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Everything posted by tivoli

  1. Hi all, I just to Ah Beng's shop at Pasir Ris. Lots of cheap corcea clams ....
  2. of course money can buy trophies. 1) Chelsea bought MU's CEO for his marketing and franchise manangement powers 2) Chelsea bought the best coach/manager in the whole world (Jose Mourhino) from Porto 3) Plus Chelsea bought players freely .... without any home grown talents. The whole Chelsea team was bought with Roman's money. Of course they are winning the trophy.
  3. HI DA, Wouldn't your angels feed/nip on your corals and clams ? I kept a coral beauty and singapore angel, they all started to nip on my yellow polyps and coral. So far from my experience only flame angel does not nip on anything exceot for propoer foood .... Cheers
  4. Yo friend, I also want the stars. I will get one batch for the small ones. The way to catch them is to catch them at night. They hide when there is light, but roam when it is dark. May I know which area do you stay ? Cheers
  5. HI friends, this thread is now close so that I can sort thru the inbox. Cheers
  6. Deepblue, looks like your elegant is being bashed by your red lobo. Actually red lobo the sting quite power .... it will adsorb and dissolve the neighbour's flesh if possible. My green brain was 'dissolved' by my lobo.
  7. HI I stay in pasir ris, I am clearing my tank to make space. anybody wants the following corals ? Self collect.
  8. Hi Riot, the H&S is around 2 times better or more. The bubbles are thicker and more foamy as viewed thru the neck of the skimmer plus the skimmer is thicker.
  9. hi , Plus the schuran is a second hand lah which I bought from Gouldian.
  10. HI DA, I think the twin skimmer does help to keep my water quality a lot better than just a single H&S. For example, after feeding my fish food, there is this fishy smell that lingers in the water for say 1.5 hours. Now with my twin skimers, the smell only lingers for around 20 minutes. So I suppose the skimmers are doing the job of extracting the nutrients from the water alot faster than before. Originally I thot by adding twin skimmer I can make my water quality better, reduce nitrate and keep SPS. BUt now I have given up on the idea of SPS .... Will monitor if got any improvement or effects over longer term.
  11. HI Gouldian, 1) I on my fuge lights on a reverse cycle. I thought that the pods and plants in the fuge need sleep lah. 2) I am keeping plants that does not go asexual .... like red bamboo, bryosis, green ulva .... plus other miscellaneous weeds that just grow. I like to keep a variety of plants for the mixed plants in fuge effects. 3) I particularly like red bamboo cos they come from muddy lagoon area so the rocks that they are on are usually filled with small brittle stars, worms and other small organisms. 4) I am using PL 1x36 watts. should be enough.
  12. Hi kok hui, No lah .. simple recipe, just blend prawns, squid & red sea weed, freeze it then feed.
  13. The last pic of the day, the pic of my twin peaks. The pic of my H&S skimmer and a schuran skimmer. Now I can really compare the skimmate. Why did I keep two german skimmers side by side ? Cos I like to feed my fishes with heavy home made feedings. Plus I don't want to keep a mountain of a beckett.
  14. And this is a pic of my refugium. I have gotten rid of my chaemo ... err more of they slow die off. But I am planting red bamboo which is growing well plus green ulva on rocks. Except for the chamo the rest are growing well.
  15. The pic of my current favourite fish, a pair of bangai. I recently develop a love for these fishes, the black and white strips contrast nicely with the purple look of my tank. 14 bangai died in my tank in 3 days before these 4 big bangai became stable in my tank. I guess they died so fast becuase I bought small juvenile ones. These bigger bangai are more stable.
  16. My bright pink tip elegance. But the pic is not so nice, the real view is better
  17. Hi all, this is one of my favourites, green star polyp in full bloom.
  18. Sorry diabolus bro, I dunnno why but my chaeto has completely died off. I just installed two skimmer to run in my sump ... and the chaemo just died off slowly or maybe it was overrun by other misc algae. My refugium has also undergo a complete makeover. I am keeping red bamboo, green ulva and other misc algae. Will show you the picture tonight. Cheers
  19. Hi DA, Yah I got two elegance. One is lime green, the other is bright pink tip that I got from AA at 35% discount Both are very healthy and are actually considered to be small due to small skeleton. But the flesh actually open till very big in my tank. The flesh measures at least 20 cm across when the skeleton is only around 7 cm. A real beauty I think for the two specie. Cheers
  20. Hi I did some minor rescape of tank plus I remove some live rocks. My tank actually look better with less rocks .... Plus my wife finally agrees that the tank looks colourful and good instead of being a TOD (Tank of death). There are the pics
  21. Hi bros, 1) the only way to correctly judge whether a skimmer is doing the job is to see the thickness of the foam and size of the bubbles in the chamber of the skimmer. Hence Alan Seah mention that good quality skimmer does the job of reducing the NO3 and PO3 and all the gunk. 2) The quality of skimmate is a by product of the foam and production of the bubbles. 3) Bad quality bubbles foam production will produce bad result in tank and is not dependent on the colour of the skimmate. 4) Hence Macro is in my view not a quality skimmer cos the bubble foam production pales in comparison with H&S skimmer. Colour of skimmate is irrevelant. 5) To answer Nicken's question. You can vary the depth of the Macro pump in the sump if the depth of water in the sump allows you. ie. If the depth of water in sump is 20 cm ... you can vary the depth of pump from 1 to 20 cm. For Macro ... the higher the better cos the pump got no power... 6) Nothing personal just a review of the Macro skimmer ... so folks reading this can go compare other skimmer and spend money of quality stuff.... maybe a second hand H&S skimmer may be a better bet. Cheers
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