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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2017 in all areas

  1. Indonesia arrivals Regal angelfish, coral beauty, zebra octopus, ocellaris clowns, globe urchin, assorted damsels, purple queen anthias, seagrass filefish, rhinopias scorpionfish, powder blue tangs, red spotted dottyback, frogfishes, reef safe colourful sea stars, blonde naso tangs, blue spotted stingrays, blue linckia, serpent stars, yellow coral goby, orange spotted sandshifting goby, carpenter's wrasse, cleaner wrasse, cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis, bicolor cleaner wrasse, rainfordi goby, bicolor blenny, red bubble tip anemones, chromis retrofasciata, melanurus wrasse, leopard wrasse, etc. Tomorrow morning 9.30 Fiji Walt Smith Shipment. Blue Line Rabbitfish, Acanthastrea echinata, acropora, seriatopora, echinophyllia, euphyllia, lobophyllia, montipora, pipe organ, pocillopora, stylophora, mushrooms, zoanthids.
    1 point
  2. Letting go my 4 - 4.5 inched big pellet feeding Powder Blue Tang Getting too territory in my tank, hence letting go @ $40 Collection in West Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
  3. Ups. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
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