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Posts posted by scarab

  1. Gosh, look like a lot more reefers go for the wet skimmate. :o

    Frankly I have always tune my skimmer to get dry skimmate since starting on Beckett and I wonder other than easier to clean, are there any other reasons for the the wet skimming? Is it really more efficient? If yes, how is it more efficient? :huh:

  2. Check this out.

    comments, anyone? Are SPS' the be all and end all in reef keeping?


    Everyone has their right to keep whatever and discuss whatever they prefer. No one say SPS is the ultimate in reefkeeping. People keep SPS because they feel it's a challenge worth attempting. Some other people's preference could be FOWLR, could be softies........and anything that can be collected from the sea.

    BTW the Reefkeeping issue is an April Fool's joke. Let's see whether the next RC TOTM is really another SPS tank or not. :nc::nc:

  3. :lol: no lar, though it does looks a lot better but my sps colour is only 1/2 upwards towards the tips lar, hope to be like yours which colour up all the way from the base :P

    i'll be getting a DI unit soon and also selling my EV-180, hopefully i dun have to lost much on that... been talking to joe about his products, not giant size but try to match yours. :P

    So tomolo onz bo :huh:

    Can one. Just change your lights right? Wait a while. Use DI water and change to Beckett. Think will do the trick.

    Tomorrow I not onz lah. :( Got something on. You all enjoy har. If you free can drop by my place I pass you the blue tip tenuis frag.

  4. Very crisp colour now bro. So no more frustration about your coral not colouring up ok? It has coloured up all along, only because you use the wrong type of light that's why you see the colour very sianz. :lol:

    Beautiful :bow:

    Like this how? Still changing to Beckett?

  5. Bro scarab, i wonder how your monti at the bottom receive enough lights?


    The shaded portion brown lor. But must have a lot of flow thru it else will STN. Actually monti caps as they grow they will also shade each layer below. For me most imporatnt for this placement is strong flow and no warfare among the different type of caps.

  6. hmm...maybe I should go get a hyacinthus to challenge myself too :lol:

    scarab...my wife always says.....your photos dun do any justice to the actual sps in the tank :whistle

    Bro, you and your wife are too kind.. :paiseh::paiseh: .

    Go and get one to challenge yourself. It's fun and frustrating at the same time. You know where still got a lot. ;)

  7. I am not sure about the others, but I really like the idea of brown sps at cheap prices, then finding them changing into cool colours. Sort of feels like striking 4D. :)

    Different school of thought. I'm for buying SPS with nice colour and have the challenge of holding the colour in your tank. Just as satisfying. :) And in the meantime at least you have colourful SPS to look at rather than brown ones. :lol::lol:

    Juz my opinion. :peace:

  8. Btw,

    Bro Scarab,

    Just need to ask you the following.

    1) when u use ARM, do you need to change the media? and how do you know when you need to change? Or just like rowalit that no need to change, they just depleted and all is needed is to top up more.

    2) I have a CR from deltec, is it possible to add a second chamber from a local diy like RM so that CO2 can dissolve better?


    1) You need to change the ARM every 6 to 9 months depending on usage. They do not dissolve fully like Rowalith.

    2) I think it is possible to add on the 2nd chamber. Check with Joe_P. He might be able to give you the answer.

  9. anyway, which do u reckon is a better specimen (if different), AA or Reborn? Not trying to stir up arguements but just a comparison for us to know and learn about the growth tips and corallites.

    Put your piece in my tank for 6 months for me to compare with the piece from AA and I'll tell you which one is better. :lol::lol:

    After 6 months it will be too difficult to return to you coz it will have encrusted. :evil:

  10. :):evil::evil::evil::)

    Wicked huh the colour!!! :evil: I agree with dan that the photo don't do it justice. I don't have starfire glass lah. Top down it's even more wicked>>> :evil::evil::lol:

    danano: Its time to promote it into your main tank. What's it doing in your nano? :o No place ah then time to upgrade to your 6 footer, no I mean your 8 footer. ;)

    Jimng: Yup your tank is definitely too small even for your own gems my friend. Time to get rid of your LPS and rescape to fit in new gems or better get new bigger tank.

    reefer guy: I concur. Bigger tank for Jim. Let the red milli setlle down and grow out. Then we can frag. :evil::evil: Just a matter of time. :pinch::lol:

  11. Previously, I was using ARMS and my reactor was bubbling like 2 to 3 bubbles per sec ... the cal and KH in the range of 450 - 500 ppm and the KH in the range of 10 -12 KH ...

    Recently I change to rowalith C .... maintaining cal at 500ppm and KH at 13.

    But my Mag is dropping fast .... I just buff up the mag to 1350 ....2 days back .. and now it is at 1290 ... looks scary to see it drop so fast .... and the KH is not holding well ....everynight will drop 3 dkh ...Wonder whether it is the media... which is causing it ;)

    Ouch!!! :(

  12. I'm using ARMS too, i dont need to dose MG leh.. my current tank runs at MG- 1400, CA-430, KH-8.3, PH-8.1, bubble count 2-3/sec, effluent - continous dripping. I do face low KH problem in the past , what i did was increase the bubble count and effluent ;)

    Bro, it will depend a lot on your stocking level and the growth rate of your corals too. My stocking level is like over the top lah. When you substantially increase your stocking level, check your parameters again. I think your Mg may not be able to hold.

    BTW increasing your bubble count and your effluent drip rate at the same time may not have any positive effect on the effluent readings. If you do that, some of the additional CO2 will just be dripped into your tank as more effluent is flowing out of your reactor bringing some of the unused CO2 with them. The additional CO2 should remain in your reactor as long as possible to give the CO2 the longest reaction time, better if you have a second chamber. Reaction time even longer. :lol:

    You should stay with your same effluent drip rate and up the bubble count. Test the parameters of your effluent until you cannot up the bubble count anymore (trapped CO2, no change in effluent parameters), then you increase your effluent drip rate and monitor the parameters in your tank.

  13. I using rowalith C. The media are fine like #1 sand, not sure if changing to that will give you better results due to the larger contact surface or not.

    Maybe with the larger contact surface you can run a higher effluent flow?

    How long have you use the media, weileong? The parameters ok? I have heard good and bad reviews on Rowalith. Need to get more affirmation before changing coz changing media in the CR damn headache one.

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