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Posts posted by illumnae

  1. Thanks for the condolences! Will be finishing the hyposalinity level lowering this evening, then start the 1 month hypo treatment to eradicate ich. Hopefully will be able to build up my livestock supply again soon. Reason that I'm thinking of doing without corals is that to remove the risk of corals introducing the ich protozoa to my tank, I will need to fallow it fishless in qt for 2 months. I currently don't have the type of QT tank to be able to do so, especially when qting new fish. the lights in my QT are very basic, and no chiller too. That's why I'm thinking of converting to FOWLR. I love corals, but I hate ich!

  2. I used to use that digital refractometer but have now switched to manual. The digital one has error margin of plus minus 0.002 salinity, and after a year plus gets very inaccurate even after calibration. Using the same sample of water, I could get 1.056 as the first reading, then 1.042 then 1.036 before settling at 1.025

  3. Very nice scape! I would strongly recommend a quarantine tank. Make the space for it. I have a quarantine tank but was too lazy to use it properly and I'm now paying for it. White spot outbreak wiped out half my livestock and I'm now battling to eradicate it from my system. It's slightly better with a fowlr since you can copper treat your tank, but if you do you won't be able to keep any invertebrates, even cleaner crew and anemones for your clowns. Clownfish can get very aggressive, depending on species. You can try to get a harem of juveniles of the same species to watch their natural dynamics in a group, but that would limit the other fish in your tank that you can keep, but not sure if this would work since you bought one already. I would recommend sticking to one pair in your tank, or max 2 pairs if you get 2 anemones.

  4. Sigh... my tank kena white spot outbreak. Lost my 6 large sunburst anthias, kole tang, 3 yellow fin flasher wrasse (one jumped) and the dwarf fuzzy lionfish :( very huge and heartbreaking loss. I've removed all corals and snails and am doing a 1 month hyposalinity treatment to get rid of the ich. No more laziness with qt for me. I'm also seriously considering just going with a fowlr after the hypo treatment and add more predators and maybe butterfly fish.

  5. Didn't keep any pics but it fit for me. I had the 34L version of the Nano Space. I'm using the q3 now and I don't think it'll fit as the outlet is wider than the e3. You can contact Razali from DE Lightings sponsor subforum as he's the BM distributor. Henry, Ah Being and Iwarna should be able to order in for you too if Razali has stock.

  6. And yes, cuttlefish can be kept in a reef environment with the corals being non stinging ones. Here's the water conditions, and ideally the cuttlefish tank should be a separate setup from your main tank. Salinity: 1.025 Ammonia: 0.1 ppm Nitrite: 0.2 ppm Nitrate: 10 ppm or less Specific gravity: 1.021-1.024 Dissolved oxygen: 6-9 ppm Alkalinity: 7-11 dkh Calcium: 450 ppm Magnesium: 1200-1400 ppm Water should be RO/DI or tap water that has passed through an extremely efficient water purifier.
    Please explain why "ideal" parameters for ammonia and nitrite are 0.1 and 0.2 respectively? We tend to strive for 0 for both parameters in our tanks. Do cuttlefish need low ambient levels of these toxic substances for some reason?
  7. Thanks James! Let me try increasing my flow. I have 2x WP10 on this tank, plus a 1000L/hr HOB (holding phosguard, carbon and biosphere) and a BM Q3 all providing flow. The WP10s are only on 3 bar at the moment though (dual controller). Will increase and hope it recovers!

  8. I recently bought a small SPS colony and placed it in a "cup/basin" area of my rock structure. The base of the SPS is not glued down, but it fits well into the "basin" with some of the lower "branches" of the colony touching the sides/base of the "basin". The rest of the colony is gaining colour (pink colour is deepening), but there is one branch near the base that is turning white. Is this because part of that branch is touching the rock so it's dying, or should I be doing something to reverse this dying process? Water parameters are fine (NO3 and PO4 undetectable).


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