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Flea Market!


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Dear reefers,

My company will be in charge of sourcing for vendors for an event organized by MICA (Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts). My job would be to source for vendors for a 'Flea Market' held at the end point of the event 'Heritage Walk - An Enchanting Evening', which is at the Singapore River Promenade right in front of the UOB Plaza along Boat Quay. I'm calling for all interested parties to come partake in this huge event in setting up stalls selling knick knacks, old clothes, handcrafts, or WHATEVER you wanna sell! Before going on, a little bit about the event first.

Heritage Walk - Steering Committee and co-organiser Lianhe Wanbao is organizing an event called the Heritage Walk: An enchanting Evening. An Enchanting Evening is a historic exploration kicking off a two-week long public exhibition of Singapore’s 40 years of nation building. The hunt will see four groups beginning a journey from four starting points and cover 40 different locations on the trail, leading them through historical landmarks and activities from significant moments in Singapore’s history.

Participants will reach the end point at UOB Plaza where there would be carnival and participants will be treated to a visual feast of exciting performances, goodie bags, food and drinks as well as a Grand Lucky Draw. We are kindly requesting stalls to be set up at the end point and each vendor will be charged $40 per stall. This is a major event in conjuncture with the coming National Day, and is supported by major organizations like the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA), National Heritage Board (NHB), People’s Association (PA), UOB Bank and Central Singapore Community Development (CDC). Power 98 is the official radio station and will also provide live coverage to this event. Other details are as follows:

Date & Time : 13 August 2005 – Saturday, 5pm – 10pm

Venue: UOB Plaza

Crowd: 2000 – 3000 or more

Cost: $40 per stall (1.5m x 1.5m) - only 20 stalls are available!

As you can guess, this is a rather large - scale, nation - wide event, and unlike other 'flea markets', there will BE control of human traffic and each stall is GUARANTEED the traffic of the 2000 - 3000 participants taking part in this event, so depending on your wares, your negotiation skills, or simply your 'skill' as a 'cutthroat', sales could be potentially phenomenal! Interested parties please drop me a PM with your contact number and I'll reply to you ASAP. Please bear in mind that only 20 stalls are available. Thanks for reading!

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