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Everything posted by kschew1498

  1. I did a water change just now.....same same.....there were still some white particles in the water! but not as much as the other day. I believe it may be due to the tap water from the water tank on the buidling! Hi Ben....when you say i have to add hardener before adding calcium.....I dont really understand.... (was reading your advise again and was scratching my head! hehehe ) Anyway if it is harmless.....dont care la! but just a bit "buay song"! hahaha and troublesome also as I have to fliter it off with a cloth before additing into my tank during a water change! (troublesome!)
  2. 8000l.hr is overkill?! May I seek some advise if it is for a 5 footer....will it be overkill??? I just bought a ATMAN MP8500 (8500L/HR) in preparation for my 5 footer!!
  3. Yuhooo....win money!!! Half time double up also win!!!! Yahooo!!!! Whoever let me win $ I will be their fan....hahahaha
  4. Thanks Micheal....I will try to see if there is something wrong with the salt. Anyway I am using Kent Marine Salt. I didnt experience this previously with this salt....hmmm..... By the way my salt has become harden!! Is there anyway to prevent that! I merely tied it with 2 rubber band and further keep it in a plastic bag......Any advise?
  5. hehehe you still got a lot of room to stock up.....slowly slowly huh.....careful your pocket hor....hahaha but very shiok one!!!!
  6. Sigh! have this problem also.....my 2 footer is densely packed with >12kg of LR & Tonga so I leave my dead fish in it unless my smart boxer carry it out to the front for a feast! then I will snatch it from him/it! So far I have lost count how many fish have "disappear / MIA" in my tank....just have to change water more frequently....and monitor the parameters. Recent casualty, my blue tang went MIA and its a size of a 50c coin.....guess it should RIP by now.....Sigh!
  7. Hi... Was wondering does anybody have this experience.....I was mixing salt with water to do my water change last night and I notice there is a lot of white particle in the water! Initially I thought it was undissolved salt but after letting it settle for more than 1 hr...the white particle was still there and I thought there is nothing to worried. However on my 1st scoop of the salt water into the tank.....the white particle was all around and its like my tank infested with brine shrimp....all over the tank! What are these??? Is it because the salt turn bad? Or some chemical reaction? I never have this encounter before and I have use the salt for a few water change already! The water was also in my pair for more than 1 week! Bro. Triggerpuff....do you face this problem as I bought this salt with you in Balestia! I had to resort to use a cloth to sleeve off all this white particle before topping my tank! Can anybody advise? Gonna try to mix the salt again tonight!
  8. I can understand your feeling now......I too have an experience of that! I mop the floor 7-8 times with soap water and clean water!!! Mine was because my sump tank over flow due to the return ###### from the main tank when I power off the return pump! Disaster as I got a electric shock and if not because of my cct breaker..... Worse still I had a fall! running back to my tank after I power up the cct breaker! $#@%@$# Nightmare! and it was at night! Next morning I got an MC because I hurt my neck ligement during the fall! That's the worst nightmare for a reefer!
  9. Its bloody cold......-11 degree.....even my ######'s skin crack....believe me or not!!! Really under-estimate the weather!!
  10. and lastly how can a trip to Beijing be left without conquering the great wall of China.....
  11. the in-door fish market.....nothing much....mainly fresh water fish....and some tortise as well...
  12. eeeee......snakes and Guo Guo (some sort of cricket)
  13. Wonder how they keep the goldfish alive....its so cold!!!
  14. hehe Back in Singapore already! ....a couple of pic. in Beijing pet market......selling dog, cats, birds, fresh water fish, snake and crickets.
  15. Hi Alex I am interested in you 5 footer tank.....May I ask if 2.5ft is width or height?? How big is your sump tank? Can you pm me your location as I wish to view the tank.....thanks.....
  16. Mostly fresh water fish....and only a couple of marine fish shop......mainly selling fish tank......not much equipments on display unless you ask the.....so.....I left the place within 20 mins.....SIAN Ah! and its pretty far from the hotel I stay.! Ok That's all folks and I leave the comments to you guys.....and hope you guys enjoy it! Leaving next Monday back to Singapore. kekeke
  17. The interior of this market is dark and so quiet.........
  18. I am back online!!! A couple of pics and that all I have......This particular place I went was........
  19. hmmm......tomorrow going to another flower and fish market...kekeke By the way......the chiller (Haliea), PS(Macro) and MH lights there are #!=#@$%##!# cheap!!!!!! Now trying to find some ways to ship it back singapore!!! ......have to see if it is worth buying after all the forwarding cost! hmmm...... Will keep you guys posted on my next quest!
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