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My first 8G/30L Boyu Nano tank... help needed?

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Hi All.. :)

Just start this little hobby with my 2 staff in the office last week.

We have purchase a 8 gallon / 30 liters so call Nano tank and now cycling the water(from the FS) for a week with black sand.

Will be getting live rock this weekend. :)

I have some question and hope you guys can help.. :thanks:

1. Since is a small tank, must I get a protein skimmer? If yes, any good brands to recommend?

2. I be keeping live rock, fishes(cute and small) and coral, therefore should I get a small chiller to keep the live stock alive?

3. I got a so call "thermometer" look alike to test for the salinity and what other equipments or test kit to get. Read from the web talking about ammonia, nitrates etc... :unsure:

4. If everything is ok, how frequent must i change the water and how many percent?

5. For topping up the water, can i use tap water or "self mix" salt water?

Think is about all.... :eyebrow:

Hope you guys can help and advise me if I miss out any important steps.

Thanks you very much... :thanks:

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Just a quick reply:

1. Since is a small tank, must I get a protein skimmer? If yes, any good brands to recommend?

If you are committed to frequent water change and not overfeeding, then the protein skimmer is not a must (although some people swear by it), since it is hard to find a good decent one for that tank size.

2. I be keeping live rock, fishes(cute and small) and coral, therefore should I get a small chiller to keep the live stock alive?

I assume your office has air-con right? That should be sufficient, but you need to think about how to keep the water cool for 2 days a week when nobody is around the office (fan?) :)

3. I got a so call "thermometer" look alike to test for the salinity and what other equipments or test kit to get. Read from the web talking about ammonia, nitrates etc... :unsure:

Get the basic test kits for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate, these are quite crucial for the cycling period, although I hardly use the ammonia test kit after my own tank completed cycling.

4. If everything is ok, how frequent must i change the water and how many percent?

For suck a small tank, I would think that water change needs to be more frequent cos the water parameters fluctuates quite greatly. I think 25% each time should be safe.

5. For topping up the water, can i use tap water or "self mix" salt water?

Try not to use tap water, cos it contains phosphates and other organic/chemical substances. Do you have a water cooler/purifier in the office? Water from there should be quite safe depending on what kind of filtration it goes through, if not, for such a small tank, you can easily buy 1.5 litres distilled water for water change.

Lastly, good luck with your office tank, it is always a great idea to look away from the computer once in a while to relax :eyebrow:

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

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  • SRC Member
Just a quick reply:

1. Since is a small tank, must I get a protein skimmer? If yes, any good brands to recommend?

If you are committed to frequent water change and not overfeeding, then the protein skimmer is not a must (although some people swear by it), since it is hard to find a good decent one for that tank size.

2. I be keeping live rock, fishes(cute and small) and coral, therefore should I get a small chiller to keep the live stock alive?

I assume your office has air-con right? That should be sufficient, but you need to think about how to keep the water cool for 2 days a week when nobody is around the office (fan?) :)

3. I got a so call "thermometer" look alike to test for the salinity and what other equipments or test kit to get. Read from the web talking about ammonia, nitrates etc... :unsure:

Get the basic test kits for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate, these are quite crucial for the cycling period, although I hardly use the ammonia test kit after my own tank completed cycling.

4. If everything is ok, how frequent must i change the water and how many percent?

For suck a small tank, I would think that water change needs to be more frequent cos the water parameters fluctuates quite greatly. I think 25% each time should be safe.

5. For topping up the water, can i use tap water or "self mix" salt water?

Try not to use tap water, cos it contains phosphates and other organic/chemical substances. Do you have a water cooler/purifier in the office? Water from there should be quite safe depending on what kind of filtration it goes through, if not, for such a small tank, you can easily buy 1.5 litres distilled water for water change.

Lastly, good luck with your office tank, it is always a great idea to look away from the computer once in a while to relax :eyebrow:

Hi binosage,

Thanks for your reply.

Can i say to play safe, is better to get a small protein skimmer for my tank?

I realize there are lots of brands out there and most is huge. Any idea is there a "nano" skimmer in the market.

Yes, the problem is over the weekend. Using fan was recommend by another guys who PM. But if i keep lots of coral(jelly or colorful type) will it be advisable to get a mini chiller to overcome the weekend spikes?

Ya.. any brands to recommend for the test kit? Some look so complicated which i have seen from the Fish shop.

25% for water change sound reasonable. can I do it monthly or only when the water turn cloudy?

Alright.. maybe I can start to stock up some distilled water when I visit NTUC.

Yes.. i kept in the office as wife say NO at home :whistle

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Hi binosage,

Thanks for your reply.

Can i say to play safe, is better to get a small protein skimmer for my tank?

I realize there are lots of brands out there and most is huge. Any idea is there a "nano" skimmer in the market.

Yes, the problem is over the weekend. Using fan was recommend by another guys who PM. But if i keep lots of coral(jelly or colorful type) will it be advisable to get a mini chiller to overcome the weekend spikes?

Ya.. any brands to recommend for the test kit? Some look so complicated which i have seen from the Fish shop.

25% for water change sound reasonable. can I do it monthly or only when the water turn cloudy?

Alright.. maybe I can start to stock up some distilled water when I visit NTUC.

Yes.. i kept in the office as wife say NO at home :whistle

get the ntuc brand, selling 3X1.5Lt for $1.35... dont change only when your tank start to turn cloudy, cos by that time your LS all mati liao... i would suggest to change water every 1 week, to play safe for a nano. water get pollute easily.

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There are several skimmers made for nano tanks, is your tank the nanocube style, with the overflow system built into the back? If so, you might want to get one that can fit into the compartment behind. If not, there are also several hang on skimmer options from the different brands.

Resun and Boyu made nano skimmers, I'm using the Boyu nano skimmer (model number WG-308 or something) for my JBJ 12 gallon, I find that it is not really skimming effectively, it does remove waste, but the residue in collection cup is always light tea coloured no matter how I tweak it. Also, it produces a lot of heat since it is cramped into the back of the compartment.

Regarding the chiller, it also depends on your budget la, if you can bear to spend on a chiller then by all means go ahead and get it. On hindsight, I didn't advise properly also, what I meant was the normal office aircon temperature can keep most livestock happy, but you've got to research on the kinds of livestock you intend to keep, and if they require low and stable temperature. If you don't place your tank beside the window, I think a fan will be able to keep the temperature within limits during the weekend afternoons. But watch out for evaporation, you would have to top up distilled water first thing every Monday morning if you use a fan for the weekend.

A lot of reefers recommend Salifert or API test kits, I never tried Salifert but it is said to be easier to read the results. I only know that API is easier on my wallet :lol:

Actually for a small tank, regular weekly water change is advised, to remove the nitrate/phosphate rich water with clean water, but it depends on your bioload and what kind of livestock you are keeping also. If you can keep your water parameters stable, or if your livestock are able to tolerate a bit of nutrients in the water then I guess you can afford to be a little lazy :)

NTUC distilled water is a very good deal! There's a promo now, 3 for $1.32 or something like that.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
Yes.. i kept in the office as wife say NO at home :whistle

Oh no, she is gonna regret not giving you permission... I can foresee you "working" late and returning to the office on weekends to "check on work" in the weeks to come..... Muahahahaha! :lol:

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
get the ntuc brand, selling 3X1.5Lt for $1.35... dont change only when your tank start to turn cloudy, cos by that time your LS all mati liao... i would suggest to change water every 1 week, to play safe for a nano. water get pollute easily.

Hi Pauline,

Got it... will start stock up distilled water now and prepare for water change. Many thanks :)

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  • SRC Member
There are several skimmers made for nano tanks, is your tank the nanocube style, with the overflow system built into the back? If so, you might want to get one that can fit into the compartment behind. If not, there are also several hang on skimmer options from the different brands.

Resun and Boyu made nano skimmers, I'm using the Boyu nano skimmer (model number WG-308 or something) for my JBJ 12 gallon, I find that it is not really skimming effectively, it does remove waste, but the residue in collection cup is always light tea coloured no matter how I tweak it. Also, it produces a lot of heat since it is cramped into the back of the compartment.

Regarding the chiller, it also depends on your budget la, if you can bear to spend on a chiller then by all means go ahead and get it. On hindsight, I didn't advise properly also, what I meant was the normal office aircon temperature can keep most livestock happy, but you've got to research on the kinds of livestock you intend to keep, and if they require low and stable temperature. If you don't place your tank beside the window, I think a fan will be able to keep the temperature within limits during the weekend afternoons. But watch out for evaporation, you would have to top up distilled water first thing every Monday morning if you use a fan for the weekend.

A lot of reefers recommend Salifert or API test kits, I never tried Salifert but it is said to be easier to read the results. I only know that API is easier on my wallet :lol:

Actually for a small tank, regular weekly water change is advised, to remove the nitrate/phosphate rich water with clean water, but it depends on your bioload and what kind of livestock you are keeping also. If you can keep your water parameters stable, or if your livestock are able to tolerate a bit of nutrients in the water then I guess you can afford to be a little lazy :)

NTUC distilled water is a very good deal! There's a promo now, 3 for $1.32 or something like that.

OMG... i have place the tank towards the wall and no place to cramp the skimmer on the back. So mostly will get a hanging type.

Most important noise level must be low. :eyebrow:

I saw a chiller at the nearby FS near my office at Ubi, think is Dophine Mini Chiller 788. A real mini one cost about S$100.00 :whistle

API test kit seem okie with me, esp my wallet too :rolleyes:

Hmmmm.. think must schedule a time table for water change with my 2 staff.

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Oh no, she is gonna regret not giving you permission... I can foresee you "working" late and returning to the office on weekends to "check on work" in the weeks to come..... Muahahahaha! :lol:

Hahahahhaha.. maybe is a good move. If she want to keep me at home, will ask her to buy a new Nano set up for me to keep me at home.. :eyebrow:

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Okie guys...

Just a little update...

1. Tank wash and sand added.

2. Bought Saltwater from Fish shop and been cycling the water for 2 days

3. Add "easyneo" for good bacteria to grow which purchase last week. www.easylife.nl

4. Temp range from 25.5 to 26.8 for weekdays. Will update weekend temp on Monday.

So what's next..pls advise.

Test kit, Protein skimmer, chiller, Live rock etc or stay put.. :thanks:

Hope I did not miss any important step

Again.. Thanks you

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  • SRC Member
OMG... i have place the tank towards the wall and no place to cramp the skimmer on the back. So mostly will get a hanging type.

Most important noise level must be low. :eyebrow:

I saw a chiller at the nearby FS near my office at Ubi, think is Dophine Mini Chiller 788. A real mini one cost about S$100.00 :whistle

API test kit seem okie with me, esp my wallet too :rolleyes:

Hmmmm.. think must schedule a time table for water change with my 2 staff.

There got LFS? My office is near yours :eyebrow:

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
Okie guys...

Just a little update...

1. Tank wash and sand added.

2. Bought Saltwater from Fish shop and been cycling the water for 2 days

3. Add "easyneo" for good bacteria to grow which purchase last week. www.easylife.nl

4. Temp range from 25.5 to 26.8 for weekdays. Will update weekend temp on Monday.

So what's next..pls advise.

Test kit, Protein skimmer, chiller, Live rock etc or stay put.. :thanks:

Hope I did not miss any important step

Again.. Thanks you

It's actually okay to put in live rocks now, easier to scape while cycling also, without any fish or corals. Add a small piece of prawn meat or drop a bit of fish food everyday to introduce rotting stuff/ammonia for the bacteria to feed on and start the cycle.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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A very warm wellcome to this enless hobby(hope u dun give up easily) lostboy :eyebrow:

As for beacteria, I will think AquaPharm Bacteria starter is better.(just for comment) Tmr sat, u may wat to get some nice LR & tongka branches from pasir ris. Try to figure out hw u want to scape ur nano tank, plate type will be better as u want to sit coral on them. also those size & shape of our fist to use as support tower Rem to choose those pupple/pink in colour(coraline algae). Once u see a nce shape LR u want, smell it 1st(it should be seawater smell) if it is stink then put back

happy LR stacking... :rolleyes:

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It's actually okay to put in live rocks now, easier to scape while cycling also, without any fish or corals. Add a small piece of prawn meat or drop a bit of fish food everyday to introduce rotting stuff/ammonia for the bacteria to feed on and start the cycle.

Got it. will get live rock and add some fish food to start the rot :eyebrow: Once I start adding live rock, how long I need to cycle the water again and when is the best time (after how many days) to test the parameter for the water? What should i test first and any things to look out for? :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
A very warm wellcome to this enless hobby(hope u dun give up easily) lostboy :eyebrow:

As for beacteria, I will think AquaPharm Bacteria starter is better.(just for comment) Tmr sat, u may wat to get some nice LR & tongka branches from pasir ris. Try to figure out hw u want to scape ur nano tank, plate type will be better as u want to sit coral on them. also those size & shape of our fist to use as support tower Rem to choose those pupple/pink in colour(coraline algae). Once u see a nce shape LR u want, smell it 1st(it should be seawater smell) if it is stink then put back

happy LR stacking... :rolleyes:

Thanks topful_19 :rolleyes: Yes, will get the live rock tomorrow :eyebrow: really can't wait. Noted for the color and smell. Think Pauline and some guys have some rock to sell too with a good deal. If time really allow, will head to the west to get from them else no choice to stay around the east.

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The components of the cycle is in this order:

Ammonia (NH3) --> Nitrite (NO2) --> Nitrate (NO3)

So you test accordingly in that order, as in the first few days test for ammonia until it appears and peaks in concentration, then when it goes down to zero, you can stop testing for ammonia, and test for nitrite, and so on.

I find that the following flash presentation of the cycle best explains the process and what to look out for (in the middle of the page):


In case you haven't read up on the cycling process for new tanks, here's a comprehensive read without too much jargon:


And the most recent discussion on this topic:


Happy reefing! :upsidedown:

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
The components of the cycle is in this order:

Ammonia (NH3) --> Nitrite (NO2) --> Nitrate (NO3)

So you test accordingly in that order, as in the first few days test for ammonia until it appears and peaks in concentration, then when it goes down to zero, you can stop testing for ammonia, and test for nitrite, and so on.

I find that the following flash presentation of the cycle best explains the process and what to look out for (in the middle of the page):


In case you haven't read up on the cycling process for new tanks, here's a comprehensive read without too much jargon:


And the most recent discussion on this topic:


Happy reefing! :upsidedown:

WOW.... will read it and hope to get some knowledge from there. :thanks:

As mention, only after testing all this stuff then is safe to place fishes inside follow by coral?

then a week later, change 20% of water, will re-do the test again starting from ammonia?

Sorry.. too many question..

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  • SRC Member
WOW.... will read it and hope to get some knowledge from there. :thanks:

As mention, only after testing all this stuff then is safe to place fishes inside follow by coral?

then a week later, change 20% of water, will re-do the test again starting from ammonia?

Sorry.. too many question..

Actually it is safer to wait at least 4 weeks then put anything live inside, cos you need to cultivate a population of bacteria that can support the tank volume. The testing of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate is just to see if you are on track, you can actually just let it run for 4 weeks then test everything after that. The whole purpose of cycling is to stabalise the bacteria population of the tank so that they can support future inhabitants.

What bio filter media are you using? The ceramic rings provided stock with the boyu tank? I suggest you get Biohome bio media instead, worked wonders for me, more effective than the ceramic rings. As the name suggests, the bio filter media is to provide a home for the beneficial bacteria to latch on to, these bacteria will be the ones cleaning and denitrifying the water as it passes through. For your tank size, the small 300gm package of biohome is enough :)

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
Okie guys...

Just a little update...

1. Tank wash and sand added.

2. Bought Saltwater from Fish shop and been cycling the water for 2 days

3. Add "easyneo" for good bacteria to grow which purchase last week. www.easylife.nl

4. Temp range from 25.5 to 26.8 for weekdays. Will update weekend temp on Monday.


Update 27.02.09

5. Add some live rock this afternoon and drop in a dead prawn (got it from the pasir ris FS)

6. Bought Ammonia kit, test the water, it read 0.25 :ph34r:

So what's next..pls advise.

Test kit, Protein skimmer, chiller, Live rock etc or stay put.. :thanks:

Hope I did not miss any important step

Again.. Thanks you

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Actually it is safer to wait at least 4 weeks then put anything live inside, cos you need to cultivate a population of bacteria that can support the tank volume. The testing of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate is just to see if you are on track, you can actually just let it run for 4 weeks then test everything after that. The whole purpose of cycling is to stabalise the bacteria population of the tank so that they can support future inhabitants.

What bio filter media are you using? The ceramic rings provided stock with the boyu tank? I suggest you get Biohome bio media instead, worked wonders for me, more effective than the ceramic rings. As the name suggests, the bio filter media is to provide a home for the beneficial bacteria to latch on to, these bacteria will be the ones cleaning and denitrifying the water as it passes through. For your tank size, the small 300gm package of biohome is enough :)

As mention earlier, the live rock was place inside and realize lots of mini 5-6 legged starfish and worms start clawing out and die on the sea bed. Not too sure the sand I'm using is a "live" sand? I purchase it from an aunty running a Fish shop near my office when I got the tank. Is black in color, real black and some look shinny or I can say look like coal. Is it ok for that? I can see the worms and starfish trying to dig into the sand but fail and die :unsure: Hope someone can help :thanks:

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As mention earlier, the live rock was place inside and realize lots of mini 5-6 legged starfish and worms start clawing out and die on the sea bed. Not too sure the sand I'm using is a "live" sand? I purchase it from an aunty running a Fish shop near my office when I got the tank. Is black in color, real black and some look shinny or I can say look like coal. Is it ok for that? I can see the worms and starfish trying to dig into the sand but fail and die :unsure: Hope someone can help :thanks:

lostboy, do u wash the sand with running water till water back to clear water? i know that alot of FS sell those sand that is black in colour(very nice) but no ideal where it come from?? I try 1packet be4, wash the sand for very long(waste alot of water) in the end i throw away becase water still black.

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lostboy, do u wash the sand with running water till water back to clear water? i know that alot of FS sell those sand that is black in colour(very nice) but no ideal where it come from?? I try 1packet be4, wash the sand for very long(waste alot of water) in the end i throw away becase water still black.

Hello Topful_19, yes i did wash the sand till crystal clear <_< I'm stressing out

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Hmm... Sounds dodgy leh this LFS.. What does the sand packaging say it is for? Confirmed for saltwater/marine use right?

But then again, it is common for worms and brittle stars to exit the live rocks when you introduce them to a new tank. I think it is the difference in water parameters or the journey back from LFS without water, that draws them out as soon as you introduce the rock to the sand.

Where is this LFS again? I gotta pay them a visit someday :eyebrow:

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
Hmm... Sounds dodgy leh this LFS.. What does the sand packaging say it is for? Confirmed for saltwater/marine use right?

But then again, it is common for worms and brittle stars to exit the live rocks when you introduce them to a new tank. I think it is the difference in water parameters or the journey back from LFS without water, that draws them out as soon as you introduce the rock to the sand.

Where is this LFS again? I gotta pay them a visit someday :eyebrow:

I really dun know <_< it pack in clear plastic bag.. no brands, come in white but i chose black. We have name the auntie shop "OK / Can" shop. When question ask, she will say everything also can.. overall she nice :) Can get food or accessories from her as she sell only fresh water fish. I may get from her Dolphin Mini Chiller 788 which cost S$100.00. Is located at Ubi/Eunos center. Opposite the huge Car-mart.

This morning went back to office to check on the tank.. and seem lots of changes :

1. Blister worms, tiny worms, hairy worms and mini star-fish was dead on the seabed.

2. Water turn slightly cloudy

3. Some small look-alike purple and green color "coral" drop to the sea bed from the rock.

4. Air bubble on the water surface

5. Ammonia slight increase from 0.25 to 0.50.

6. Smell is the same as yesterday.

7. Prawn missing for decompose.

8. Found 2 crab behind the rock

Is it normal for the cycling process in the early stage for 1-6 ??

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  • SRC Member

Okie guys...

Just a little update...

1. Tank wash and sand added.

2. Bought Saltwater from Fish shop and been cycling the water for 2 days

3. Add "easyneo" for good bacteria to grow which purchase last week. www.easylife.nl

4. Temp range from 25.5 to 26.8 for weekdays. Will update weekend temp on Monday.


Update 27.02.09

5. Add some live rock this afternoon and drop in a dead prawn (got it from the pasir ris FS)

6. Bought Ammonia kit, test the water, it read 0.25


Update 02.03.09 (day 04) - Cycle period

More dead worms found on seabed. Just clear it almost 90%.

Why there are so many bubbles on the surface of the water? Is it normal? What should be done.

Check the Ammonia, reading 4.0.

Water is cloudy? Is it normal? Or what should I do?

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