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Mr. Tay

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Posts posted by Mr. Tay

  1. Just an update on my upgrade of the “sump” (perhaps should call it as Tank Extension, which effectively I am having a 24G setup with 12G for Display and 12G for additional water capacity and more filter media) as per the attached photos.

    before upgrade:
    I was using two round 6g circular tanks.

    after upgrade:
    I am now using a 12g tank with threes compartments 

    Objectives for the upgrade:
    1. nicer and better visual effect
    2. eliminate risk of water overflow from the circular tanks in the old setup

    Attached are photos of the setup before and after the upgrade.



  2. Just to add one more Zoas which is available to Swap.

    Following is the name list of all my Zoas which available to swap:

    1. Rainbow Incinerator
    2. Cat Eye
    3. Purple monster 
    4. Nightmare
    5. Pink Hallucination

    No too sure able the name of the 1st Zoas in the photo.


  3. I am looking at swapping the following with fellow Zoas reefers 

    1. Pink Hallucination - 9 polyps 

    2. Nightmares - 5 polyps 


    Looking for the following Zoas or any Zoas with bright colors :

    > MindTricks

    > Speckled Krak

    > Petroglyphs

    > Rainbow infusion 

    Please message me on what you have and your contact number to discuss on the swap arrangement.

    Thanks and wishing all reefers a Happy New Year !



  4. Like to share on my personal experience / opinion in my two Zoas swap / trade activities with fellow reefers :

    1. Enjoy the process. Do not get into any feeling / thinking about whether it is fair / unfair in terms of values of the swap / trade activity.

    2. Take it as an opportunities in meeting and knowing fellow reefers who are having the same interest in Zoas keeping

    3. Be open minded to find out what is / are available from other fellow reefers has / have to swap / trade and also listen to suggestion / proposal on the swap / trade arrangement. Such as the type and # of Polyps to swap / trade, counter propose if needed and hopefully can establish a common understanding and agreement.

    4. Give time and let the frag to be stabilised before the physical swap / trade takes place.

    5.  The swapped / traded Zoas from another reefer will need time to stabilise and acclimatise to your tank lighting and water condition(s).
    Do note that for whatever reason, the swapped / traded Zoas might not be able to make it (survive) in your tank in a worst case.

    6. Through the swap / trade activity, it allows both parties to expand on the Zoas collections.

    Hopes the above information is useful.

    Feel free to PM me if you are keen to conduct any swap / trade activities :) 

    Will post some updated photos of my collections in my next post.

  5. Just wanting to share on my personal feeling in this journey of reefing - Zoas keeping:

    1. It is a sense of satisfaction and motivated when seeing the Zoas are growing well. 
    2. At times feel like giving up as not able to find enough time to carry out the necessary maintenance / upgrade works.
    3. Constantly looking and thinking of making slight improvements aiming to achieve a better outcomes / results.
    4. Spending lots of time searching for relevant information as well as watching relevant videos in learning and gaining more knowledge for the hobby.
    5. Daring to try something different from the norm in order to establish own way(s) of reefing.
    6. Enjoying to share / exchange of information on Zoas Keeping. 
    7. Happy to meet other reefers to trade / swap Zoas to expand the collections.

    Have a wonderful and enjoyable weekend and do enjoy Zoas Keeping :) 


  6. I would like to share the following info which I have learned during the fragging process:

    1. Cut the frag disc rather than cut the base of the polyps. This will minimise any damages to the polyps. And polyps will recover from the fragging process in no time :) 

    2.  Try to use those frag disc or frag plug which can be cut easily to house your Zoas. This will cut down the time and effort required during the fragging process in future. 

    3. Certainly having the right tool will make it easier for the fragging process.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any Zoas which you are looking to swap / trade with.

    I will share my experience when doing frag swap / trade with fellow reefers in my next post.

    Do stay safe and enjoy Zoas Keeping :)

  7. As I have just fragged a Zoas colony, I would like to share on the following information after going through various videos and forum posts on notes when fragging Zoas.

    1. Zoas might contain Toxic (Palytoxin) when it is Palythoa species. As such, advise are given that do take some precautionary measure when handling Zoas especially when fragging Zoas.

    2. Best is to wear protection gears to minimise exposure to risk in handling Zoas. It is not advisable to handle Zoas without any protection or when you have cutting on your skin.

    3. Attached are some of the protection gears that I am using when fragging Zoas just to be on the safe side.

    4. I try to submerge the Zoas in water as much as possible during the fragging process. 

    I find the following document is a good reference in terms of potential risk of Palytoxin Poisoning :


    Feel free to PM me if you have any nice / brighter color Zoas to swap :) 

    Do stay safe and enjoy Zoas Keeping :)




  8. Release a Healthy Colony with about 30 - 35 Polyps. Overall diameter for the Colony is around 3” - 3.5”. Attached photos of the Colony.

    Going for S$250 on First Come First Serve basic for collection at Sengkang. Interest party do PM me.

    I am open for trade with other nice Zoas (with 3 - 5 polyps). Do pm me on photos of your Zoas for trade :) 

    Thanks and happy reefing :) 


  9. To my limited knowledge of Zoas keeping, just to share the following observations:

    1. Zoas is sensitive to the following factors which affect their color and growth:
        > Lighting Intensity
        > Water Parameters    
         > Water Flow

    2. As such, following could happen when a Zoas is transfer from one tank to another:
         > The Zoas might not display the same color 
         > The Zoas might need some time to acclimate to the new lighting and water in a new tank
         > The Zoas might need some time after settling in the new tank before growing of new Polyps 
        > Worst thing to happen is the Zoas might not be able to survey in a new tank, which is quite unlikely but possible.

    3. When a Zoas is doing well in a location in the tank, try not to relocate to another location.

    4. When a Zoas is not doing well in a location in the tank, can try to relocate to a new location within the tank which the Zoas might do better in a new location.

    5. Size of individual Polyps is very much related to the lighting intensity. As such, same type of Zoas can have smaller in size under high lighting intensity. 

    6. Feeding Zoas will help to keep them stay healthy and help on their growth. But, over feeding can impact on the water parameters. Just need to observe and keep a balance.

    Enjoy Zoas keeping :)

    Next posting I will touch on Zoas fragging as I will be doing some flagging in the next two / three weeks. 

    I hope to have a few frags to exchange / trade on other Zoas that I am looking for / I am not having currently.

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