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Do You Need To Feed Your Corals?


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If you ask around, you will very likely get different answers to this question. Reason is, it depends on what species of corals you are keeping.

Corals can generally be categorized as photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic. Yet there are also corals that are both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic at the same time. Photosynthetic corals have symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within their bodies. These algae produce food through the process of photosynthesis using light much like plants. The food they produce also goes to feed the corals. Non-photosynthetic corals on the other hand, do not have zooxantellae aglae hosted on them and must feed by straining suspended matter and food particles from water. They are therefore known as filter feeders.

Very often, I hear comments from hobbyists that it is impossible to keep corals like Gorgonias (Sea Fans), Dendros (Dendronephthya), Gonios (Gonioporas) and Sun Coraqls (Tubastraea) for long periods in an aquarium. It is very likely that they were all starved to death because these are predominantly filter feeders. In case you are not familiar with the names, I have included pictures of some corals that are either fully or partially filter feeders below for your viewing pleasure.


So if you are keeping any of these, please remember they need to be fed. The question then is, what and how do you feed them? Many people believe the food you feed to the fishes such as brine shrimps, mysis and even pellets are good enough. Well, some of this food is no doubt absorbed by these corals. However, many of these corals do not have mouths big enough to feed on large particles. Hence, it is important that you feed them food that is of the correct size. You can feed them with special coral food available from many LFS.

Happy Reefing!




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