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Posts posted by kschew1498

  1. Negotiators and influencers use tactics in an attempt to alter the

    perceptions as to who has the most power. It is common to think of these

    tactics as being rather tough-minded manouvres pushing the other party into


    Yet those skilled at influencing place equal weight on what may be regarded

    as 'nice' or empathic tactics. These are those more cooperative actions

    aimed at developing common ground and shifting parties away from being

    positional towards joint problem solving.

    *** Big 'Sorries' and little 'sorries' ***

    When US President George Bush visited Latvia in May 2005 he offered an

    apology for the part the US played in the 1945 Yalta Agreement that

    legitimised Soviet control of Eastern Europe.

    Why would a US President in 2005 bother saying 'sorry' for something that

    happened 60 years ago?

    News media from around the world reported that Eastern Europeans, including

    those born decades after the Yalta Agreement was signed, were unanimous in

    their praise and thanked Bush for his apology made on behalf of the people

    and government of the USA.

    Around the same time the Reuters news service reported on a British couple

    who hold the record for the world's longest marriage. They claimed their

    success over 80 years was based on a glass of whisky, a glass of sherry and

    the word 'sorry'. They said the real secret of their time together was that

    'you must never be afraid to say sorry'.

    So in both the international sphere (big 'N' negotiation) and in domestic

    relationships (little 'n' negotiation) saying 'sorry' is used effectively to

    influence the views and behaviour of others.

    *** Is 'sorry' a tactic? ***

    What were Bush and the long-married couple doing when they said 'sorry'?

    On the 60th Anniversary of the end of World War 2 Bush was building bridges

    with his Latvian audience and every other Eastern European who felt the WW2

    allies let them down in the Yalta Agreement. He was not doing anything of

    substance to redress decisions of 60 years ago, yet he was hitting the mark

    at the emotional level.

    Individuals living at close quarters invariably step on each other's toes

    from time to time. Situations can become emotional and conflictual. In order

    to keep relationships functioning and to influence feelings, we all know

    that saying 'sorry' helps considerably.


    Its because saying 'sorry' works (tactically) as it helps soften entrenched

    positions where those powerful, unstated personal needs and human emotional

    feelings are blocking willingness to move forward.


    'Saying sorry' and 'admitting error' can be breakthrough tactics

    particularly when emotions are running high. To successfully use 'sorry' we

    need to manage the atmospherics.

    * Choose the right time - the other party needs to be receptive.

    * Check the place - the venue and setting have a significant impact.

    * Look at the other party and use a personable and low tone of voice.

    * Make it clear that you are apologizing and what you are apologizing about

    - 'I am very sorry that I upset you by saying/doing X and ...'

    * Be sincere - signal that it is significant for you.

    * Focus on the future - perhaps describe the positive benefits to both of

    accepting the apology.

    Give some thought about it!........... ;)

  2. huh :huh: peck on prata still put them together :P

    anyway, nice angel u have. up for your sale :P


    because of that i was trying to isolate the prata from the rascal!!!.....and.......the joker escape!!!! :angry::angry::cry: Clumsy me!!! :paiseh:

    Thanks for all the brothers who show interest!.....

    Currently its been reserved!....will try to trap the joker again in no time!!!!!

    Honestly....its one of the boldness fish I have even encountered......the moment it escape....it didnt go anywhere to hide.......but follow the rest of the fish.....eagerly waiting to be fed!!!! :rolleyes: ......a fish with a character i must say......

    Anyway.......I WILL TRAP YOU AGAIN!!!! SIGH! :(

  3. At last I caught my flame angel!!!..... :evil: Selling at $35 nett

    It has been with me since Sept 2004. Eat literally everything....from mysis shrimps, brine shrimps, Formula 1 & 2 pallets :eyebrow:

    Please beware it is not reef safe......specially like to peck on Prata and brain coral!!

    Its really a pity I have to sell this fish :cry:

    Hope to sell it quick because it is in my trap now ....with my 2 prata!!!!! :fear:

    Please do call me at 97865606!


  4. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37594

    Bro...check this out.....same same....but I am trying to trap my flame angel instead. Seen it went in a few times but I was just to slow! <_<

    My chromis, sailfin, Naso, benny and golden damsel have all went in already..... <_< .....and they stay there even though you place your hand into the water preparing to close the gate!!!.....except my Flame Angel!....It does have a suspicious character! :lol: Sigh!......patience patience......

    Think you can buy this box from Reborn! ;)

    Good luck!

  5. :blink::shock: .......dont frighten me leh!.....I am not going to move a single rock.......It was really a back breaking session when I did my rescaping recently! NO WAY!...I rather sell of my prata! :P

    Well.....last night the flame angel went into the trap :yeah: .....but then when I place my hand into the tank to shut the door.....the bloody, stupid %$!@^#%! door got stuck!!!!.......and the joker escape!!! :angry::angry: DAMN!

    But then if there is once....there will be a second time!! :evil: this time I make sure I have a net to close the gap then slowly close the door with the other hand!...... <_<

    Thanks Vincent.....I heed your advise and I put my beautiful prata into the box....it did attract that rascal!

    Initially I place some pallets and mysis shrimp.....end up it was all eaten by my Sailfin.......very bold burger.......simply bo chap....just swim in and peck!.... <_<

    Patience patience!!! :rolleyes:

  6. Sad sad..... :cry: ...I too lost a lop ear rabbit.....knew it was sick but I have to travel.....the worse thing is if I could have come back a day earlier to sent it to the vet....it may have survive!.....I blame it on my Mdm.....didnt even dare to carry her and she wants a dog!......at least she forgo the idea of having a dog after this incident!

    Wonder do we feel the same way for our fishes?? :huh: ......When my fishes died......I just flung it out of the kitchen window! :paiseh: .......hmmm.......maybe because we couldnt touch and feel them?!.......I have to confess.....I have even flush a Algae eating fish (Freshwater) into the toilet bowl when I found it growing too big.......I was very young then! :paiseh:

  7. Bro,

    give the Flame angel a few days to get used to the trap 1st, it's not gonna enter anything it's not familiar with.... And also, the prata it's pecking is a good bait, that wat I did last time...

    Also, Standby with some long stick or pvc pipe or anything u can use to tap or push the door shut, make sure the door is sliding freely and use a thread to tie to the door and attach to a small weight outside the tank. If u intend to use your hand to tap the door shut, by the time ur hand gets in, the Flame angel swim out liao... :P

    Good luck! :P

    I think my prata too big to go into the trap :lol: ......

    Hmmm.....you are right Vincent......guess before I go near the trap.....the joker would have escape........maybe I should cover th trap with some opaque material to prevent it from seeing anything outside the trap......but must be something I can see through......hmmmm...... :unsure: .....Maybe something film outside my tank where I locate the trap?.....but what?.....hmmm :look:

  8. agressive fish are eaiser to catch.....just put a mirror and see if they 'play' with their image.....then sneak up slowly beihind with your trap to catch it.....

    that's how bro Maxz manage to catch my #@%@#% powder black...and he took only about 15 min....:P

    Wow!...15 mins??.....hmmm...maybe I can try it on my dottyback! :evil:

  9. place in ur parta will be the best choice since it is fav food

    place in rock it to make that place more secure as u know GA like lots of hiding place

    but do u have any idea how u going to close the door fast enough once u goes near it the fishes will most likely swim out

    so far i manage to trap all of my fishes in my tank include barlets which even sleep inside the trap.

    Hmmm.....any advise how to shut the trap door?.....I was thinking to creep up to the trap and push the door down! :paiseh::lol::lol::lol:

  10. In fact I intend to catch the flame angel, dottyback and purple tang....

    My diadem dottyback is getting too agressive....keep attacking my Royal Gramma and I wishes to replace my purple tang with yellow tang..... :rolleyes:

    Wish I can catch them soon!....Sigh!.....priority is still given to my flame angel :angry:

  11. yes you can that how i catch mine with this box

    too catch it try to place some small pcs of rocks inside if possible make a cave inside and place ur parta inside be prepare to wait for at least a few days for the fish to go in.

    really?? place some rocks??.......

    decentkid.....can I place mysis shrimp? :unsure:

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