet tank ,razo.and anyway can a subgravel filter be used for a 18inch tank as the only filter???????????????
  4. i am about to start a 2ft tank.i plan to keep just 3 clown fish, 1blenny,1cow fish,2cleaner shrimp,1turbosnail and some corals withdead rock and supercoraline rocks.would a librty hang on back filter be able to cope together with a 900 l/h powerhead.please help and advise.
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