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WTS - Rhinopias Scorpionfish x 3

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WTS the following

1 x rhinopias frondosa

2 x rhinopias eschmeyeri

WTG the following

1x Tassled Filefish (not pictured)

RFS: Rescaping and trying something different

Been with me 7 months, feeding ONLY on live mollies and ghost shrimp. Species tank recommended. But people have mixed them with larger predators as long as the other fish cannot fit in their mouths (i.e Lionfish, large tangs/butterflies. They are with a large Golden Butterfly)

Please do your research before buying these. Reef safe, Not difficult to keep and dont need a lot of space, but only eats live food and you are very limited on possible tank mates. They are also HIGHLY VENOMOUS.

$100 each, $250 for all 3. Priority to anyone who will take all 3.

Take all 3 today $200. 


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