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Everything posted by lightningstrike

  1. i think i will give both waterlife myzaxin and octozin a try...... sick of combating ich hv lost about 100 bucks of LS to it oredi!!!!
  2. dun need so zhun...... juz get the one wif 8 to 8.5 range will do....... most brands hv that.
  3. i oso heard adding garlicguard to food will prevent LS from getting diseases. is this true?
  4. hi scanman, i m sure u remember wrongly...... should be 20ml.
  5. actually depends on what corals u r keeping...... ph buffer and trace elements r okie....... if u r keeping softies, then use iodide, for hard corals u might wanna consider using strotium and magnesium. other additives r calcium and kalk. for water quality, might wanna add activated carbon, phosguard, denitrator, etc..... correct me if i m wrong.
  6. IMHO, wooden diffuser driven skimmers r no good at all in the long run.
  7. but if i m using 20ml of my tank water and the color resulting color has oredi overshot the color bar, it's written on the instruction sheet to add 15ml of ur tank water and then 5ml of distilled water. my question is where to get the other 5 ml of pure water??? mineral water can???? or tap water???
  8. IMO, chemi pure oso...... using for 3 mths liao.
  9. hi all, has anyone tried using salifert stop parasites b4???? if u do, pls share some reviews on this product....... and r there any medication that is reef safe and stops ich??? pls recommend!!! thks......
  10. heard from one of my kakis, toa payoh blk 123 lor 2, sell LRs at 4 bucks per kg. maybe u can check it out.
  11. well, i m using the drip method for adding kalk into my tank. hv not added calcium or magnesium into my tank b4. what additives i hv now r strotium, iodide, trace elements....... AT, do i need to add calcium and magnesium or any other additives? apologise for hijacking this thread.
  12. hi all, i hv juz checked wif edmund from eAN. all src members will get free membership from eAN, thus entitled to 10% discount on most products...... but some rules and regulations do apply. check them out. sorry for the earlier confusion caused.
  13. glad to hear that...... my skunk did that too..... gave me a real shock.
  14. hi, i m oso facing the same problem. my tank oredi 3 mths liao. nitrate still at 100ppm or more. pls advise by pm. thks.
  15. huh? i oso feed dt to my clams, but i use a syringe to target feed......
  16. go to eaquanature website to get a full list of what discounted products u will enjoy as a member......
  17. 10% discount from eaquanature only applies to certain products. not everything...... certainly not lights....... as i m buying ATI juwel rio 180 retrofit from edmund..... the retrofit itself cost 260...... not including the lights....... wif lights, its about 380++
  18. IMO, ur LRs not enuff...... try getting more...... roughly about 0.75 pound liverocks per gallon of water will be a good guide.
  19. algae blenny refers to a specific kind of blenny that eats algae...... it is whitish green in color. do a simple search in this forum, i m sure u can find a pic of the algae blenny....... as for ur algae problem, i would suggest putting phosguard in ur filtration system....... for algae eating ls, u can try the algae blenny or the yellow eye kole tang...... both r as good as it gets....... except u pay 3 to 5 for a algae blenny and 20 to 25 for a kole tang. i hv both....
  20. i got my ehiem 2026 external cannister filter for 238 at petmart.
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