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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. very nice pics.. i need a good camera :< and btw jacky.. did you enjoy your trip to work this morning? lol <-- deep content
  2. nice well planned sump. a lot of run time for water flow before going back to main. wonder thats the sound level like for this system
  3. i will be happy with a school of Maldives Lyretail Anthias. perhaps with a bigger tank :<
  4. looks good. skimmers with aquabee needlewheel pumps are hard to go wrong
  5. seachem's phosguard is aluminium oxide. but it doesnt fully break down to dissolve in water unlike the powder versions. goodbye po4 is apparently none of the above two.. never got my hands onto one.
  6. jacky on leave too? let me know if you guys have any plans.
  7. ok lets look a bit at 4) and 5) 4) reason because the clowns will return to its host and disturb the anemone while its trying to settle down in the new environment. 5) some livestocks react violently to medications, anti nitrate/phosphate other metals too, mainly due to being unable to settle down in the new environment,weakened or just being too sensitive. but i am not too sure the time line it started to have a change in behaviour. i guess you have thrown it away? sorry to hear your loss. was it a haddoni or gigantea?
  8. there are too many possibilities to this senario. 1) best bet would be heat shock when your chiller was down, furthermore being near the MH, temp could be much much higher. other possibilities could be 2) feeding too large objects/feeding too often 3) having to move too much with insufficient food source 4) constant harressment from clowns before it could acclimatise(not sure if they were hosting it) last 3 guesses are very energy draining for an anemone. apart from those 5) some anemones are not tolerate to additives or water conditioners, coincidentally you used some anti phosphate or might be any others so it could be a cumulative effect to the above mentioned. if its flattened, mouth open and not sticky at the tentacles anymore.. good chance that it will not make it past the next few days :<
  9. always checking tank's salinity but not your own salinity?
  10. the kole's been hiding since evening.. it cant believe it got such a handsome owner. MUHAHHAA anyway the following should be a list of things you saw at LCK just now ... should be ORA Neon Dottyback Greenbanded Goby Hector's Goby Amblygobius rainfordi looks like Hector ... only had a top view so i am not too sure if they really were. maybe u can reconfirm
  11. i released the kole but kept the neon goby in breeder box.. too small so good chance he cant snatch food from the rest but since your feeding style is like ray's shouldnt be a problem LOL
  12. you will get the whole assessor family soon. wonder if you guys saw green clown goby in RB or AM. looking for it.
  13. crazy day incoming.... reef therapy. you need to get a headache now!
  14. makes all the nano stable on top of that. but makes jacky's wife hate u.
  15. As I just shifted my tank and rescaped. Decided to try out some researches before my main bulk of sps comes in. Lost quite a few old ones >< This write up is bout aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and ferrous oxide (FeO) in phosphate reduction + its pros and cons.. in case some reefers missed out on the old deal, and that i feel the latter is much much much safer to use. and that alumminium is pretty hazardous. Looks/Appearances - since most of us do not know whats in the box when we buy it Aluminium oxide - white powdery form, still available in market, sometimes pre-mixed in water. ( i think it can become yellow when mixed in water beforehand) Ferrous oxide - black/brown powdery form. this is the same as your rowa, pura and whatever brand you guys use. Reactions with water. Aluminum oxide - may be present in water both in alkalic form (2Al2O3(s) + 6H+(aq) -> Al3+(aq) + 3H2O(l)) and in acidic form (2Al2O(s) + 2OH-(aq) -> AlO2(aq) + H2O (l)) . (insoluble) It reacts based on different parameters of the water and forms a very strong bond in the water, which in turn is diffcuit to clear off and no marine life actually needs aluminium as supplements, which can result in aluminium poisoning if its used on a long run. more readup Aluminium and water in Reef Ferrous oxide/iron(II) oxide - is insoluble in alkali but dissolves in acid. The bond is not as strong aluminium oxide but the best part bout it is, when theres a reaction, iron has its uses in a reef tank though too much of course aint good. Iron usages and Reef usage Commercial form Aluminium oxide - comes usually in powdery form as mentioned above, if they come in bigger pieces like your rowa/pura the bond is too strong and reactions will be low. Ferrous oxide - come usually in granular form. Weaker bonds as itself, able to keep its form even with reaction. I am not too sure whats the end products of the reactions for both but ferrous oxide is tested and proven, even if it exhaust you still see it at the end of the year. Aluminium oxide Pros - reduces large amounts of phosphates(but not to zero) - cheap ( but removes your pants in the long run) - increases skimmage Cons - Strong bonds stay firm in water, no usage and cause poisoning even - Makes skimmage smell very strongly like burnt plastic - drives KH down. ( probably cause its not pure ) Ferrous oxide Pros - reduces large amounts of phosphates and can till zero - Safe/Reliable based on reactions and usage in a reef among the two - Tested and proven by even yourself Cons - expensive my brain stopped here let me update when i think off more. Analogy Aluminium is cheap but has many drawbacks which i have not even added in yet. It still can be used if you simply refused to change water but need to bring a high level phosphate infected tank down but definitely not on a long run basis. The smell's really bad trust me. This test material has been shelved till future accidents. For now back to ferrous oxide in FR. Some tests here. Phosban vs Rowa do correct me over any mistakes. what you pay is what u get.
  16. the chaetos from japan? is it ok to hand carry through customs? never thought bout this fish till date as i do not have a cover. go home one day to see it kissing the ground will probably make my heart will stop.
  17. ooh family outing.. i am damn shag after soccer now also 15 hours imo.. mrt also surf. made me realise SRC has so many funny things! loool!!1!11!
  18. no worries.. jacky's daughter and me are classmates and bestest friends
  19. lim chu kang doesnt have fresh air! especially near the chicken farms, sometimes never wind down window also can smell. wilson your still going into sps?
  20. what time u going.. got spare bicycle? lol!
  21. my 3year old cousin happily surfs youtube. so ironic of the book i am holding today ><
  22. 1) AhSiang 2) jacky 3) bino 4) Ray 5) Eniram 6) Mossrope ( if theres still space yo)
  23. i really would say world peace and its from my heart. ><
  24. your in trouble.. you have another PM spammer inc. and on this topic.. if i am a Miss Singapore judge. i will make my 1st rule to the contest which is the most important one. --- Contestants are forfeited if they blog... settles everything imo
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