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Everything posted by tamama

  1. I am using the DD salt and the DD test kits, very common I believe. Now the salt is almost used up for the bucket.
  2. Thought it is more costly to pay the upfront cost, I think using a calcium reactor would be similar to using dosing pump in long run. Am I right?
  3. I am using two dosing pumps, but I thought calcium reactor tends to be more stable if it is controlled by a PH controller? Using dosing pump sometimes can go a bit off after a few weeks if I do not monitor the CA and KH level.
  4. Today I made some discovery. After stopping the KH dosing for 24 hours, my KH dropped to 8.2. When I measured the CA again, it is still 330. I thought something must be wrong and I decided to test the new salt water that I just mixed at 1.025 level. The CA is 300! Something must be wrong... I am buying a new testing kit for CA to test again. What a nightmare if I have been using a faulty test kit.
  5. I have been thinking of replacing my dosing pumps with a calcium reactor. My tank is 2 ft cube (abt 60 US gallon?). Any recommended brand or setup for calcium reactor? My intent is to make the maintenance more hassle free. I am currently using TLF A+B for dosing. Sometimes, I gotta keep testing the water to see which one is actually getting consumed more due to addition of corals and sometimes it caused the parameter a bit unbalanced etc. Any ideas if I should replace them with the calcium reactor? Looking for a more value for money and long term setup.
  6. After one week, I measured the parameters again. The CA and KH is off balance again despite I dose the CA 10% more than the KH. Now I stop dosing KH and wait for it to balance again. PO4: 0 CA: 330 KH: 9.2 Salinity: 1.024 For colour, I dose brightwell Potassium and TLF Iron in a small amount weekly. The blue sps seems to be a bit greenish at the body and blue at the tips. Maybe it is because of the Iron I dose. I still cannot get the SPS full body blue. Only the tips are blue. I ordered the fauna marin colour elements and see if it can do magic.
  7. I also bought quite a lot from GO. The colour is ok, but sometimes they RTN for no reason after a few weeks. Maybe my tank not good enough?
  8. tamama

    Trade for LR

    Just took one piece of live rock out from tank, it is full of coralline algae and pest free. Diameter about 10 to 15cm. Looking to trade for one small piece monti, preferably purple. Interested pls PM. Serangoon area.
  9. Anyone selling? Can PM the price? Thank you.
  10. Any particular requirement that I have to take note when I keep them with SPS? I keep them at the lower part of the tank.
  11. I also have it... very hard to catch them as they react really fast
  12. Nice scape. How did you apply epoxy while the rocks are wet? I always face issue in doing such because when the rocks are wet, the epoxy doesn't really stick.
  13. I thought C328 sells fresh water aquarium items only? They sell marine items too?
  14. I adjusted the salinity to 1.025. The CA naturally increases to 400 and KH is about 8.2 now after some water change. Tested PO4, it looks 0 to me. Lets see how the colour turns out in a week.
  15. I used to have LED, but I changed to MH+T5. It is totally different story.
  16. Just bought these two today since there is no sps shipment. May I know how to keep them? Similar to sps?
  17. any idea how to improve the water quality? I am running biopellets/rowaphos and some bacteria king media. I have been thinking of cleaning up the sands.. but lazy. haha.. I think not for sale ba... Maybe when it gets stable after a month, we exchange a frag? I wanna obsevrve if the polyps are going to be so brown and bushy along.
  18. It looks already dead with some brown algae growing at the tips. You mean when you bought it, it already looks like this?
  19. Ah beng sells fish and lps mainly. It is the middle area, the entrance has a big arowana. I bought from the pre-order. Colours are actually ok, but one sps rtn the next day. The other fours are fine. It is like gambling...
  20. when they sleep, they hide in the gaps of the rocks... i still have no success so far.
  21. I attach the pic for reference. It is the one at the right hand side. The polyps are too much...
  22. Iwarna, Pinnacle: when the sps come, and by the time you contact them to check, the good ones are grabbed by people already. I think usually stocks come on Sat. Golden Octopus: Can pre-order, so you can get what you want. but some people say the colour is not the same as the pictures shown.
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