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Everything posted by LittleBurger

  1. Finally gone thru the lfs in north of Taiwan. Most clutter around 1 area. Few at taoyuan and hsingchu n gaoxiong. Have eliminated some which operates from their residential n n not allow buyers to go to their home.
  2. run uv? I know there's a brand for ich which is reef safe from seachem or aquafarm. Previously on old tank my blue tang n royal gamma got ich n I use the ich med can cure.
  3. bubble king u can look for reef depot, one of the sponsor. Vertex is also a sponsor here. But doubt has retailers selling them except order from vertex Germany. Try calling reef depot. So where u from?
  4. So choose which 吉日for tank delivery? Buying nsw or.salt mix? Must be damn excited.
  5. uncle Dan do things, 放心。 U can try turn off pump n test if sump can hold.
  6. Hi, wat abt ls? Siam reef club also have? Thanks
  7. I read tat at jajujat market got a siam reef shop. I know there's a siam ozone reactor which is gd stuff. Was told by my reefing colleague in california that it's ex n popular. Not sure How much reefing shops inside jatujat. I've tried googling but not much results.
  8. wah. Change So many tanks. Rich man. So change tank everytime it crashed? It's demoralizing when stuff u put in die. But at the same time, it will make u ponder on the failure and read up on the species n try again. I find tat humans r a funny species. If a gal too easy to get, u dun appreciate, if gal hard to get, then will appreciate. It is good to have friends in the hobby to maintain the interest N exchange views. But I think family appreciation is the most crucial form of support. I believe to sustain the interest, one must cultivate the inhabitants like its child. Like wat u mention patience. U watch it grow. But if one only likes the mental process of buying stuffs which is the main motivating factor for the hobby, then it is not sustaining. If u staying in the west, we can go coral farm n lck together. Pls pm me your contact. Thks!
  9. Looks like need do annual pass. Very educational. At first look of video pic. Was wondering which kuku wear crocs shoes into water n pollute it. So it's their staff. Haha
  10. I didn't add any wave maker. Just water from main tank to sump. Initially if yr cheato size is small, it might get sweep away, out of position of the light. I tie a thread to 2 small rocks n weigh down the cheato. After it has increased its mass, it will not get sweep away, then I removed the anchoring rocks.
  11. This is what I experimented. Par38 9 leds, 1 Watt each, 6 blue n 3 white. Dymax pl15watt. Notice the difference. I added the dymax around 2wks ago. The area subjected to the pl becomes like this. Just the par38 bulb. The cheato is still growing fast. The area not subjected to direct light didn't die off. Pic of cheato growing under. So I think enough light will do. Flow is more important. Though with led saves power, no harm add more light. It seems light spectrum of pl or white encourage cynao.. .
  12. Hi bro. I would say they are booming n some start to "plate" . But somehow my previous tries of sps were not successful. I tested my water for the few important parameters n no3 is the only less than perfect... hovering at 12ppm using redsea test kit, salifert is 0ppm. I like anthias so i need to feed often but it will increase the bioload. But well, if a tank don't have much inhabitants which try to mimic as close as possible a coral reef, I guess my enthusiasm for this hobby will die n probably decomm in future. Of cos I can't add any inhabitants tat are deem not reef safe. The recent discovery of toxin from leather coral which kills off another species to be added is sad, though adding carbon would help but I don't want to take the risk. So I stopped buying sps and did some simple modifications to my filtration or nutrient expo by growin more cheato in the sump N flow to sump. Never tried ats as not enough space in the sump, salt creep n wanted as little maintenance as possible. I continue to feed regularly and tested my water for a few mths till i get a constant 0ppm for no3 & po4. Just bought a few frags n now testing water again....
  13. ya. I agreed. When we are at the lfs we can spend a long long time there. If with family, it will be limited time.
  14. ya. I look thru the pics all is dogs n cats.
  15. I'm looking at either Taiwan or Thailand. I will go check out the ph8.4. I suppose when we say Taiwan, we talking abt going taipei fish street rite? For bangkok, the only place is jatujat I suppose.
  16. Got the algae mower from Gemsurfs. Not sure if there's a review being done but did a search n can't find any. So here goes. This is the package. I didn't take time to read and understand the paper instructions. Did a search on YouTube and there's a video showing the assembling process. The drill bit can be removed So tat yr small funnel can be used to suck up detrius on lr. On first grip of the handle, felt a bit hollow. Gives me the feel tat the handle might be brittle n break. Dipped the vac into the water n was quite impressed with the suction. The big funnel is good for cleaning the small stones. The small funnel is great for cleaning detrius on the lr. After using a while, you will feel gain confidence with the handle. Is using energizer max battery to test out. Not yet test with dc adapter. Would wonder if suction will be stronger. Great tool for cleaning detrius on the rocks.
  17. Hi. Sps A, Purple tips with green polyps. Acro? sps B. Blue rings on the Lower tips and green circle at top tip. Acro too? Thanks for viewing.
  18. Got my yasha first from ah Beng. Few mths later got the shrimp from CF. The goby already got its Den. Quite anxious if the goby will pair up with the shrimp. Let go of the shrimp near to the goby's den. Glad tat they form a pair within a day. U can see immediately the goby acted strange, somehow sensing its bunk mate had arrived. Planted a bodhdi tree next to their lair. Hopefully the tree can survive....
  19. yep. Sunburst. The fish tat I failed to keep on my old tank. Maybe too much rock n not enough free space to swim around. This time round try to scape with more free space like the ocean.
  20. www.aquapets-show.com.tw Same as our aquarama?
  21. Been to hk fish street, count me in for tw. Interested to take a look too.
  22. at ah beng Perppermint shrimps. lots of crabeye goby. Lots of diff type of clowns except those chio n ex type. Lots of anemone. Some new seafans. Never see coral leh...
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