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Everything posted by klyve

  1. Thanks.. Yup got it from RD and at a good price too....
  2. Bro shopping time...... Must make yourself free this weekend.....
  3. Here it goes..... After the mishap which happen to all my pratas,still cant resist the beauty of pratas in the end brought 1........
  4. Bro when u coming back to this hobby...The blue zoa hopefully can grow more then can pass to u...
  5. Bro then change to a bigger tank easier to stack ur gems...
  6. Actually my rocks are all huge one so its easier to stack up...
  7. Saw the tank Swee....and alot of space awaiting to put gem.....
  8. Bro i have pellet eating clown tang for u i sell $15..
  9. Its around 5" big... Anyway its reserved...Thanks
  10. Forgot to state the price.. Selling off at $25
  11. Selling my pink tip elegant. collection at sengkang,call me at 92987718..Cheers
  12. nice tank sis.. So hows ur AT?anyway thanks for the zoa frag the pinkish green wan..They are doing great hoping they will grow more...
  13. Cause tangs look beautiful anyway all my tangs are those common kind.... ok so should list down my LS to do a head count 1X Sohal 1X 1X BT 3X YT 1X PT 1X Clown tang 2X PBT 1X black with white tail tang (not sure what tang) 1X Flame Angel 1X six line wrasse 1X Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse 1X Christmas Wrasse 1X yellow wrasse 2X sunburst 1X mandarin 1X Watchman Goby 1X tiger goby 4X fire shrimps 4X cleaner shrimps 5X turbo snails 4X brittle star 5X sand shifting star
  14. i just went there on wed they still got a few pieces left maybe u can check it out
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