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Everything posted by soggy

  1. how do you tell if your hammer has brown slime disease?
  2. it's about 3 inches or so. not too good with estimation.
  3. i'll give it free if you collect it from my house at pasir ris drive 10.
  4. $4 for the fish. i wish to get rid of it. healthy. pm me.
  5. just wondering how often should i change the water in my tank. and should the salt water be bubbled or just let to rest before adding into the tank? thanks.
  6. mushrooms almost never die. they are the hariest of the hardy corals.
  7. i read that ricordeas don't do too well under lighting that's too intense. well, correct me if i'm wrong.
  8. i paid $12 for my speciment. got it at pa**r r** farmway 2. dunno what's the name of the lfs. but the owner's arm is as colourful if not more colourful than AT's tank.
  9. the tips are like a very faint green. but i hope that gets darker. it's slightly purple cause of the lighting i suppose. the tentacles are a light brown.
  10. say i wanna add somemore liverock to my tank. do i add then straight of should i cure them in say a pail for 2 weeks before i do..
  11. got another clearer and closer pic of my hammer. how does it look to your guys? gimme your honest opinions. thanks.
  12. i understand where you're going at and i appreciate the sharing. but seriously, those are really nice hammers you have there.
  13. put 1 fish in the tank, and they will be eaten up.
  14. love those rocks. very nice set up.
  15. want to buy the above mentioned skimmer .
  16. which one in pasir ris are you talking about?
  17. beautiful hammers you guys got. i feel so inferior. but thanks for sharing the knowledge.
  18. here's my newly aquired speciment. what say you all?
  19. hrmm.. i went to t9* just now. $40/colony. and not very healthy. either he's cheating me. or the prices are way too jacked.
  20. sorry, i don't quite understand what you mean aikwan.
  21. wanna get one of these beauties. just wondering if they're hardy and easy to keep. if so, what kind of measures am i looking at. thanks,
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