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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2022 in all areas

  1. WTS my pallet eating mandarin fish $58 size 2-3” eating pallet m, can show u when visiting my place location 649 Jalan tenaga pls WhatsApp 88389263 IMG_8480.MOV
    1 point
  2. DECOM TANK SALES - Tank size : 1200x600x500mm ht with 2 sides crystal glass and external Overflow Sump : 1000x500x450mm ht and side control panel at cabinet for the equipment's controllers. ( Tank and Cabinet by CR ) - Tank set will come will Daikin compressor with in sump coil - Caribsea Rocks given as well. - Above All for $680 including main tank, sump, cabinet and piping and Compressor with drop in coil, Refer to photos above. *Buyer to arrange own transport and dismantle the compressor unit. Equipments Available: 1. Ecotech vectra L1 - $280 2. Nyos skimmer 220 - $750 3. EcoTech Marine Battery Backup - $180 4. Tunze Osmolator 3155 - $150 5. Skimz calcium reactor CM122 with 5Kg Triton CR media - $250 6. BM CR C100 chamber - $70 7. CO2 cylinders ( 3 units , 3L x 2 and 2 L x 1 - $100 8. Skimz zeolite reactor with media - $150 9. Marine Magic - MM-ALGAE-02A LED Algae scrubber with auto pump - $150 10. FM Fauna Marin Skim Breeze 1L Set and some media - $80 11. Aqua Ultraviolet UV - Watt - $350 12. Testing device: Hanna po4, Hanna nitrate meter , FM Colour elements , Mg / CA FM zeolite, color elements, carb L carbon, and coral balance, etc and cleanings tools / magnets etc . – PM item interested 13. 5 Stage RODI unit with TDS meter - $180 Collection at near Buangkok MRT. Interested can PM me with items descriptions to discuss or request for photos or informations.
    1 point
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