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Plan to convert to FOWLR tank...

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  • SRC Member

I have decided to scale my plan for a LFS or SPS tank to a FOWLR one as I have not been giving enough due attention to my tanks for the past few months. My tanks has been running for over a year (a 3ft main tank with a 3ft sump) so my live rocks should be quite mature already. What I intend to do is do away with the sump (it will be eventually converted to freshwater as my friend likes one). I will transfer all live rocks and enough sand to the main tank and rockscape again. I will shift my Prizm Pro Deluxe to the main tank as well. Since I have several bags of bio-rings, I thought of burying one on a sloping sandscape, while the rest will be supporting live rocks (and using the rocks to cover the bags of bio-rings. Instead of using chiller, I will use fans. Also, do you think 4xPL lights is an overkill for a FOWLR?

Hmmm...isn't this like a Berlin system?

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  • SRC Member

I'm not sure if the biorings will have any effect if you just bury them, i think they need water flowing through them to work. If you plan to do away with the sump, then you should invest in at least a canister filter unless your going for a low bioload.

4tubes of PL is definitely overkill, suggest you downgrade to only 2tubes or use only FLs also can. Abit wasteful to run 4tubes of PLs.

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  • SRC Member

I am using the existing light fixture that I have, so I can switch on 1 row of 2xPL most of the time. As for burying bio-rings, I am not sure if you need constant water flow...look at DSB, water will seep down to the lower depths at a slow rate.

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  • SRC Member

You may not be making full use of the media if the water flow through it is not fast enough, thats how i think about burying your media in the water. Its about not being able to make full use of it.

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  • SRC Member

Hi bro, you had the same though like me, plan to convert my LPS to fish only tank due to heavy work comittment. but this is only temp, once all my work up on track, i will return with SPS, Haha.

just a thing want to know, is it a must to had a chiller for fish only as all my fish (mainly tang) had been staying with an average of 24.5 degree water condition for about a year.

:thanks: for all the expert comment


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just a thing want to know, is it a must to had a chiller for fish only as all my fish (mainly tang) had been staying with an average of 24.5 degree water condition for about a year.

not necessary lah...without corals...can go without chiller and good lightings....remember my FOWLR in the hall....very minimal setup with no fancy equipment...

a simple pic ....I use fake corals (moulded type..not dead corals) to add colours


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