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KH dropping


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Recently my KH has been reducing from 8 to < 6.5 , and due to this incident , I have been manually increasing my KH manually .

I have a dosing pump and all my parameters are in acceptable range. I've since increased by dosing volume

Because of dramatic change in KH , some of my Zoa's have melted away. !!!

Any idea what happened ?

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Please read the above.

If you have very unstable KH levels look into causes such as a large amount of decomposing organic material. Do frequent partial water changes. Cut down your feeding and look at whether you have organisms which are dying on your live rock etc.


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thanks for the article.

But the strange thing is all my perimeters are fine from

PH : 8.4

CA : 500

NO2 : 0

NO3 : 0.05

PO4 : 0

MG : 1300

All these perimeters was tested this morning, and this Fluctuation has been going on since 2 weeks ago ???

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Have you been changing the timing on your lights? Apparently, and I quote:

"...photosynthesis and calcification are competing for bicarbonate..."


"...use of alkalinity as a surrogate measure for bicarbonate..."

I am quoting from here.

I am new to this and have been trying to digest as much as I can.

Materialism :- He who dies with the most toys, wins.

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lights on timer switch, so don't think it's this issue.

I believe after reading Oprime article, I believe my issue is when my Coraline algea is growing and well as my SPS seems to be on turbo growth that's sucking out my KH .

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