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Everything posted by danniersi

  1. Tank , return pump, skimmer , wavemarker , active carbon plus live sand and FOC chaeto at 200 firm , up for grab
  2. Items left 2 X skimz 21l tank 1 X skimz nano tank skimmer 2 X hydor nano wave marker
  3. 1 skimmer pending collection, left 1 more skimmer :$90each 2 x skimz nano tank L:12"×W:16"×H:12" (4"ios) :$120 each 2x hydor nano wave marker :$50 each Bundle package : tank , livesand and hydor nano wave marker without skimmer going at 130 cash and carry , with FOC chaeto
  4. Bump anyone can collect the 1 of the decom set this weekend at 200 ( tank , skimmer wave marker and Foc chaeto)
  5. http://s203.photobucket.com/user/danniersi/media/DSC00227.jpg.html'> simple IOS
  6. Tofubox,no prob later I try to take a photo and post , i will pm you megacue
  7. I have two set of these tanks one decom with live sand and water running . the other will decom once my new tank arrived http://s203.photobucket.com/user/danniersi/media/DSC00214.jpg.html'> http://s203.photobucket.com/user/danniersi/media/DSC00213.jpg.html'> http://s203.photobucket.com/user/danniersi/media/DSC00212.jpg.html'> Reason for selling :upgrading to a bigger tank ALL these items are barely one month old , still under warranty by AM . current set that im selling come with live sand , hydor nano wave maker , 600l/h pump ,skimz custom nano skimmer (skim really well). when confirm the deal then i will remove the water for collection , to prevent live sand and pods that i invested in to die . wish to sell as a whole at $280 if interested separately tankset itself is $150 with live sand , will free some chaeto . SKIMz skimmer $90 Hydor Nano wave marker $55 Collection point at SengKang .
  8. anyone looking for exotic yuma , drop by Aquarist Chamber Just got this from them , when under LED blue is stunning . too bad my camera not powerful enough to capture the color http://s203.photobucket.com/user/danniersi/media/DSC00207.jpg.html'>
  9. http://s203.photobucket.com/user/danniersi/media/DSC00207.jpg.html'> just got this from Aquarist Chamber , looks really great under blue LED but my camera is not preforming
  10. thanks , is ios 21l arcylic tank by AM with their custom skimmer for this tank, bio home plus media and cheato .
  11. Just got back from Aquarist Chamber , hand itchy again so happened that i asked about YUMA , Guess what, Steven shared his little secret and i hoot all this premium biocolored yuma back http://s203.photobucket.com/user/danniersi/media/DSC00207.jpg.html'>
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