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Posts posted by Rufff

  1. Hi bwilly

    I think the sunken ship looks good. Pooh, all the guys that say it looks weird ... coz in the ocean, sunken ships & treasures R realities, so I dun see anything "funny" with your set-up. Its interesting & unique, always B proud of your creations coz its original & 1-of-a-kind. Let others laugh ... U'll have the last laugh ;)

    Why U wanna chase the clam away anyway? By attaching itself precariously there it has actually stamped its "approval" on yr decorating skills what ... if it were me I'll let it B. Especially if it does no harm 2 itself or any of the rank's inhabitants. Anyway, I think it looks cute! :D

  2. Most times beginners R recommended damsels 2 keep as their 1st fish. Most dun know that they R territorial or aggressive in nature. Coz they R cheap, easily available & hardy, most newbies start with them as the 1st inhabitants of their newly acquired marine tank. - me included ;) . Other fishes may come & go (2 fish heaven) ... but the greedy damsels R here 2 stay ... LOL!

  3. To my fellow reefers,

    I dun know bout U guys but with all the “uproar” on commercial postings of corals/snails/lettuce, etc. ... I think people now hesitate purchasing them thru the forum. As 4 myself, I'm even reluctant 2 list my name (even if I AM interested) as I dun know the origins of the items on sale & dun want 2 “promote” nor encourage unregulated commercial sales obtained from dubious sources. On the other hand, some sales do seem bona fide & R harvested from honest beginnings … how do we even begin 2 differentiate??? MayB the more experienced lot posses the discerning eye & perception 2 identify them but I believe the newbies especially, will find it harder 2 distinguish the genuine from the improbable. I think most of us R keen on a good buy (as most Singaporeans usually R) & sometimes we deceive ourselves on the products’ point of origin ... whilst some dun even care. I believe most of us R keen on the bargains (I know I am!) & relative ease of purchasing corals/life stock that have been harvested in captivity, as they R known 2 B hardier than ones obtained from the wild.

    What a dilemma huh ……

    I am NO authority on CITES rules & regulations governing our waters, etc … neither do I profess 2 B a “saintly-goody-2-shoes”. All I know is that I preserver 2 be a conscientious & responsible human being. Though I am as guilty as the next person, if not more, by virtue of a being a reefer & a “meat-a-saurous” … I pray & hope 2 make meticulous & prudent choices in life. I may make mistakes along the way, but I know I will do better when I know better. I think everyone in this forum is here 2 learn, that’s why we bother 2 log on, read & post … 4 if not 2 LEARN why R we here in the 1st place???

    I have 2 thank everyone who has so far contributed 2 the lively discussions on the commercial postings. I think it has garnered a lot of attention, most of it good. It definitely makes 4 "stimulating" reading. Its nice 2 B able 2 read several intellectual postings regarding preservation & conservation ... & seeing the responsible "halo" emerging from our "selfish" & egotistical” existence. It feels good 2 know that we R not just here 2 quench our self-indulging desire 2 capture the essence & beauty of Mother Nature, into the confines of our “tank-full” hobby. I am thoroughly impressed & pleasantly surprised at some of the opinions & convictions of our fellow refeers.

    This forum has proved the existence of passionate individuals who R willing 2 voice out their opinions & spread word on how we can strive 2 B better reefers & in turn better human beings. I am greatly humbled … realizing what little I know so far is but a trickle in the deep blue ocean. I have learnt so much here & grateful 4 the opportunity 2 satiate my endless curiosity & relatively shallow knowledge in marine life.

    We have been blessed with reason & conscience; we must B mindful & fastidious in decisions we may make … & accept responsibility 4 the things that we CAN change.

    I believe there is HOPE yet 4 us ...

    Just my thoughts ...

  4. Hehe .. I thought wankin & other related activites R more reserved 4 the matured lot, ie. the adults only forum. :paiseh: Lets hope the youngsters/innocent dun know what wankin is ... doubt it tho, I think we underestimate our youngsters 2day.

  5. Same here, AT.

    1. Let shrimps "melt" at room temperature (couple of minutes only).

    2. Quickly soak them in the hand-made-garlic-juice & place it in the fridge 2 soak.

    3. Sieve the shrimps & throw away the juice & re-freeze them in the ice-cube-slots that came with the shrimps' pack.

    Re-freezing keeps the shrimps edible for a longer period & U can probably do a bigger batch 2 last U 1-2 weeks. Remember 2 keep yr "re-frozen" shrimps in a container (I use those throwaway plastic ones that can B microwavable). U can choose 2 thaw the shrimps slowly in the fridge too (I think that helps cut down the bacteria-bit). Yes the garlic smell will "pollute" yr fridge, "stain" yr fingers even, but its still something edible/natural (beats all those chemicals).

    Yes its true that bacteria will start colonizing any thawed food for that matter but I think if U do it fast, it will probably B minimal (should B relatively safe 4 yr fishes). Having said that, its so much easier 2 purchase some garlic additive 2 soak yr fishes' food (which I actually did - Seachem Garlic Guard ... hehe ;) ).

    U guys decide ... :D

  6. Hi everyone

    Saw this on our local website (vpostmall - part of singpost).

    The Tropical Marine Fishes Stamps

    General Info For Purchasing

    Thought that some stamp collectors here mite B interested in purchasing them. Nice & cheap! Thinking of getting them myself.

    Enjoy! :peace:

    P.S : Wanted 2 attach the stamps pics but dun know how to (1st time) .. duh! :P (there's no attach pic button here leh). Besides dun know if its allowed coz they R "copyrighted" stuff owned by Singpost or something. Go take a look at D website if U R keen.

  7. Yeah my fishes ignored the nori too. Now I know better 2 cut it up into bit-sized-tiny pieces & 2 garlic-soak them. Cookiemunster, thanx 4 the info, it definitely helps - especially 4 some who gave up after a few tries & let the nori "rot" in the cabinet instead.

    Aren't our fishes a spoilt bunch? ... LOL

  8. ruff: sigh it was many weeks ago liao, I just hope it wasn't construction workers who kopped it to eat!!!  :erm:  :cry:

    Yah ... I never thought of that ... its true that some nationalities eat cats/dogs/rabbits, infact they R common in some Asian countries. Aiyah ... thats a very depressing thought indeed ... Just hope thats yr bunny is good hands & pray for its safety & well-being. Cheer up hoppinghippo! :peace:

  9. This is not just about conservation, it's also about obeying with the law, whether we like them or not.

    Singapore has laws against the collection, exportation, and importation of hard corals without the proper permits.  These permits cost LFS $$$ to apply for, and in some cases, if the species is endangered, the gov't wont issue the permits.

    If you do them without a permit, you are breaking the law, and could be fined and jailed.

    Think of the extra money we spend on buying from reputable stores as a tax toward conservation, just like we have fishing and hunting licenses.  Their purpose is really no different from the tax we get charged on cigarettes because it is a health hazard, and also takes extra manpower to clean the butts from the streets.

    I'm ALL 4 laws, & it seems most Singaporeans need them anyway! I totally agree that we require all these rules & regulations 2 protect the environment, the legitimate LFS (businessmen) & even hobbyist like us. Many of these laws R passed/permits issued - so that the relevant authorities can keep tabs on unscrupulous human beings, out 2 make a few bucks off these engangered creatures.

    I too support "conservation tax" 4 they R obviously needed coz most pple just dun bother - that what they do will eventually effect the environment/Mother Nature. As with most Singaporeans, its the pockets that hurt the most! If we R made 2 pay extra 4 something, mayB we will THINK more "deeply" ... but I doubt everybody does that. :nc:

    If only pple care enugh 2 care, we wouldn't need laws & such, but alas the world is a cruel place & we require laws 2 protect the innocent B4 they become extinct ...

  10. Nah, I am not a conservationalist. I am just against uncontrolled and often senseless exploitation of nature's resources. If I am a greenpeace activist, then G Bush is a muslim in disguise. :D

    I am also very sensistive to claims that are blatantly contradicting to their stated mission. :D

    Last statement not directed at you AT, :angel: .

    My point is that for every butterfly that died in our tank, every tang that went down with ich, every sea fan that died of starvation, the hobbiest must learn something from that experience. It should not be treated as just another $5 wasted.

    But I did, just that the forum's topics keep getting busted. *Intentional poke at AT, LOL*

    What does being a MUSLIM got 2 do with anything??? Lets not get into religion here ... we R talking about marine life/keeping rite! Lets not confuse religion with a HOBBY, thats a dangerous line 2 follow I can assure U.

    Besides being a conservationist or not ("conservationalist" - note yr typo), each person plays a part in how he/she affects nature. Yes as keepers of Mother Earth we should play our part in conservation & keeping the ecology safe 4 the generations ahead. As marine hobbist, we R already depleting the world's oceans of their inhabitants, so we have 2 B responsible in what we acquire/purchase/sell. What pple choose 2 sell/buy is a matter of choice. No one forces anybody 2 buy anything ... if there is no demand there will be no supply... simple economics.

    I'm not siding or accusing anyone 4 that matter. Just my humble opinion. I am an animal lover & care deeply 4 these fair creatures be it cats, dogs or fishes, etc. They R living creatures, just like U & me. Just because they can't talk or write does not mean thet we can mistreat or abuse them. They breathe, eat, sleep just like any of us ... please treat them with respect & dignity 4 they R God's creations too.

    Sorry 2 digress frm main topic but I have read some posts that regard fishes & such as if they R not living creatures, like they have no brains ... duh! Even if their brains were minute, does that give us the right 2 think we R better than them. We R lucky 2 B born humans, mayB some of these pple can come back as fishes ... then they'll know how it feels ... karma or something like that.

    Dun worry I'm not worked up just needed 2 get it off my chest thats all. Cheers! :look:

  11. I used to keep the rabbit in a cage, then when it was bigger about 1 yr plus, I let it out (I stay landed) into the garden where it happily spends its time munching. sometimes it'll run out thru the gate bottom, but will eventually come back, but one day it ran off and never came back. suspect got pple kop it, sigh...

    O I C .. U stay landed, that explains why the bunny "escaped". Yah mayB someone "kahpo" yr rabbit, so cute mah ... sure pple wanna take. Or they mite think that it was lost & by adopting it they R actually rescuing it .. who knows. Did U post "LOST PET/RABBIT" posters around yr stretch of neighbourhood? Its worth a try ... or did U try SPCA? Sometimes they accept animals brought in by the public but if its a long time ago it mite B too late.

  12. I used to have a rabbit recently but lost it one day when it didn't return home. *sniff*

    And wow what you guys have are more than pets, you guys actually keep FOOD CHAINS in your house!!!! from predator down the chain.... heh.... if you set them all free at once you'll have chaos!!

    U keep yr rabbit outside yr home? No cage?? A bit cruel leh 2 keep a rabbit outside yr flat (saw a family do it), poor rabbit ... cold frm rain & petrified frm humans walking past its cage. Used 2 have 1 rabbit as a kid, mum gave it away when we were at school ... came back home, she was gone <_<

    Yeah .. agree with U, these guys have a zoo or a complete food chain as U said.. LOL! Not only chaos but pandemonium!!! :D

  13. Dun think the building belongs 2 NTUC Income but yes there's 1 there on the 1st level, Aq*****r just beside it. I think the buliding belongs 2 Sembawang Town Council (Nee Soon Central Office). Addy is block 751 Yishun Street 72. Aq****** has tons of accessories, pretty reasonably priced. Dun know bout their LS tho. Worth taking a look if U R in the area, their stuff is usually cheaper than some places & they carry lots of brands 4 a particular item, so U can choose which best suits U & yr budget.


  14. ruff: woman not= chio lah, chio=pretty, hong=woman. what bwilly really meant to ask you was: Do you possess inner beauty cuz that's after all really all that matters..... rite bwilly?

    Hi hoppinghippos

    O I C .. me got it wrong huh ;) . Yep inner beauty is definitely a good quality 2 posses.

    ruff&flub: I can understand where you girls are coming from and I agree with you two (does that make me a metrosexual?  ) but I think its all in the way you ask for donations? And not to implicate the entire male race, but I think the tongue in cheek replies were in response to the way it was asked not the request itself.

    Yeah I guess U R right. Being new 2 marine & forums alike, I'm not used 2 the way most guys here talk yet - the jibes, "directness", the "MAN talk". U notice how men usually speak differently when they know the farier ###### aren't around/listening .. . :paiseh: Me guess just have 2 blend in lah. I know most times U guys R kidding & all so I have no problems whatsoever with "men/adult talk" .. LOL. We R all adults here ... hehe :D

    Peace Everyone :peace:

    P.S : I wonder how many ladies we have in this forum & do they feel the same way ... ?

  15. I perfer microwave the fish like I did to my blue tang (dory) few yrs back....

    The eyes pop out and splash on top my microwave oven...so fun ...

    It's shit starting squeezing out from its cooked anus too ....h.ah.a.h.h


    Why so cruel??? I hope it was already dead when U microwaved it or else it would have been very cruel leh ...

    Me thinks that animals should B treated with respect & dignity ... even in death, just my humble opinion thats all.

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