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Posts posted by cage

  1. Anybody where to get good and cheap marine stuff in tampines and bedok?

    BTW, there is a new marine shop near the post office at bedok interchange.

    Anyone went there yet?

    Usually visit the small marine shop in market ard blk 89. Sell a few basic marine necessities. Quite cheap. Sell lots of anemones. A lot of dumb people buy the anemones. Overhead the owner saying the anemone doesn't need any lighting and a buyer agrees with him. Idiots...

    Another shop called Darwin aquarium also in the vicinity. Has some average priced marine stuff. No livestock.

    The livestock at the new marine shop in bedok are tagged with a decent price. But a trip to the fish farm is recommended.

  2. Also my first tomato clown introduced 2 days agao died on me today. Its body seems to be covered with slime or something white films like peeling off its body. How can this disease be cured and do I have to do partial change of water before introducing fish into tank again?

    IME, sounds like you have brooklynellosis, very common Clownfish disease.

    Most probably inherited the parasite from the lfs. Stress might have aggravate its condition. :eyeblur:

  3. Didn't really bothered with the isopods till these creatures found a home, parasitizing on my blue tang and a false percula. I had to net the fish and gently pry the isopod from the fish with my nail to get it off :angry:

    There are many more of them hiding in the liverock and some tiny ones on the sandbed. How do you get rid of them ? Any known fish or inverts that prey on them ?

  4. Those fussy clowns don't gave a hoot to the flakes. They approach it, smell it and ignored it. Gave them frozen brine last night. They were practically smiling.

    My hammer corals doesn't seem to be feeding. So i shift it to a spot in the tank that received the most sunlight and then turn on the tank lights upon reaching home.

    And lions ?? :)

  5. Last time went Seoul had a hard time trying to talk to em. And when i not happy i scold em all those dialect and they dun understand at all wahaha!  :lol:

    Had the same experience with my friends in South Korea. Had a hard time making out their jumbled english. Its like playing jigsaw puzzles, orally :blink: . But most of them knew english words like "World Cup" "Beckham" "England" "Hooker Hill".

  6. Read from articles that linkia in captivity have difficulty regenerating its limbs.

    IMO cutting the starfish legs while its still ALIVE is pretty much the same image you get of a mother lioness tearing off a human limb to feed its growing cubs while keeping the poor guy alive in the bushes <_<

  7. sorry, i meant feeding my ponies frozens.... :P i did try shifting the sand bed slowly to release the bubbles a couple of times liao, but they still keep forming bubbles! :blink:

    Ha, i'm currently experiencing what you're having there. Its most probably nitrogen gas, product of denitrification. It's a good thing :)

  8. Found strange brown spots on the tank's glass. Now on its 3rd week of cycling. Nitrite levels have lowered to a very safe zone, while nitrates are pretty high.

    Are these brown *a bit hairy* spots, diatom algae as suspected ? Is this the result of high nitrates or the phosphates and silicates in the water or it just feels like popping up in a new aquarium to irritate newbies from continuing this hobby ? Any remedies to these brown crap are appreciated. :)

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