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Posts posted by Ketchup

  1. get neon goby ... good cleaner :)

    Yeah, maybe will get some.. no hurry as tank just cycled so relatively "Clean" :)

    Bought 5 small snails and throw it in... all burrowed into the black sand...very nice :P

    Then Desi came home and throw in some fish food... immediately all the snails crawl out! Their antenna damn good.. LOL

    Tonight will prob finalise our rockscape and add in some corals.. Will prob start another thread for ease of keeping track :)

    Thanks all for the advice and we will try to update diligently so you guys can point out our mistakes (hopefully not too many!)


    Ketchup and Desi

  2. black occellaris would contrast nicely with a light blue haddoni.. the effect wld be quite nice! do show us some photos when you manage to get it up.. :)

    Haha... still not confirmed yet... but would really love a blue haddoni.. esp we have black sand somemore :)

  3. hey ketchup, can start shopping for small fishes :rolleyes:

    Haha.. yeah, shd be stocking soon... hand damn itchy but my head says no!! Prob get some snails then add in corals...

    For fishes, already aim a few types... waiting for next 1/2 shipments :P

  4. Maybe just to set your expectations right, the cleaner shrimps is neither a prevention nor cure for white spots or parasite-related diseases. Even if it does reduce some likelihood of the diseases, it will be moot once they start feeding. Like many other lifestock, once they are trained to eat prepared foods, they lose their 'instinct' and stop hunting, in this case, cleaning.

    Nevertheless, cleaner shrimp is also a good clean up crew if you don't mind their voracious apetite because they eat almost anything, so can help you scavenge your rocks/sandbed.

    Ahhh ic... well, will keep this in mind.. in this case, i will prob keep a pair shd be sufficient :)

  5. cleaner shrimps r supposed to eat the parasites and white spots from the fishes, they dun eat waste...although the name suggest "cleaning"...but due to abundance of food from our feeding, they instinctively go for the food for fishes.

    Yeah, am aware of that :P i rather my fishes got no parasites and white spots lor.. thats why i say i rather feed them :P LOL

  6. Provided the thermometer is accurate, that is...... :eyebrow:

    I visited a member house recently. I was shocked to see his thermometer shows 23 degrees cel and his tank have got no condensation!!!!................

    ..................only to find out his chiller shows 28. :eyeblur:

    Shd be based on the reading on the chiller more accurate right ? :P

  7. Yeah, I think it is eheim 1000.

    Pump is in my last compartment, same as the return pump.

    2 short pipes were used; maybe can see from the previous pic.

    I think it takes a a few minutes, er.. not quite sure how many minutes, maybe 3 mins to have the temp down to 27.5 degrees.

    Is that ok, good?

    Seems very fast if it reduces from 28 to 27.5 in a few minutes :P

  8. Hey Ketchup, sorry to miss your post.

    No expansion in mind, the longer cabinet is to fit the sump and chiller; also those plugs and wire.... now wire still in a mess.

    yeah, but I find the caribsea sand is huge .... prefer the smaller finer nature ocean .... well ... too late .... dumped in both already.

    I think my tank is already cycled as mention by the nsw provider; as I have my old live rocks in my tub with circulating water.

    Anyway, already added some livestock in; and they seemed happier than in the ikea tub!!

    Me also dose bacteria .....

    Will add in more livestock soon, bought a few small fishes yesterday together with the biohome+.

    Cheers and enjoy reefing!

    Hi Digibee

    Hi Digibee...

    Sure no expansion? *wink* *wink* :)

    Ya, my wife pour in the NO/Caribsea with Elvin (from Reborn) the other day when i was out... I came back and noticed that the NO sand is more brownish and finer.. I actually prefers the Caribsea sand as it's nicer... more black :P

    So what i did was to turn it a little along the tank so it "appears" mostly Caribsea :) One more thing, you should "disturb" your sand slowly as there are still pockets of air underneath the sand bed.. i do it a little bit each day.

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