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Everything posted by lyz77

  1. Then I think yr hse imust be installed with solar panel to conserve energy rite!
  2. U kw me... I will go for 3 x 250W! Or maybe 2 x 250W on the mountain and 1 x 150W at the cemtre!
  3. Arcadia cms with built in timer. Hw abt the brand Sfiligoi? http://www.aquariumobsessed.com/images/Sfi...finty_XR4_1.jpg Solaris oso carry MH!!!
  4. U may wanna add another seio soon in order to improve on your tank circulation which oso help to minimize the traping of detrius!!!
  5. Can't recall the brand name! Let me do a search to see if I have any link to it! But one thing for sure, if u use back the water and LR from your old tank, it will speed up the cycling process too!
  6. Try puffer fish loh! Can make sushi out from it!!!
  7. Do keep us post of your queen angel as I wanna keep one too! But juz afraid tat it will feed on my LPS/ soft coral!!!
  8. Haha... that's oni for show lah! Most of the time I oni drink red/ white wine!
  9. I think both of us hv something in common!!!
  10. STOP IT..... stop influencing me.... as I'm onna burn a big and yet to recover hole in my pocket!!!!
  11. Wht's the height or rather depth of the tank that u hv seen using 150W?
  12. With the bacteria starter, I heard that some brand can even reduce the nitrogen cycle to within 1-3days!!! Special service provided by Steve from AM for your rock scape! I think Steve have the strongest backbone since he needs to do it quite often!!!
  13. Yes! For sure will add in at least 4 T5 tube to balance the lighting effect! Another reason for changing to MH is oso to use 3ft T5 instead of the current 2ft length due to the lousy design of my lighting fixture!!!
  14. Yap! Hving more MH will result in higher power comsumption which means higher electrical bills!!! As for the chiller, I think it's a yes and no cos with and without my MH, there isn't much diff in the kick-in time which I think it's partially due to the height of my MH ( ard 1 ft abt water surface)! Feels like a nvr ending story as it will be a big loss if I upgrade my lighting fixture now taking into acc the initial $ I spend on it!!!
  15. Thought of that too but solving one problem will created another!!! Higher height will hv better coverage but the light penetration will be weaker!
  16. I think it's up to individual! Hving a good rock scape will help to minimize potential detrius built up and enhance the circulation/ flow within the tank!
  17. I have the intention of changing my current lighting fixture as having a single 400W MH does not seems to provide a good coverage for my 3ft cube tank especially I'm planning for 70%SPS and 30%LPS. I have stream down to the model that I may be getting but still open to any ideas/ suggestion. HQI-MEGA-D 250W+400W HQI-Mini900 2x250W + 1x150W Kindly provide me with your comment/ suggestion!
  18. With the current size of the tank u r having, I can't imagine how great and elegance it's gonna be when your office paradise is up!!!
  19. Is that your bar counter? Anyway Bro acidjazz, life is short and uncertain. Juz trust your instinct and do whatever u wanna do as I strongly believe "Juz do it and dun regret"! Most of the time, pple tends to look back and start to regret either things they hv done or did not try to do it! Oohs......
  20. I second to bro w3ish3ng opinion. Bro chrislzh, it's exciting to get new corals and we all understand the kind of satisfaction while stocking up! But since your tank is still rather new, u gonna stock up slowly to ensure the safety of your LS/ coral and oso yr wallet! A sudden increase in the LS/ coral may cause some of your parameter to swing without u even noticing! Btw, u may wanna add another seio to blow at your LR as it seems like there's a great potential of detrius being trap behind your LR! Sorry for being so nagging like a grandfather!!! Anyway, nice scaping and sun coral u have! Upz.....
  21. During the rockscaping, did u try to elevate the rock or try have as little contact as possible between the rock and SB? That's smthing I miss out during my setup and hving as little contact or elevated rock will ensure that the detrius won't be trap easily which will result in the increase in your NO3 or PO4. That's wht I learn from sm of the senior reefers!!!
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