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  1. Please give me more likes! Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    14 points
  2. Here's my rap How about I love LEDs because I do not need to change bulbs every 6 to 8 months? I do not have to chase every single lighting technology for bulbs from DD to ATI to Giesemann and then Eheim and now probably Giesemann? How about I love LEDs because most of the fixtures are slick and compact unlike Metal Halides and T5 pendents which are bulky and useless? How about I love LEDs because sometimes when I feel like Zouking, I can on it, give it a thunderstorm mode, or trial run mode and I get disco effect in my room? Save money on entrance fees, save money on booze and smoke and no need smoke in a yellow drawn box and best part, I can stripdance in my room like Steven Lee and nobody will care! How about I love LEDs because when I want to xian xiaomeimei or my reefing buddies, I can rev up the Royal Blue leds to give that "EXTRA" sparkle? Sparkle till their eyes go drooling, noses go bleeding and hearts go thumping?? "Wo YAO!....." *orgasmic scream* How about I love LEDs because when I know my lights are down and out, I got good aftersales support from the LFS who have been there for me since day 1. How do I not love LEDs?
    13 points
  3. Post a Reef pics and Win ! Hi Reefers, It has been awhile since we did some contest , and here go... We are doing a simple photo contest and all you need to do is post ONE PHOTO of your tank, fish or anything related to this hobby and the photo with the MOST number of LIKES for their photo here will get to win one set of the Latest Conch Aqua Slim 7 Wave Maker . Contest End Date ; 31.10.2017 at ( 2359 hrs) ** Thanks to Conch Aqua for their support and sponsoring the prizes for this contest *** Just in case you dont know where the LIKE buttom is Remember to Share / Invite your friends on social media to like your photo to get more support .
    12 points
  4. Love LEDs! For many many reasons. Firstly. It produces so little heat! Chiller no need work so much. Secondly, the spectrum is like WOW My coral colours really POP and come alive under LEDs. Last time it used to be blue and white, nothing to wow about. But now its full spectrum! Thirdly it is so powerful. Even corals can bleach under it. Like how powerful could it be to chase away those small little zooxanthellae! And it uses less power for that amount of power. Lastly is the new features that are being developed. Now most R&D are focused alot of LEDs. The prospects of it is very exciting. Now even got wireless control, even can mimic weather. Whatever next! Can't wait to see what else they can come up with
    12 points
  5. Are you doing day light robbery? $88 for gsp???!!!
    10 points
  6. Bro kenji, your pulsing xenia that u were previously selling, those were from me right. I gave away a huge rock of them to you. Yet instead of paying it forward, u sold them at 15 bucks per frag. Not a very nice thing to do bro, I have met u couple of times, you seemed like a nice guy. Marc is right in saying the circle is small, we have seen many profiteering hobbyists come and go.. maybe you may think it's none of our biz to meddle but we are trying to make the hobby a pleasant one for novices and experienced hobbyists alike. Maybe you may want to just earn a quick profit during this difficult times, but there are other methods to make money yeah.. 回头是岸...jiayou..
    10 points
  7. Hi bro, I thought ur pictures looked good... until I noticed that the pic of the sunflower zoas you’re using was taken by me. Perhaps you can give a heads up to the potential buyers that these photos are taken off the internet? I’m fine if you’re going to use my photo, but please give credit where it is due. And others may feel cheated if they were to get something that is different from the photos. Good luck in ur sales, cheers
    10 points
  8. Haha... Allow me to have a shot as I need one to supplement my mh and T5. And if it's proven, there is no stopping me to goal ( still World Cup mood ) LED all the way... Here's why I love LED. MH and T5 had been here for donkey years now.Going forward, there will not be breakthrough improvement. They are actually like women of age 50's. Their prime is over,excitement is history, and face lift and silicon filling ( R & D )will not help much either. Direction points down. Droops. Hey, LED is the latest girl in town. She is fresh, young and sexy. Probably like 20 something and one can spend more years with her, knowing she can only develop ( technology) better with time. She will bring out the best performance from you, day and night. She shines, she works, you just sit and relax and enjoy the colours before your eyes. So now, isn't it obvious. Who needs aunties mh and T5 when there is Miss LED. One is past, the other future. Miss LED is the way to a brighter , sexier and exotic involvement. I have made my choice for LED. What's yours? Cheers, Yt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  9. Joining in the fun! My Red Yuma for a couple years now.
    8 points
  10. Nice gesture but hopefully you do your due diligence. Some reefer here flips coral for earnings.
    7 points
  11. Hi everyone...i am newbie here who started just early this year with a help of a nice bro from here too..currently just having a small nano tank and i thought why not go for a bigger one haha...so i planned to build a rimless 3.5ft tank with a cabinet on my own and wanted to share this long journey with all of you...feel free to correct me if i am going in the wrong way... The build of the cabinet below Manage to build the cabinet successfully which took me about a month because was doing it onli on my off days...will say it was tuff as i was doing this the first time and the onli help was youtube haha....stay tune for my tank overflow build ,sump and pipping...i hav a short video on my cabinet structure build , anyone knows how can i upload it...thank you
    7 points
  12. Decided to start a thread to showcase how you can feed your corals using a very low cost method... Step 1: Put the food into a small container..
    7 points
  13. Lol no I think Marco is correct. Seems to buy cheap from LFS then resale to profit. I wouldn’t be surprised if also profiteering from the Xenia. He also lied and sold me a fake dragon soul torch, but was just actually a common torch, so buyers beware. At least he did partly refund me after I called him out. SMH Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    7 points
  14. I love you for your hopelessly shameless behavior. Please use your own photos next time you want to cheat Hobby space is small so if you want to cheat someone else, please do it in flea market. At least we can see your face and justify if it’s worth $140 Shameless Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    7 points
  15. TGIF!!!!!. Feeling happy today so give away a rbta to whoever pm me first. Paying it forward to the reefing society. Condition: -Send me your tank pic -Please ensure u have enough light and a chiller and know the requirement of keeping an anemone -collect by this weekend Sent from my SM-N986B using Tapatalk
    7 points
  16. Quite a dishonest seller if all these potentially catastrophic damages are not shared with you fully. To wilfully conceal these defects is truly low. The cabinet will give way and it is very dangerous. You are entitled to a full refund imo. If you are willing, I believe this community is going to stand behind you. I have bought defective 2nd hand items and even tank that leaked upon fill up before and the sellers were very steady to refund with no questions asked. I believe my experiences are the norm rather than the exception, cos the community is tight knit like that. Share the seller, lets see how we can proceed.
    7 points
  17. 7 points
  18. 8 Reasons to believe and Love LED 1. Vivid Effect - On it, look at the celling, Disco time. You, coral and fishes. 2. Unlimited colour possibilities - Photo taking mode, thunderstorm, cloud mode for shy fishes - Have you tried it for Fresh water plant tank? 3. Ultimate performance - Powerful enough to burn out special colour of SPS - Exceeds the Visible Spectrum, not just what you can see. 4. Solid Design - It is not an equipment but an artwork a part of your setup. 5. Cost saving - Low electricity consumption and less heat goes to tank - T5 tubes a year = (8 tubes x $30 x 2 times a year) 480 SGD a year. Yes I am throwing a LED set every year. 6. Amazing scalability - Add on wireless control, connect to reef control system, racking system… - A lot more to connect with 7. Full control - Manage 10 tanks with up to 30 lights with one wireless controller - 100 control points per LED colour per group for a given day. - Access everywhere, any time 8. Easy maintenance and upgrading - Clean the fun, lens and check connection, that is all to keep it running. - Upgrade to a deeper tank? Just change the lens - New tech, new led bulb? Easy, replace the bulb then. So yes, I of course love LED, but Why I am still using T5? Images are from online, have fun! J
    7 points
  19. After lurking the forum for a few years, allow me to share my reefing experience. This is my aquarium-in-progress. ACROPOLIS Acro: 1. (greek) the highest point; 2. Acropora, a genus of coral -polis: (greek) city This aquarium draws inspiration from the famous Acropolis of Athens. This scape reminds me of the majestic ruins on top of the acropolis, the meandering path climbing upwards, as well as the sprawling civic districts at its feet. Coincidentally, the name also can be interpreted as acropora city, a good fit of the corals home to this aquarium. I did not document the build and the transitions, but I would like to share my experience here. I'll start with the overall visions i have for this set up. My aquarium should be balanced-minimal. There must be large open space balanced by dense growth and complex structure. There must be large organisms balanced by fine details. Although minimalist is the characteristic of this aqua-scape, the balance is the soul. The feeding tube on the right side and the labyrinth on the left encourage fishes to adopt a more natural behavior. They will take advantage of the shelter in the main scape, only to venture out into open when opportunity (feeding) arises. This creates a interesting shifts in dynamic. The rock work is the skeletal foundation of the main "acropolis", but I want organic growth to obscure most of it. eventually the rock should be almost invisible. The tank is placed in the corner of the living room. Therefore it offers two-sided view. The aqua-scape needs to be well proportioned for both view; there should also be minimum clutter of equipment on the viewing side. Uniformity is over-rated. I want to direct flow at where flow is needed; shine light on where light is needed, give food to where the food is needed. Efficiency is the name of the game here. My reefing decision needs to be deliberate. if a hardware is setup in a certain way, I must be able to justify how it helps my tank to do better. This aquarium is still work-in-progress. Thank you for reading, and feedbacks.
    6 points
  20. Hi All, I always wanted to know where are the nearest marine fish shops near my location, so I made a google map of the shops based on information provided here. The map is free to share. Sticky if you want. =) http://tinyurl.com/jlfsykb
    6 points
  21. Hello everyone, I’ve been keeping marine fish since the early 2000s, but only got into reefing proper in 2015. Thought I’d share some of my aquarium projects over the past few years. In the beginning, I got a secondhand tank from Iwarna. I wanted to go for a bigger display with initial plans for a FOWLR on a budget so this option seemed best at the time. Its basic specs were: - 58” x 24” x 24” - Skimmer: Bubble Magus Curve-9 - Wavemakers: Jebao RW-20 & subsequently x2 Jebao RW-8s. - Return Pump: Sicce Syncra Silent 5.0 Here’s a photo of the tank in its early stages: I was keeping mostly fish in the beginning with a few anemones, but developed a newfound interest in corals when I noticed some stray GSP and goniopora on live rock I’d gotten from FreshnMarine growing unexpectedly. Eventually, I got better lighting, ran a few reactors and converted to a mixed reef-tank for a year or so. Regrettably, the tank ultimately crashed due to a thermal fracture(the tank was running at 25 degrees on a chiller but was located in my front porch which was generally hot most of the time) causing the already more prone curved glass on its sides to crack and I had to decommission the system immediately. While deciding what to do with the unfortunate situation, I experimented with a cube tank plumbed to the sump of my old 5footer and grew mangroves and some simple corals. Not too long after, I got a brand new system that was even bigger than the previous one from and couldn’t quite decide what I wanted to do with it at first- Fish-only or full-blown reeftank. I even messed around with cuttlefish and octopus at one point. This newer system went through a lot of changes in a couple of years but its initial specs were: - Dimensions: 72” x 36 “ x 30” - Skimmer: SkimZ Monzter SM207 DC - Wavemaker: Jebao RW-20 & x2 RW-8s from my previous system, and subsequently + x2 Maxspect Gyre xf-330s. - Lighting: x3 Maxspect R4z0r 160w and subsequently a Maxspect RSX R5-300 to go with the icv6 Ultimately(and quite recently) I decided to settle with a softie tank with a large fish stocking and plumbed a UV sterilizer for good measure. I kept the Mangrove system running for about a year and a half before it also had to be decommissioned due to renovation works next door. Couldn’t bear to see my mangroves go entirely so I managed to get some of them into another semi-outdoor 4ft system I had for while running on with leftover equipment from previous systems on a very tight budget(i more or less got that system for free from a reefer who decommissioned their tank and refurbished it myself) I hope everyone has been taking the time to care for and appreciate their tanks even more this circuitbreaker! Cheers & stay safe. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    6 points
  22. Dear reefers, I would like to start a thread to share my experience of setting up an outdoor tank. When I was having this idea 5 months back (due to limited space to setup an indoor tank), I was searching thru cg for inputs and comments but there was limited thread on this topic. Hence hopefully this thread that I’m about to start will be helpful for anyone thinking about setting up an outdoor tank. It’s purely sharing of my experience, far from perfection comparing to any professionals [emoji5] My indoor 322 at old house I’ve a indoor 322 prior to moving to this new ground unit condo. For an outdoor tank, I would say be more patience is needed and do more planning. To no surprise, there are also additional external environmental considerations to take note on top of the usuals for indoor tanks. Hence “site survey” is the first thing to do before many other things. Find the most ideal location (there will not be a perfect spot and in some cases limited options) that’s well shielded from rain and sunshine. It’s important to take note sunrise/set and seasonal rainfall changes across the year (to some degree). Ideal spot on the left, Patio facing a great greenery view. Fortunately I’m able to identified an ideal spot after 2 months of observing (wet and dry) weather conditions. Next is to consider the max allowable space and hence tank size tanking into considerations of sun and rain exposure. For my case it fits a 422 before tank starts to fill up with rain water [emoji28]. When it comes to tank build quality vs cost, I’ll have to take some risk to compromise “popping” of cabinet laminate. Constructing an outdoor quality wooden cabinet of 2m x 1m x 60cm is beyond my budget (>S$2K). For those that can afford it, got for it [emoji5]. As a preventive measure (or at least delay the damage [emoji27]), I implemented the following to minimise the degradation impact. Disclaimer, I’m also experimenting this [emoji28] 1) Used 2mm polycarbonate sheet from Dama to shield the laminate from harmful uv from sun and potential rain splash. 2) Strengthen the joints by gluing aluminium L brackets to hopefully avoid “popping” (pardon the the scorch taps, too lazy to remove after dry up). Polycarbonate sheet that looks like normal transparent plastics. The dark brown joint it the L bracket. Look of the tank The other challenge will be AC power. Typical patio or balcony will not have many (or none) power points for heavy duty usage. For my case there is only one !! I’ve asked the electrician how much can this source... average +/- 1000W. Calculating the total amount of power, I’m really at the brink with all necessary equipment in. Contingency plan will be to tap on lighting power points (if available) to source for low power equipments. There are pros and cons of sunshine, while many might worry about algae and electricity bills.. it has its merit of natural sunlight mimic the real sea environment. For my case, it gets 3-4 hours of morning sun which is ideal where I don’t have to turn on my lights, offsetting some electricity bill. Morning sun shining into live stocks, growing well. You can see the background reflect of the sky on the right too [emoji5] If you have a water point at the outdoor area, perfect ! Then your wc will be a lot more simpler. For my case, I’ve a water point Arthur patio area that I’ve hooked up my RODI just beside the tank. Thanks quite a long intro [emoji28]. Thanks for reading so far and hope you find it useful thus far. Next update will touch more on the tank setup itself. Happy reefing Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    6 points
  23. Well done. Hope you feel happy everyday. Lol
    6 points
  24. Latest update of Singapore marine Live fish store (24.08.2020 ) 1. IWARNA AQUAFARM Location: Aquarium Iwarna Pte Ltdn 70 Pasir Ris Farmway 3, Singapore 518234 https://goo.gl/maps/CX6FAyS6vNVmXg7G8 2. PINNACLE AQUATICS Location: 164 Tampines Street 12, #01-291, Singapore 521164 6386 0060 https://goo.gl/maps/458F4mGtZoy6XQ7B7 3. SUPREM3 CORALS Location: 264 Tampines Street 21, Singapore 520264 https://goo.gl/maps/nbYjUvSLfXRVmfc48 4. C2 MARINE (NG COUPLES) Location: 1 Pasir Ris Coast Industrial Park 1 Singapore 518235 Tel: +65 9639 5355 https://goo.gl/maps/saT29QSwTrGzF7VB9 5. REEFING REALITY Location: 17 Dairy Farm Rd, Singapore 679043 9325 8321 https://goo.gl/maps/mQdkwUPB7fJmkpQi8 6. SEASONAL AQUARIUM Location: 192 Yio Chu Kang Rd, Singapore 545639 9385 4760 https://goo.gl/maps/dgZJtvgcrnmyPEcZ8 7. MADPETZ Location: 128 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3, #01-1867, Singapore 560128 6456 6330 https://goo.gl/maps/XwRVRSqGSdSmph5x6 8. AH BENG AQUARIUM Location: 471 Geylang Rd, Singapore 389430 9776 1341 https://goo.gl/maps/sQrtuaMV2Ypg98eR9 9. THE REEFER Location: Blk 463 Crawford Ln, #01-07, Singapore 190463 https://goo.gl/maps/6j7bnv7S1NH3b3Fp7 10. DE AQUATIC Location: 706 Geylang Rd, Singapore 389621 6741 4080 https://goo.gl/maps/Ju6xwxYdYFWdbgxc9 11. T95 MARINE Location: 27 Seletar West Farmway 1, Singapore 798127 https://goo.gl/maps/Gxb66egMZz5TBYLi9 12. POLYART CHINATOWN Location: Block 4 Sago Ln, 01-127, Singapore 050004 6327 0028 https://goo.gl/maps/ptZDe1gqx3Ah7qkH7 13. SEALIFE AQUARIUM Location: 78 Indus Rd, Block 78, Singapore 161078 https://goo.gl/maps/q5ZyMq6LLECAuzYs5 14. SPECIALISED AQUATICS SOLUTIONS Location: 19 Anamalai Ave, Singapore 279987 6314 3808 https://goo.gl/maps/r1Mnm4qVaf75o9qy9 15. AQUAMARIN Location: 32 Jln Selaseh, Singapore 808448 6383 7277 https://goo.gl/maps/ozmDsJwZsTKMeiyK6 16. JIREN MARINE Location: 61 Jln Lekar, Singapore 698948 9623 6644 https://goo.gl/maps/JY9WLEKuZPrkcC9E8 17. SUPREM5 CORALS Location: Jurong East Street 13, #01-402 Block 114, Singapore 600114 https://goo.gl/maps/cvNvtx8ps7RiJPXSA 18. CORAL FARM Location: 5 Lim Chu Kang Lane 6D, Singapore 719766 https://goo.gl/maps/cvV92zHwMBcvDSmTA 19. REEFING STUDIO Location: Blk 1 Changi Village Road #01, 2010A, 500001 8893 0176 https://goo.gl/maps/XFGhxpLioZH7zu6o9 20. OCEANIA REEFZ Location: 181 Upper Paya Lebar Rd, Singapore 534866 9846 2807 https://goo.gl/maps/rsW6Qb1qDAqu8wPcA 21. FRESH N MARINE Location: 79 Upper East Coast Rd, Singapore 455219 6547 1575 https://goo.gl/maps/4pricQFXTkLPX4nS9 22. POLYART CLEMENTI Location: Clementi Ave 2, #01-194 Block 328, Singapore 120328 6775 4773 https://goo.gl/maps/zdaM7cVAVvpz1jFa7 23. WEST COAST AQUARIUM Location: BLK 502 #01-25 WEST COAST DRIVE SINGAPORE 120502 https://goo.gl/maps/UvDvR5i33RXXn1FK7 24. WONG LOY KEE Location: Sago Ln, 4号#02-119 邮政编码: 050004 6222 9763 https://goo.gl/maps/xn4tnDZhuB8nZ3VF6 24. ReefMarketSg ( Dry Goods only ) Location: 1 Sunview Road #03-30 Eco-tech@Sunview S(627615) By Appointment Only* Online Shop: https://reefmarketsg.com.sg https://goo.gl/maps/rq5F1JdxRmtSpqqA8 l 25. Aquarium Artist ( Dry Goods Only) Location: 1 Sunview Road #08-37 Eco-tech@Sunview S(627615) By Appointment Only* Online Shop: https://aquariumartist.com.sg https://goo.gl/maps/YeNjaLdBxk7P42Ys7
    6 points
  25. Coral farm $4 , LFS $5. Stable from reefers , priceless .. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  26. Side tank shot [emoji39] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    6 points
  27. Your yellow tang came from the moon? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    6 points
  28. Hosting this chalice for a fellow reefer. Can see its covering a little more of the frag plug. Found a baby Banggai Cardinal yesterday morning. Scooped it out before it gets eaten by other big fishes. Feeding on baby brine shrimps The rest of the fries were released from the father's mouth tonight Manage to catch them out. Hope they survive.
    6 points
  29. A 6ft x 2ft x 2.5ft tank with cabinet, sump tank to be gave away
    6 points
  30. for those who pmed me with interest to buy the frags. honestly i can't put a price tag on these small fragments of corals which is only a tiny fraction of the main colony that i bought. ill be killing the hobby if i were to sell this frags at cut-throat carrot price. best if you have something that i do not have and we can hit up with a trade. anyway.. currently millipora and 1 frag of birdnest is reserved to giveaway FOC to sincere reefkeepers. lets not aim to profit from this hobby and kill the joy of keeping these wonderful creations. zoas still up for trade
    6 points
  31. Yes depending on your light spectrum as well. Sps colours differ from diff light. Sometimes you buy a sps from reefer tank look very nice but under your own lights it look different colour.also some sps will turn green before brown... Now white sps is the in thing. One lfs is selling white sps. Can go check it out. Hurry before it turns into tonga rock!!
    6 points
  32. I'm offering a general cheap prospectus to anyone who wants a designer rockscape. Clauses: 1) you provide the rock (if otherwise we can discuss) 2) you deliver and collect the product 3) give me some time or set a realistic deadline Glue whatever I'll provide. Payment wise: up to you. You pay what you think it is worth. If you think the effort is worth $100, pay $100 or if you think it is worth $0.50 you pay me $0.50. No question asked. Cheers!
    6 points
  33. True fibre optic - i'm absolutely in love with this. This is something that is rarely available in LFS and shipment. Main colony. (KY - if you read this... this is my bait for you. Restart, and a frag is yours!) Close Up If you like the pics, please feel free to give me a 'plus'... it'll be greatly appreciated.
    6 points
  34. Just to share some of my understanding on keeping sps. Obviously I'm not the most qualified sps reefer, but just thought of sharing this simplified list for sps beginners as it helped me... 1) lighting - T5s are generally sufficient. (average of 6-10 tubes) Try to go for 10-12hrs.. However to bring out best coloration, 250w per 2ft length is recommended. (4hrs) and supplemented with T5s.. 2) Ca:420-450, kH:8-8.5, mg: 1200-1300 3) no3/po4 readings (minimum, but don't need to be zero) 4) keep temp around 27 degrees celsius 5) salinity: around 1.024 6) provide good/random wave movement ard sps. use controllable ones if budget allows. 7) ensure good skimming or regular nutrient export (weekly 10% is highly recommended) 8) do prepare salt mix in advance to perform water change anytime u need.. 9) prepare for Murphy's visit. Do prepare backup systems to ensure your treasures are safe from power blackouts or sudden outage (especially when you are not at home). 10) the key is to maintain constant parameters for the tank. Avoid making any major drastic adjustments... 10 weeks of 10% weekly water change is not equal to a 100% water change once in 10 weeks. Disclaimer, everyone's setup is different, and i'm sharing what works for me... And hope it helps you too...
    6 points
  35. Hi bros, Sorry, just want to apologize for the numerous pilot sessions. I have been coping with multiple incidents that hit me at the same time which I could Not have anticipated. Firstly, I was down with gout, couldn't walk for more than a week, then my dog was hospitalized because of an urgent surgery, she is just out of life support and doing well, I spent close to 4k on her. Now my daughter Has gastric flu and she is only 3 years old, had visit to 3 doctors including 2 hospitals in 2 days. Doctor said she will only be the same for the next 7-12 days having diarrhea and temperatures of between 38-40 degrees. So please bros, if you are expecting collection of the stuff that I have committed and if you are in an urgency to release them please do so, as I will have a hard time juggling between work and caring for my dog and my daughter. Sorry again if I have deprived of some interested buyers.
    6 points
  36. I've been wanting to start a reef related project that I'll be able to learn things about in another area. So what I picked, is to start on the reef pi project (you can Google more about this too). I'm completely new to programming and know next to nothing about electronics and circuitry beyond the basic stuff taught in schools. Hopefully, I can get some guidance from members here too. What this project is about, is to create an aquarium controller (with whatever bells and whistles you want) using the Raspberry Pi. I've chosen the Raspberry Pi Zero W to start off with since that is relatively inexpensive and that is what most guides use. Plus, having a wireless function definitely helps, although the Zero W is only connected via 2.4 GHz. Just sharing what I've done here so please use your own discretion in deciding whether you want to attempt this or not. Below is a summary of what I've learnt from other guides, of which I am grateful for those creators for having explained the steps. To the more experienced reefers, please let me know if I left out anything. Many thanks in advance. Equipment For this first post, I'll just share what I've started off with so far. Raspberry Pi Zero W Others a. MicroSD card (I'm using a 16GB card, but the minimum recommended capacity is 8GB) b. MicroSD card reader c. GPIO pin strips d. DC power adaptor (5.1V, 2.5A output) (not in picture) e. A computer to connect to the Pi Setting up the Pi 1. Connect your MicroSD card to your computer. Download the Raspberry Pi Imager (search this on Google) and choose the correct OS that your computer is running on. Follow the steps to write the OS on your MicroSD card. 2. Download two files for the Pi set-up off the internet (wpa_supplicant.conf and ssh). Copy these files onto your MicroSD card. 3. Open the copy of "wpa_supplicant.conf" on your MicroSD card and key in the network details you want to connect to, replacing "your_wifi_network_name" and "your_wifi_network_password". Save the file. Remember that you have to connect to a 2.4GHz network for the Zero W. 4. Eject the MicroSD and plug it into your Pi. 5. Plug your Pi into your power source and it should automatically connect to your network. 6. Now you'll need to connect your computer to the network that you connected your Pi to. Once you're connected, open the Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac) and run the line "ping raspberrypi.local". You should see Command Prompt or Terminal giving you data about your Pi's connection. To stop the command, enter ^C. 7. Connect your computer to your Pi by running "ssh pi@raspberrypi.local". You'll be prompted with a password. By default, the password is "raspberry". Please remember to change this later. Once you've entered the password correctly, you'll be connected to your Pi via the 2.4GHz network. 8. Enable SSH. To do so, run "sudo raspi-config" on Terminal. Select "5 Interfacing Options", "P2 SSH" and enable SSH. 9. Reboot your Pi. 10. Connect to your Pi again (you may have to restart Terminal) and run the following: "sudo apt-get update -y", "sudo apt-get upgrade -y", "sudo systemctl start systemd-timesyncd", "sudo systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd" 11. Edit config.txt by running "sudo nano /boot/config.txt". Scroll to the bottom and type "dtoverlay=pwm-2chan". Reboot your Pi. 12. Run "sudo raspi-config". Select "5 Interfacing Options" and "P7 1-Wire". Enable one-wire interface. While you're at it, you can disable SPI too. 13. Reboot your Pi and install reef pi. Do a Google search to find the latest code to use to download the latest version of reef pi. Remember to select the correct code you're using because these are written specific to different versions of the Raspberry Pi. 14. Connect to your Pi again, and run "ping raspberrypi.local". Copy the IP address of your Pi and enter it into your browser. This will take you to the login page for reef pi. The default username and password are both "reef-pi". Key those in, and sign in. Next I've already set up my Pi as detailed above. I've recently placed orders for the other things I would need for: a. 8 channel relay b. PH meter c. Temperature meter These are the first three things I'll be trying to do, but for now I'm still waiting for parts to arrive.
    5 points
  37. Can you share who you bought the tank from?
    5 points
  38. Dear Members, It has come to our attention from the authority that there has been a few members receiving official warning from our local authority regarding the excessive sales of live corals in the community going beyond as a hobbyist letting go overgrowth frags to becoming a part time coral seller in the community . Please note that the pasar malam section is mean for members to offload excess or overgrowth coral frags only. As such with effect on 03th Sept 2020, - Sales of coral , frags is limited to Max 5 per week per member, please start a new topic once the limits is reach, all unsold coral/ frags has to be posted on the new week. - Seller must publish price openly on their sales thread on their items for sales. - For Tank Decom sales, it has to be stated clearly that you are selling away all the live stock due to a tank decommission. - Thread which is deem to be a commercial listing by us will be removed without prior notification. - Only related reefing equipment, tank sets and livestock is allowed. - Please consider having your coral swap with other fellow members under our swap section. - Link to other third party sales that display your items for sales is not allowed; i.e ebay. Gumtree, carousell, facebook, ect.. - To protect your privacy, members are strongly advise against sharing your contact no openly.Please use the PM instead for buyer to contact you . - Thread found on violation of the above rules, will have his topic remove without any warning. - Repeated offenders might find his posting rights temporary disabled and repeated offenders might have his posting right permanently disabled in this forum. We would like like to bring to your attention from the NPARK authority that Under the Singapore animals and birds act ( Pet Shop And exhibition) Rules 2004, it is an offence to use any premised to keep and display animals intended for sales as pet without a pet licence, except in accordance with a valid licence issued by the Director General. Sales without a pet shop license is a prosecutable offence, which carry a fine and imprisoned . https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL-Supp/S34-2004/Published/20040930?DocDate=20040127 Thank you and we seek your co-operation in this manner
    5 points
  39. Hello all, I’m decomming my 25 lagoon !! Selling as a bundle 1x innovative marine 25 lagoon 1x innovative marine 25 lagoon black cabinet 1x IM Desktop ghost skimmer 2x IM Custom Caddy 2x IM spin stream 1x Hailea HS-28 2x No brand return pump 1x jebao RW - 4 Condition all good, not perfect condition but no cracks, breaks etc etc Tank is still running and slowly transferring all my stuff out to the new tank Total bundle price $250 !! It’s a steal if you ask me 🤣 retail will cost you more than $800 for this set up !!! WA 87500984 for more details and picture Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    5 points
  40. Self collect along east coast park
    5 points
  41. Haha.. Ironically I have been trying a year to occasionally kill my GSP on rocks by applying glue on them. Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    5 points
  42. Millepora Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  43. Hi all, sorry I have not replied your pms and messages as I have been settling some stuff. It has come to my attention that there was aefw found on one of the colonies that i sold to a friend. I have suspended all sales and enquiries so as to let all of you know what is needed for you to make a better, more informed decision. From my inexperienced eyes, i see my sps still as healthy and if you are still interested, you can always come down and make your own decision on whether to get or not. I will ignore all previous messages and only respond to those that I receive from since this post has been made onwards. Cheers!
    5 points
  44. I will anytime give back to those who deserve it but sadly not everyone or anyone, those who know me in person will know I do give away free frags. And your thoughts about me making money from community is totallly poor judgemental. I think I can easily sell the frag at good profit, in fact I was approach by few reefers to buy my corals in private but I rejected them and told them to look out for my auction instead. So why do I want to like to use auction instead of sales? Reason is simple, I dont want to dictate the price, I let the public decide how much they want to pay for it. If you do not notice, my starting bid is always low $1 or for this case $8. End of day I absorb the risk if it falls below the market value. If it ended up higher, whatever I make I get to buy new corals and again those that deserve will benefit from it and the cycle continues. .... I don't think I violate any of your house rules, do I ? You set two auctions per month, I will just post two, that's it. Like I mention in my post, I respect that When you say your moderator integrity are being challenged, why is that so? What causes that? Is it because of something he/she did that doesnt look right? Or is it because I pointed out "people might think" (look carefully ah, the word is MIGHT and not people think)? In whatever the case, the moderator is what you guys choose, I got no ground to interfere. His sacrifice to help out without any pay indeed deserve our respect. But that doesnt mean his action is always right and people perception might percieve it otherwise. If you dont like then next time I just keep quiet and let ppl talk behind the back lor. By the way, do you know the reason why I was ban 10 years ago? Somemore I got 5 warning points......I must be bad. But you also good lah, know how to choose the right venue to bring the point across... Cheers! Let's not disturb my auction, its $24 liao......you guess how much it will end? Cheers, James
    5 points
  45. Bro I encourage you to ask your friend to review his prices or you to not sell his piece on your behalf. Dont mean to be rude but it will affect your reputation and peoples respect for you, as you are responsible for what you post, even if its your friends product. After seeing the incident of ssc overpricing and now this, I seriously hope this isnt going to become a trend where people overprice common or not so expensive coral for the sake of profit. Hope you take my advice and respond nicely to any negative feedback sorry for being so direct haha. Happy reefing!
    5 points
  46. Bro honestly, switch hobby
    5 points
  47. It took me more than 1year to grow GSP on back wall. Bear in mind it takes a lot of time and effort to ensure the GSP stays off the rocks.
    5 points
  48. Recently my better half asked me why i like staring at the tank more than her Lol... and it started me thinking. I have been reefing for many years and one of the many joy and fun is the camaraderie found in sgreef club. Bros who are willing to share experience to help newbies and trade and swop LFs and equipment. Recently I traded with a fellow bro although for something of lower value from him but I felt immense satisfaction when I learnt tat his corals are doing better now with my equipment. Besides the joy of seeing our beautiful reef tank thriving and the heartache when things dont go right, it is this spirit of sharing that makes the hobby fun and also the reason i started the hobby again after a few years break. Thank you to all the moderators for a fantastic effort! Let's reef on!
    5 points
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