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Everything posted by alanseah

  1. you like that use extention to power the MH lighting you would scare power overload meh... quite dangerous leh... your 3 Mh light will add up to.. 150w x 3 = 450w and then plus blue light and other stuff..
  2. well u need not be so troublesome.. just use a inject hot water into the aiptasias will do.. this will comfirm kill it clean... like your method.. if any part of the aiptasias were to be broken they will grow back and worst become even more and cover more area...
  3. well I'm using kent salt... and here I prepare the salt for my new tank.. 4 feet... with an empty tank.... first I put tap water in and use power head to stir the water... and put chlorine remover also... then let it age for 1 week or more.. then i start adding salt which required me 2 x bags of 1 1/2 bags of 5kg then with power head it stir and mix the salt... and i left it to age for 3 weeks to a month... before i finally add sand and LR in... then it's about a month to 2 before i start add coral in...
  4. well dont over feed... cause this is always the case where the CS will take the easy way out... once u over feed and they start to form a habit of eating food you feed.. then that's it... very hard to get them back to cleaning again...
  5. no sam.. the ring is my duty.... lolz...
  6. well go look for land scaping.. u can find it somewhere here.. it's ok to stack them.. but dont pack them too closly will do.. me too also stack my LR... if not use you use PVC lor..
  7. well... yes.. me been using it for 2 yrs already.. and my tank do have quite a num of coraline algae..
  8. well u need to place sea fan on a place where there is nothing to block them.. where strong enough current can pass throught them.. also sea fan need to be feed. It dont really photo much or not at all... when it will open up with small small furly like stuff... when it's alive... when dead it will slowly cover by coraline agle or other agle... that also explain why strong currently is needed to prevent alge stuck to the fan..
  9. well if possible use salt water... what I normally do is.. when I change my tank water.. I use those water that I drain out from my tank and use it to wash the filter medium...
  10. well pls ppls... if u want to say about that.. then why not use RO water instead.. the safest of all... just age the water will do.... SG water still not that harmful till that stage where u need to do so many things to make it less harmful... unless ppls from UK and USA whom I know of.. they really need RO water.. else dont work as their water cant even been drink straight from the tap...
  11. well why dont you go add a boxer shrimp in... it will help eat your crab... or under control... crab and those unwanted r very under control in my tank.. after i added boxer shrimp
  12. which mean you tank is in gd condition and your those gas exchange r working... and ready to add stock in...
  13. well like I say... know your limit.. just have a gentle highlight of which LFS provide bad service or more ex will do.. dont need to go into great detail.. we all know.. if u cant stand it can pm all of us.. we dont mind read it.. hehehe anyway instead of commenting why not just talk about which LFS is gd and provide gd pricing.. like that both member of this club and shop owner also happy... win win situtation....
  14. well for me I dont see a need to do this.. bristle worm r very useful worker that help you clean your tank of left over food... thus reduce the need of cycling rot food. Also bristle worm create hole in LR which allow more current to flow in LR. As for crabs and mantis shrimp, if they r not in great amount or too big I dont see a problem.. if you want them to be under control can try introduce cleaner shrimp and boxer shrimp.. they will feed on bristle worm and crab one...
  15. yup... there is nothing harmful about it... depend on where you purchase the LR, some shop have already help you clean your LR and cycle it be4 you purchase it..
  16. well yes.. dont worry this is common...it mean your cycle is cycling.. the green algae that u r calling is not a harmful agle.. they r call coraline algae...and they come in diff color. in my case r green, red/pink.
  17. well not really a need.. just make sure you left your tap water over nite... dont just pour it in straight from tap... if not use boil water that has been cool down.. if your mother boil water for you to drink...
  18. I add water from tap directly sometime.. but most of the time left it over nite be4 pouring in... well snail dieing is normal.. due to the load.. as your tank start to stable... or go worst either case... for me..m I have a few snail dieing off when my tank just started.. but now.. it grow snail... and quite a number... an on and off some do die off.. but new born one will come in..
  19. well yours is a fish only tank..??? or u planting to add coral later... having ph and kh buffer is a must... then cal is needed when u want coral... if u got any green coral then iron is needed too... other stuff like iodine etcs.. depend on what coral u keeping..
  20. yup.. me too have been using 2 method.. the first is do a slowly mixing/acclamation and the other one just put it in.. and I found both almost the same.. or not very much diff...
  21. well... you can just purely add sand into the main tank up to 6" or more.. (Do wash them be4 putting into the main tank) then at your sump add some sand for plant or as filtering.. but if use for filtering dont add so much sand else your sump gatta choke.
  22. Come on ppls.. he is new here.. dont keep on commenting and commenting... well you already know he dont have enough budget.. so let it go.. come together and think of a solution for him rather then commenting... this is not the way to solve problem. beside you guy can just point out to him what type of water condition he shuold look out for... what vol of cal, ph, kh, iron etcs in the water is required... as for the MH, well fan will not totally help.. reduce much.. hmm even you use a gd and well design fan u r able to cool the temp around 1-2 degree.. depend on how high you place your MH and your room envirnoment.. then again great water will be loss using fan. If you have a sump and got a big enough top up tank (which in the thread someone mention be4 using float and this) and the top up water is 24 to 48 hrs aged be4 it go into the tank.. I dont think you will face much of the salnity problem as it auto top up whenever water lost. Put do take note of how you face your fan.. cause if you have it blowning out of tank.. then be prepare to have some salt covering our house... once your water condition stable down.. like my which is going 3 yrs.. and you know how to tell if your water condition is gd or not.. then dont need to do water change so often.. as I did read in a web be4 where there r ppls who never even do water change for a yr or more...
  23. well u can put into your tank and let it cycle if u r too lazy.. and then do a big water change...
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