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Everything posted by kschew1498

  1. Shit!....first look I thought you were so lucky that you could grab her.....wahahahaha...
  2. Agree...take pride!!!! or you wont want to post it here right!!!!
  3. Wow....so many chio bu!!! Yuhooooo!!!!
  4. Thank you thank you Just so eager looking forward to my 5 footer..... Will also try tp post my progress if available....
  5. Well.....not too bad on NH4 & NO2.....almost zero....except have to keep close watch of NO3.....damp denitrate not doing its work.....high phosphate as well because I am using tap water.....have been using phosguard but also not very effective.
  6. hehe thanks.....by the way just to add on....my current tank specs. My Complete 2 footer setup..... Specs: Tank: 2 X 1 X 1.5(Depth) Feet Sump Tank (DIY) : 1.5 X 1 X 1 Feet Volume : 22 gallon Chiller: Resun 1/10 hp (maintain at 26degree).....drive by a canister at 690L per hour Lights: Metal Halide 150w 17000k (8hours a day) and 1 Actinic FL (10 hours a day) Protein Skimmer: Weipro 2011 and Astro Pump 2900L per hour. Live Rocks and Tonga : approx. 13 kg Inhabitant: Corals: Mushroom (red and violet) Ricordea Button polyps Star polyps Twin Brain Corals Hammer Octopus Pumping Xenia Gonipora Tube Anemone Sea Fan Fan Worm Cat Eye Bubble Christmas Tree Hairy Leather Suncoral Clams (1 maxima & 1 crocea) Fishes and Invertebates: 4 stripped damsel Yellow Tail Damsel 3 spot Domino Brown Tang Lyretail Anthias X 3 Jewel Damsel Naso Tang Bi-color benny Banded Coral Shrimp (boxer) Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (doctor) Camel Shrimp Marble Shrimp (too many fishes already! not recommended but just cant't help it.... hahahaha )
  7. why huh?? I change water every week....3/4 red pail.....but recently a bit lazy....didnt really dose KW & Ph buffer....kekeke Dosing now!
  8. Probably......will be selling a fair bit as well....eg. MH, Chiller, Weipro....but have to cycle my new tank first before tranfering the LS, Corals and LR over......
  9. I guess that's all folks....will be busying with my new tank for a while.....Yahooooo!!!
  10. My jewel...doesnt seem to open up fully this days....I mean the tentacles.....not as long as before
  11. My hairy leather.....thinking of selling it a few weeks back it is getting too big!!!
  12. I believe they are star polyps.....but not sure the actual name.....The star look light green color I bought it from LCK while the other I bought from another fellow reefer....
  13. My octopus.....I think... When I bought it...there were 6 branches.....2 died....but recently I notice another 2 branches grew out!
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