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Selling off everything (tank,chiller,filter,light)

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Transportation/Installation is not provided.

I am located near redhill mrt.


5ft x 2ft x 2ft tank x 12mm glass, front panel = starphire, all the rest is asahi. with cabinet. purchase price $2k+ , asking price $700 or your best offer.


Cabinet is chengal

transport not provided

no hood.


Artica Chiller DBE-200 1/4 hp http://www.jbjlighting.com/pdfs/DBE-200_manual.pdf purchase price $1800, asking price $1100

inclusive of eheim pump , existing piping, and 2 eheim installation set

-CO2 System-----------------

Denerrle CO2 controller $150

Aquamedic external co2 reactor $80

partially used (75psi) 5L steel co2 tank $60 + taiwan manual/regulator + bubble counter + glass co2 diffusor



eheim 2028 filter ($200)

inclusive 1 media basket of biohome and 2 eheim installation set + used piping.

UV filter (turbo twist) ($20)


ceiling mounted Arcadia series 3 MH lighting (2 x 150W + 2 x FL) asking $600 , bulbs are relatively new replacements.

2 x iwasaki eye color arc 6500K daylight bulbs bought Feb 2006

(installation of pendant not provided)

sorry, water not clear cos all plants ripped out.


clear shot


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5ft x 2ft x 2ft tank x 12mm glass, front panel = starphire, all the rest is asahi. with cabinet. purchase price $2k+ , asking price $700 or your best offer.


Cabinet is chengal

transport not provided


Artica Chiller DBE-200 1/4 hp http://www.jbjlighting.com/pdfs/DBE-200_manual.pdf purchase price $1800, asking price $1100

inclusive of eheim pump , existing piping, and 2 eheim installation set

-CO2 System-----------------

Denerrle CO2 controller $150

Aquamedic external co2 reactor $80 * reserved s.....*


ceiling mounted Arcadia series 3 MH lighting (2 x 150W + 2 x FL) asking $600 , bulbs are relatively new replacements.

2 x iwasaki eye color arc 6500K daylight bulbs bought Feb 2006

(installation of pendant not provided)


coralife 3x turbotwist uv filter $20

eheim 2028 with 2 eheim installation set + 1 basket biohome $200 + existing piping *tentatively reserved for a week for spiny_lobster*

-Fauna -----------------

30+ corydoras of varying species.

2 sturisoma sp./ helicopter farlowella + 1 small ancistrus *sold*

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update. what is available, (items not listed have been sold)


5ft x 2ft x 2ft tank x 12mm glass, front panel = starphire, all the rest is asahi. with cabinet. purchase price $2k+ , asking price $700 or your best offer.


Cabinet is chengal

no hood, no IOS or other forms of in tank filtration.

transport not provided


Artica Chiller DBE-200 1/4 hp http://www.jbjlighting.com/pdfs/DBE-200_manual.pdf purchase price $1800, asking price $1100

inclusive of eheim pump , existing piping, and 2 eheim installation set


Azoo Thermoelectric Chiller 240W.. $180 (suitable for 2ft tank)

-CO2 System-----------------

Aquamedic external co2 reactor $80 *tentatively reserved solo.....*


ceiling mounted Arcadia series 3 MH lighting (2 x 150W + 2 x FL) asking $600 , bulbs are relatively new replacements.

2 x iwasaki eye color arc 6500K daylight bulbs bought Feb 2006

(installation of pendant not provided)


eheim 2028 with 2 eheim installation set + 1 basket biohome $200 + existing piping *tentatively reserved for a week for spiny_lobster*

2 sets of eheim liberty 2042 (the largest model), $15 each


-Fauna -----------------

30+ corydoras of varying species. $30 (mostly sterbai, napo, elegans, delphax, melatonia, concolor, aeneus, peppered, brochis, cochui, yellow cat, spp, etc). I just need someone to sapu all and clear. price is firm and way below market at $1 a fish.

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still available


5ft x 2ft x 2ft tank x 12mm glass, front panel = starphire, all the rest is asahi. with cabinet. purchase price $2k+ , asking price $700 or your best offer.


Cabinet is chengal

transport not provided


Artica Chiller DBE-200 1/4 hp http://www.jbjlighting.com/pdfs/DBE-200_manual.pdf purchase price $1800, asking price $1100

inclusive of eheim pump , existing piping, and 2 eheim installation set


ceiling mounted Arcadia series 3 MH lighting (2 x 150W + 2 x FL) asking $600 , bulbs are relatively new replacements.

2 x iwasaki eye color arc 6500K daylight bulbs bought Feb 2006

(installation of pendant not provided)


eheim 2028 with 2 eheim installation set + 1 basket biohome $200 + existing piping

(eheim installation set) http://www.eheimasiapacific.com/English/installationset.htm

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items still available


5ft x 2ft x 2ft tank x 12mm glass, front panel = starphire, all the rest is asahi float glass. with cabinet. purchase price $2k+ , asking price $700 or your best offer.


Cabinet is chengal

no hood, no IOS, no sump or other forms of in tank filtration.

transport not provided

about 1.5 yrs old


Artica Chiller DBE-200 1/4 hp http://www.jbjlighting.com/pdfs/DBE-200_manual.pdf purchase price $1800, asking price $1100

inclusive of eheim pump , existing piping, and 2 eheim installation set

about 1.5 yrs old, still have warranty.


Azoo Thermoelectric Chiller 240W.. $180 (suitable for 2ft tank)


ceiling mounted Arcadia series 3 MH lighting (2 x 150W + 2 x FL) asking $600 , bulbs are relatively new replacements.

2 x iwasaki eye color arc 6500K daylight bulbs bought Feb 2006

(installation of pendant not provided)








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