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Posts posted by Rufff

  1. owder Blue,Oct 9 2003, 01:57 PM]Yes! but no digital camera to shoot with... :(  plannning to get one soon.  I got mine from RB too ..  :lol:

    O I C, I understand. Yeah a digicam comes in handy. U got yr mantis frm Reborn? How much? How long U had yours?

    I'm truly fascinated by them, after doing my little research on the Net & reading up here in SRC but I doubt I can keep them ... YET. Still learning a lot bout marine keeping, dare not try something soo "unpredictable" as a mantis. Its beautiful tho ...

  2. Hi Ruff. Wha so many picture from you. I love the Peacock ms. so good of you posting so many interesting for sgreef . :thanks:

    Aiyah too free lah thats why ... hehe. Anyway, its nothing much lah.

    But seriously, I have learnt a lot frm SRC so thought I'll do what little I can by surfing the Net whenever I have the chance & post some pics/info. Thats the least I can do 2 "re-pay" everyone's kindness.

    Everyone's been soooo helpful ... its just my way of saying thank you. As I am still new 2 this hobby, I cannot offer expert advise/tips so I try 2 offer what I can in my own humble ways.

    Glad someone likes/appreciates it, it'll spur me on 2 post more :D . I hope others find it as interesting & helpful too. I always like 2 put a picture 2 a face/species. So anyway, just enjoy the pics (just hope I dun post wrong pics thats all, if I do pls bear with me).

    P.S : Like 2 post in 3's (like a complete set ... hehe)

  3. How can 1 tell if the rocks an LFS is selling have been cured? Take their word 4 it? By the pricing?

    Is there an easy way (like just by looking 4 eg.) 2 judge wether the LR we R purchasing is cured? Other than by sight (no dead stuff on it), by smell (mimics the ocean/fresh) ... ??

    Should we still quarantine the LR we buy, even tho we have been assured by LFS that they have been cured? How long should the quarantine B?

  4. Hi bor and sis, can i use tap water to wash the sand? how to wash class0 sand since it is too fine?

    Here's what we did ... pretty simple lah.

    Put it in a big pail/tub, wash/rinse it inside & pour out the water after rinsing.

    Repeat until the water is pretty clear. Can B used oredi.

    P.S : As suggested by a fellow reefer here, I wrapped a piece of magnet in plastic & run it thru the pail (still with water), 2 attract any metal bits if there's any.

    Thats it 4 us. Dun know if there R other steps ...


  5. BK Burgers R much bigger, tastier ... better. Besides they have onion rings ... yummy! Un4tunately, their branches R not aplenty & limited locations. But heard they R opening 4 more new branches - Tampines Mall, Plaza Singapura, Sembawang Shopping Centra & Tekka Mall ... hurray!

    Did U guys notice, with their "I'm Loving It" ad, M*'s is trying 2 "up" their hip quotient? So U think they succeded?

  6. i have the extended DVD (MUCH better).....

    waiting for NOV for the return of the King extended DVD..

    then DEC 19 for the last part....

    Hehe ... U mean "The Two Towers" Extended DVD, "The Return Of The King" is not even in the theatres yet much less the DVD :D. I totally agree, the Special Edition (The Fellowship Of The Ring) is much better, lots of extra scenes not in the original movie. Didn't purchase Two Towers DVD coz waiting 4 the trilogy 2 B released as a box set, mayB by next year. More worth it & probably, more special features too.

    Awaiting 19 Dec with bated breath ... :lol:

  7. Any disadvantages? BTW, wat does baby anemone eat?

    Disadvantages 2 keeping a CS? None that I know of (I'm a newbie, mayB experts might know). Sorry dun know much bout anemone ... dun have any. Heard too many horror stories of anemones causing tank 2 crash, dun think wanna take the risk.

  8. hmm, looks delicious. wat benefits does it provide?

    U mean the Shrimp Cleaner or Cleaner Shrimp??

    Shrimp Cleaner

    - Clean/peel shrimps lor ... hehe. The cook in every house might appreciate this.

    Cleaner Shrimp

    - Helps clean up your marine tank, eats leftovers & fish poop (mine did). Supposed 2 help out with ich problems on yr fishes (but no promises ;)).


  9. ReLoaded was pretty good, in my opinion. Why U guys dun like it? At least it wasn't a BIG letdown like most sequels churned out by Hollywood. Besides it gives us something 2 ponder/think about until the 3rd instalment right? Just like Lord Of The Rings - The Return Of The King ... now THAT I'm REALLY looking 4ward 2 :P.

    P.S : The Animatrix was pretty cool!

  10. Ang Mo portions for Ang Mo stomachs!

    The Mac burgers Down Under are bigger than our local Macs'.

    Really?? U mean they think that Asians dun eat that much?? Haha ... we want more 4 less $, more like it. Then again, it never feels good when U feel "cheated" of your hard earned $$, whether its fast food or not.

    Is it just my imagination ... R all fast food joints here getting more expensive & the portions getting wee smaller. Hmm mayB its just me.

    Aiyah best way ... is 2 cook & eat at home. Home cooked food is still the best!


  11. .. now a large fries cost $2.45 but the serving is comparable to a medium one. the way they pack the fries..

    Large fries now cost S$ 2.45?? Wah ... shows how long haven't dropped by Mc's. Very ex! Previously the portions weren't that great either but now U say its worst. Hmmm ...

  12. pronounce agar agar lah..

    I also neber attend malayu class lohz..

    u know they rojak here in Singapore..

    some says JB n even batam too..!

    Aiyah dun worry ... just disturb U only. Infact there R lots of mispelled local lingo in SG forum but as long as everyone understands, its OK lah. I have no problem with that whatsoever :D ... but when the words look soooo funny/distorted, that it means something absolutely different, can't help myself but must disturb the author :evil: .

    P.S : Its AGAK AGAK not agar agar = jelly ;).

    Sorry :off:

  13. my home pc got alot of R(A) stuffs not good when someone

    wack into it accidentally during the fair. gonna to shock the kids speechless but the uncles will love em'.. !

    Censor them lor ... hehe :D I'm sure the DOM's will loveeee them. :P

    for those volunteering to man the booth. can print a list of usual FAQ for read up first. then no garang kapo during the trade fair.

    Whats garang kapo???

  14. Nitrate strike.

    Same thing happened to me long time ago. Prawns suddenly got fits and just drops dead.

    Think CS v sensitive to high nitrate.

    Dun know ... it did cross my mind. We bought some new LR (cured or not dun know) but we quarantined them for bout 2 weeks. Tested the NO2 & NO3 of the water that the LR were in & it was negligible. So we thought it should B OK lah. Dun seem 2 have any die-off or anything on the LR ...

    But immediately after the new LR went in the tank, we had brown algae/diatoms. Bad bad case ... bought 2 turbo snails 2 rectify the condition. Changed 20% water oredi. Brownies a bit better but not totally eradicated. Just put in Chemi-pure yesterday. Cut down on light-time & decrease feeding too. Dun know what else 2 do ...

    P.S : CS didn't have fits. They just seem very inactive B4 they died. Yeah heard that CS is sensitive. But mummy CS was 1 of our 1st tenants, so very sad she passed on. :cry:

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