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Everything posted by DUCADOS

  1. Conclusion. For me I feel that salt water mix is much more efficient n $ saving coz after calculating base on average salt mix sold in lfs it's about $1.25 for 10litres. Sea water is about $1.00 for 5litres. Any places sell cheaper I not sure.
  2. Thanks bro. Anyway the item on the pic above seems quite soft leh. Before hand I tried something like the air tube but in thicker form wan. Need use hand to hold tip to reach to the bottom of my 2.5 feet (height) overflow compartment. Very limited space for me to vacuum the area that's y I came across this idea to use a stiff tube instead.
  3. Both for u bro! Tank Swee fish also Swee.
  4. Hi,I have the above mentioned growing long in my overflow compartment. Just wanna know izzit ok if to leave it there? Will it cause anything to my LS?
  5. For me,I only got 1 word to describe. Swee!
  6. 20mm wan alot bro. If dun mind grey colour,even 15mm OD wan also can easily get from normal hardware. 
  7. Ya lo. Who r u? Better own up now haha. Make friend leh then hope can go your house look c look c. Now I si bei gian Liao thou keep telling myself cannot buy. 
  8. Btw forget to add,1 of them who got the licence to do so is Reborn. The other 1 unknown.
  9. FYI,sea water from those places u mention is not as salty as what we use for our hobby hence we still need top up salt. As for cleaniness,so long no dirt or rubbish that can be seen by our naked eye should be fine. Anything microscopic should be able to skim via skimmer. And I was told to get sea water that has the same salinity or put it this way directly can be use for our reef tank wan will be somewhere at harbour front. But required hose or pipe to go deep down 20m to retrieve it. It required some kind of licence to do so.
  10. Can't c the pic clearly. Seems like the fan thing is blowing on the glass. Can check with bro here the way it cool down water is by blowing on the water surface right? Coz seems like not.
  11. Agreed...I once received a mantis shrimp thru buying of LR.Before trapping it,i lost dunno how many innocent shrimp like the fire shrimp,cleaner shrimp even the boxing shrimp the mantis also wack... Not reef friendly...
  12. For me sometime twice a day but smelly smelly also once a day.
  13. Agreed... If can,try to avoid using them. If die die need put n hold your coral on LR. Try findin loop holes or concave part on LR to place coral in it for better secure. E.g Put tube worm in holes that found on LR.
  14. Need to know size of your tank,lighting & height of lighting display play a very important part too. Talking about 4' with 2.5' height tank with MH n irregular temperature of our room u r actually looking at an average of about 28 degree celcius. So which means if u not using MH n height of tank not that deep u should be expecting something lower.
  15. No sump... R u facing hard time changing the filter system? Dirty very quickly? 1 thing good. Dun have to scare will overflow n wet the floor.
  16. Btw just to let u guys know although they comes in many sizes but the next size after mine will be 16mm OD that's wat i heard from them. Cheers...
  17. wat u mention is a yes n no.After all it depend on the environment.If it's a enclosed environment like room with all window closed then better no. Otherwise highly air ventilated places should be fine.In another words dun breath chloroform too directly (snift from bottle) will do.

    PVC Pipe

    let us know where u stay we might be able to list down few shop for u.
  19. Sea horse I think might work. Frog is more to sea bed where as the horses might at time go to bottom but most of time doing in the middle of water level unless u got branches at the bottom where it will stay there.
  20. Patient is the thing u need now. If your tank is totally new (newly set up) u will need about 3months (at least) for the wter to mature
  21. Ya. Wat marcovan say is right. That's the reason y purchsing of this bonding material is a headache. But once again I feel that it's the best bonding material for it coz it bond by melting both pcs of acrylic together. That's y once sticked,it not only can get rid but also waterproof. Those shops that help people do the casing for thai amulet wan also using such bonding material.
  22. ya they make. Cabinet was exactly wat I mean coz your question was about that. I'm very sure coz my friend did ever ask they about making of the cabinet. 
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