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Posts posted by andysho

  1. perhaps u need to get one of them and place

    then under microscope and then can see

    since u mention "it is too tiny"

    there are too many funny and weird creatures in the live rock

    that are yet to be found

    i caught one very chio yellow bristle worm in my tank

    around 2cm

    the most ever chio worm ever came acroos in my tank muhahaha


  2. nah he kena durning ICT ,

    they give reason that because he was sent for treatment in another camp not the own camp medical centre

    give this and that reason

    sad all his CPF all run dry liao..............

  3. now very hard to downgrade

    i got one camp mate kena the back spine or so when doing

    some rundown ....worse have to spent tones of money,, he lost his job and have to place a metal piece of thing inside

    and amry dun really pay a single cent for his medical treatment

    and still pending for downgrade after years

    sob sob for him

  4. more tech pack into the phone, make the phone look bulky

    currently only nokia 6600 phone support G3 if i am not wrong

    i using samsung s300 phone not a bad phone but must really

    take care of it , seem to be very fragile

    still think that samsung graphics look more clear in terms of other brands

    guess ladies prefer design

    men prefer tech pack into the phone :P

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