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Everything posted by demonsori

  1. nice... lets see where u gonna put the baby bubble... but i think the brain is too big...makes all the other corals look tiny abit out of proportion...maybe trade for other frags ? ever think of substituting ur dead coral substrate for this ??recommended sand buffers water well...adds trace elements naturally...no need supplement besides ur regular WC..since u having some hard corals... can sell u abt 1 tau huay container to fill ur tank bed till abt 1cm...just bought 6 pounds brand new...size of sand will make ur tank more pleasing to the eyes too IMO...
  2. any body can ID the abalone from sheng siong belongs to which species ?? its confirm diff from what ML has...wonder abt its care requirements and algae eating habits...scientific name will b gd..
  3. was not confident at first to frag it from parent skeleton...amazed that it is so symmetrical...looks like mini cyarina or button coral yeah ?? my wavemakers provide too strong current that i nv let it out of breeder box since the day frag the skeleton... seems like there's another baby forming near mama colony bro lemon will b next in line if avail...
  4. reserved pending collection....jtsojt ****7888 MOD can keep thread open till collected ?? thanks
  5. **Green bubble pictured below... budded from parent colony-- about to float off but i clipped off a piece of skeleton it was attached to..now 2mths plus and size of 50cent coin when lights on...picture taken in breeder box in main tank where it was sitting for 2mths growing out...base rock it is superglued on abt 1 inch size only... ***Blue spotted red shrooms... 4-6 babies on 1 inch rock...polyps abt 1 cm each when open... buds from 2nd generation propagated parent... very fast grower and tough...not affected during algae outbreaks... ## SELLING as PACKAGE ONLY ## want clear space for mushroom/ yuma frags... both for $28...collection bedok north ave 1 blk 550 friday 15th Jan 3pm-6pm..... or bedok to kallang mrt 6-7pm... might sell separately next week @ $15 each if no takers for package by friday... thanks for viewing... no offence abt pricing...cos bubble QT for 2mths n tank prop/ baby shrooms very fast grower... ( my value of them ), willing buyer willing seller... sms 96405360 to take package, above timing... PM for other interest or other timing.... ##1st pic-bubble under ATI blue plus... 2nd/ 3rd pic under ATI aquablue special ##last pic is where the baby blue spotted red shrooms frag rock was chipped off from...
  6. 1st time trial at creating multi-colour mushroom rock.... these are propagated 2nd generation mushrooms glued to LR...
  7. NEW yuma.... been searching for quite awhile... big thanks to Lemon.....
  8. kinda busy lately to go down....very kind of u...maybe will contact u if i going down anytime later this mth ?? where u work ?? dun mind paying a token like $5 if can deal like city hall or along green line sunday...
  9. err...looks like rhodactis to me ??? if yuma or ricordea i will bid... my tank somehow fails to keep rhodactis...can anyone clarify or correct me ??
  10. have one frag of the pictured zoa...wish to exchange for a few polyps (3-5 polyps) of greenish/ green faced palythoas... kindly post pics of the paly on this thread n drop me a PM ?? deal bedok mrt or bedok north st 3 this thursday 5-7pm... or next week at mutually convenient time n day... thanks for viewing...
  11. exactly same colour....trading the smaller sized orangey yuma..ard 50cent size coin when full bloom....used to be floating frag but now attached its foot to a few 2-3mm sized coral rubble...ready to be supler glued to any rock... looking for nice bluish yuma... if no traders then any other colour that i do not have... i reserve the right to choose who to trade with...no offence yeah ?? might trade the bigger polyp if there is a more than 1 desirable yuma to trade... and i am tempted enough ... trade at bedok mrt or bedok north blk 550.... kindly post pics in thread in drop me a PM ?? *(not interested in common greens/ oranges ) thanks for looking... picture of yuma
  12. post #30 think these might be rhodactis not yumas ?? correct me if i'm wrong ??
  13. quite common for me...sometimes for 2 or more polyps affected.. on the bright side...with proper water parameters u might see 2 or 3 babies in its place in 2 weeks ??
  14. BRO ([d]3v|L, how about some updated pics to spur on the bid ??
  15. correct me if i'm wrong but bidding is still on, and the bid should be reset to $78--cedricang, -- as the next bid $82 didn't follow the $2 increment ?? please advise-- cos i still wanna bid
  16. my bad...nv read clearly...sorry... so i start with $62 ?? thanks
  17. extensive pics comparing online seems like they're palythoas...toxic when crushed but doesn't have stinging capabilities ? rather than hurting the blasto, read that the blasto might sting it instead ?? kindly help ID and re-confirm or correct my newbie preliminary judgement ??
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