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Wts used and new items

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Rowaphos 1kg $50

Acropower 1kg $60

Salifert Alk test kit new $13

Neonitro 500g new and 240gs old $20

Neophos 480gs $10

Kalkwasser 490gs $15

Carbon(redsed) 480gs $10

Revive coral dip 450gs $15

Special blend 420gs $10

Iodide seachem 480gs $15

Life source aquaforest 640gs $20

Sow-8 wave maker $80 new

Slw10 wave maker $40 condition 7/10

Redsea Alk powder 740g $15

Redsea Alk powder 730g $15

Redsea Cal powder 560g $5

Mg powder 230g

Phosphate Rx (Left 80%) $50

Alk, mg, cal, nitrate, phosphate $30(old test kit around 50% left)20230529_224744.jpg20230530_091430.jpg


Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app



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Remaining items;

Rowaphos 1kg $50
Acropower 1kg $60
Salifert Alk test kit new $13
Neonitro 500g new and 240gs old $20
Neophos 480gs $10
Kalkwasser 490gs $15
Carbon(redsed) 480gs $10
Revive coral dip 450gs $15
Special blend 420gs $10
Iodide seachem 480gs $15
Life source aquaforest 640gs $20
Sow-8 wave maker $80 new
Slw10 wave maker $40 condition 7/10
Redsea Alk powder 740g $15
Redsea Alk powder 730g $15
Phosphate Rx (Left 80%) $50
Alk, mg, cal, nitrate, phosphate $30(old test kit around 50% left)

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Remaining items;

Rowaphos 1kg $50
Salifert Alk test kit new $13
Neophos 480gs $10
Kalkwasser 490gs $15
Carbon(redsed) 480gs $10
Revive coral dip 450gs $15
Special blend 420gs $10
Iodide seachem 480gs $15
Sow-8 wave maker $80 new
Slw10 wave maker $40 condition 7/10
Redsea Alk powder 740g $15
Redsea Alk powder 730g $15
Phosphate Rx (Left 80%) $50
Alk, mg, cal, nitrate, phosphate $30(old test kit around 50% left)

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Remaining items;

Rowaphos 1kg $50
Neophos 480gs $10
Kalkwasser 490gs $15
Carbon(redsed) 480gs $10
Revive coral dip 450gs $15
Special blend 420gs $10
Iodide seachem 480gs $15
Sow-8 wave maker $80 new
Slw10 wave maker $40 condition 7/10
Redsea Alk powder 740g $15
Redsea Alk powder 730g $15
Phosphate Rx (Left 80%) $50
Fish isolation box $1520230602_091549.jpg

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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