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Posts posted by Rufff

  1. never introduce very aggressive fish 1st, must

    plan your species in advance.  :rolleyes:  :P

    Yeah .. but I think a lot of pple make the mistake of introducing fishes without knowing their level of aggressiveness, esp newbies. Its like introducing a mafia-boss in2 a tank full of nerds ... :D

    Even then, I think each species can still B unpredictable - like every individual human, each fish has its own temperament & character. But there's no harm in taking heed of each particular species' characteristics, 2 B on the safer side.

    MORAL OF THE STORY - Plan & introduce your tank mates wisely ;)

  2. Ermmm ... ###### sounds soooo vulgar leh. MayB can use the following :

    1. Kitten / Kitties

    2. Kitty Kat / Kit Kat

    3. Kitty

    4. Cat

    5. Meow

    6. Meow Meow

    7. Feline

    8. Not the dog ... ;)

    9. Kucing / Kucinta (Singapore Cat)

    10. Any others?


  3. We R using cable-ties 2 secure our DIY fan now but I think a clip or clamp will definitely B much better, chances of it slipping/dropping in2 the tank is slimmer.

    My fishes kena B4, but never mati leh (aiyah mayB they were lucky that 1 time). Then again, when I accidentally dropped the lights in the tank (with my other hand STILL in the water), I probably "absorbed" most of the stray current. Wah, dangerous man! :nuke:

    OK OK, the MORAL OF THE STORY is - Make sure U secure the fan, DIY or otherwise, securely! Lest yr tank mates will get the shock of their short lives. ;)

  4. Does the mirror trick work only on Tangs or all other fishes? It'll B a neat "decoy" 4 would be terrors in anybody's present tank. How big should the mirror B - will a small ladies compact-mirror-type do? Hung up at the side by hook etc. or held up by hand when U go "stare" at your tank?

    :off: It works on Luo Han in another way right ... but I think its more 2 antagonise them & get them 2 get those bumps bulging - thats what pple say anyway. :rolleyes: Hey ... doesn't that make them more "viscious" & fierce?? Violence begets violence ...

  5. Even if U buy the tiny ones, they molt pretty fast & in no time they R much bigger. Get the small CS, then U can have a nice time watching them grow into adults. :)

    We got ours between $7 - $8. Anything cheaper is a good deal lah!

  6. We R experiencing same situation & have just put in 2 turbo snails yesterday. They R doing their job cleaning up the brown "scum" :) . Dun think they can get into the crevices tho ... well it beats looking at brown-wall-glass. R diatoms & algae the same thing? Might need 2 research more on how 2 decrease the incidence tho ... mayB cut down feeding thus also decreasing bio-load I guess. I think there R other ways that we can help too but haven't had the practical-experience yet, just theory lah.

    Do it 2 believe it!

    Hope U get yr "browns" in check soon. Cheers!

  7. Yeah read a few postings but a picture says a 1000 words leh. Anyway, a lot of the past pics R now AWOL 4 now :lol: , so just wondered thats all. Not being lazy or anything, have done my own research believe me ... but seeing with own eyes, the pics of fellow reefers beats guessing work lah. Besides having a "real-time" pic allows us 2 enquire/post questions that R relevant. Asking 4 a pic does not mean that we R lazy 2 do our own research IMHO ...

    I personally have a DSB but just wondered how others' look like, thats all.

    Cheers! ;)

  8. Hi everyone

    Was just wondering if U guys R keen 2 put up pics of yr DSB/ Sump/ Refugium/ Plenum/ Other Filtaration Systems etc. Most pple wanting 2 use/convert 2 these always wonder what's the best set-up (esp frm the experts). Even if they already have 1 up & running, mayB by looking at others' they can further improve on their design & set-up.

    What say U guys? Keen 2 help out the newbies or the not so newbies ;)

    In advance, my appreciation 4 taking the time 2 snap & post the pics.


  9. Does every LFS have 2 have an AVA (seperate) license 2 carry marine stock even tho they R already selling freshwater & other stuff? If they dun, R they then breaking the law & tempting fate??? Why take the risk when U R a businessman & selling LS etc is yr livelihood? ... definitely not a wise move if U ask me.

  10. Yah their accessories R not bad, quite a good variety (bought a couple of things frm there). I think their prices R pretty reasonable. They sell FW stuff too but think they R slowly stocking up on marine stuff now.

    Heard that their opening hours R long so its handy when U need something unexpectantly & dun have the time 2 go 2 the marine specialists store (good 4 reefers living in the North & those with no transport - can take MRT 2 Yishun station & walk).

    Well thats just my opinion. :)

    P.S : Was there yesterday night, they got new stock in - LS & corals, lots.

  11. i've come across a site where they cube a cat in a container.. real small container...

    Hehe .. the kitten in a jar thing has been on the net 4 a while now. Its actually a famous internet hoax :D. Just goes 2 show we can't believe everything we read/see on the Net.

    Here's some info if anyone's interested.

    Kitten In A Jar - Internet Hoax

    Bonsai Kittens

    P.S : Like many pple, I thought it was real & cruel. Relieved it was only a JOKE! :P


  12. We got 2 "free" green nudibranch when we 1st finished cycled our tank (dun know where they came frm - LR?). Wasn't sure what it was then, so took them out of tank. Whilst it was getting picked on (by pair of disposable chopsticks), it released clear mucus-like stuff (which I believe now mayB their toxin) in the water. Didn't make any major water changes then but now wondering if the toxin is still in our water ...

    Anyone had similar experience?

  13. R Sabea Clownfishes very aggressive? Mine keeps chasing the other common clowns ... poor fellas! I know that Maroons R aggressive too ...

    Hey anybody wanna list out the most aggressive clowns? How bout their compatability with other clowns? Why R clownfishes named "True" ie. True Percula Clownfish (just wondering lah).

    Interested 2 find out more about yr experience in keeping them.

    P.S : Seems like most reefers here dun really seem 2 like clownfishes ... hmmm.

  14. So realistically, $12.5k seems to be just about right? ;)

    :huh: Gulp!!! :blink:

    Wah! So ex man. Dun think can afford 2 apportion that much dough on a hobby, U guys must be loaded lah. Me thinks me will stick 2 simple fish & LR 4 now, unless of course I somehow miraculously win the Jackpot 2morrow ... LOL ;)

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