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Everything posted by angry

  1. I spent around $20 for the 6incher, its a damn nice breed. And around $18 for the other two. I got them not at their current size but they grow damn fast even though i feed them only once every three days with market prawns, shell meat and lance fish. Occassionally mollies to keep their predatory instinct alive. I got mine from sea l#fe, t95 and ocean pla%^t.
  2. Your avatar is even more awesome though he does not look angry haaahaaahaaaaa. Dun let him be:)
  3. In fact they dun really like strong lights. The Balrog does not like it. What happens was, i suppose, they somehow got use to it, i've been trying very hard to balance everything in the tank, from nitrate level to lighting needs, compromising a little here and there, shifting the corals if necessary. Eventually things equal up and everything seems to be in an equilibrium state right now. Will update u guys if there are any changes. The rock scape is done intentionally low to allow roaming area as the big lions prefer open water only backing up to the caves during resting hours.
  4. Hey Nicky, here it is as promised:) Buy my lions dinner, sure bro, they will luv u for that. Remember to tapau chilli sauce too okie haaahaaahaaa.
  5. Hey vicky, i'm afraid i do not understand your statement unfortunately:)
  6. Hey deepblue, thanks for your kind remarks:) Trust me, i had a hard time during the teething stage and balancing nitrate level. Things are quite settled now so, i decided to post to tempt ppl like u haaahaaahaaaaa. I have always been evil...very evil actually:)
  7. Thanks for all the kind response:) I ditched the radiata project haaahaaahaaa cos its too hard to wean them bro.
  8. My third lion. Ain't she pretty. Oh by the way, her name is Eowyn. She is a 4.5 incher and I'm madly in luv with her.
  9. Another pic of Balrog the lion:)
  10. By the way, Balrog is a 6 incher:) I'm still weaning him to frozen:( He is awesome!
  11. oops my mistake to the previous, here's the attachment.
  12. Another one i named Balrog heehee
  13. Some pics of my pterois volitan aka Witch King. He is 4.5" and my very first inhabitant in the tank. He came a long way and survived many white spots attacks. Easiest to wean to frozen too. Enjoy.
  14. Hi all reefers, just wana share my humble 3.5ft lions tank setup. All comments are welcome:)
  15. Hey volitan, post a pic of the angler leh bro:) I will be posting my lion tank pic today heehee.
  16. hey dude, let me know if u can get your hands on those:) My lions can use them. Thanks.
  17. Hey Volitan, The lancefish comes as frozen food, can get them at reborn. As for the live saltwater shrimp, i dun have the exact addie from beacd rd. I think any fishing shop will sell them. But they come in quite big sizes. Gotta try ur luck bro:) Hows the angler doin? Getting bigger i suppose:)
  18. Fresh water feed is no good for your lions in the long run as mentioned by fuel. U can try lancefish, they come in a pack. Can get from reb@#n. Or try this. Go down to on of the fishing shops along beach road. They sometimes have salt water shrimp we use as bait. Of course your lion has got to be big enough to use that.
  19. I have a black one bro:) but unfortunately its getting to near 5inche. They grow damn fast. Give them a good six months and they'll reach 6inche.
  20. ust got hold of a digicam. Will post pic of my lion tank soon:)
  21. Volitans are not that hard to wean, trust me, but dun get the big daddys lah. Dwarfs are harder to wean. Needs alot of patience.
  22. Saw many at sea life yesterday. Go check it out. I think the smallest is around 3inche. Most are volitans and a couple of fuzzy dwarfs.
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