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John Deroe Kenedy

SRC Member
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Status Updates posted by John Deroe Kenedy

  1. Semua sodap layan hujan aku stress layan Jam. Bingit siot

  2. Does anyone have a link for replica watches? Share please

  3. Do you guys know that Vanilla extract or Essence contains 35% alcohol? I eventually went to taste it, and it does taste like Vanilla vodka with too much vanilla in it. I'm very confuse with our Islamic Law regarding alcohol. Even my mother can't answer it.

  4. Its been 10 months since we broke off. I tried very hard to move on but everytime i try, u keep appearing in my dream. Recently, more dreams about u came out of my sleep. I'll wake thinking that everything will be alright but it ended up with sighs. Dream, I can't control it, its out of my hands. Its haunts me every night and I can't stop it. U are closer to me than I have ever expexted. I know that u have moved on, but i know somewhere near ur heart, my name is there just like how u came int...

    1. LittleBurger


      U talking abt yr ex or something else? There's other fishes in the sea. Cheer up.

    2. John Deroe Kenedy

      John Deroe Kenedy

      lmao... i didnt know this things goes into SRC.. it suppose to be only in my FB

  5. Nabei CB! Sumone stole my new Macbeth Shoe and Nike Slippers. *expletive* left with 1 old pair of vans shoes...

  6. Anyone wants Egg Tarts n Blueberry Cheese tarts for free? Sila amek dkt umah aku sendiri. Jelak kite satu family tiap2 minggu bawak balik tarts. Macam nk buang pon ada. Menyemak simpan dalam fridge..

  7. Cb.. hate it when people yawn in the train n nt covering their mouth.. the stink affects the whole cabin.

  8. Vindicated, I am selfish, I am wrong, I am right I swear I'm right, swear I knew it all along and I am flawed but I am cleaning up so well, I am seeing in me now The things you swore you saw yourself.

  9. Argh.. TK boleh tdo.....

  10. Movie Marathon With all "Almost" the same tittle. - Hantu Air, Hantu Gangster, Hantu Kapcai

  11. Oh God, So Dark, Crazy Heavy Rain

  12. Argh... Tonsillitis, the most irritating infection and i got it today.

  13. Someone started a random meaningless group convo which waken me up 3 time.. WTF

  14. Haha! I'm a half free man. Whatever that is. December taking license again.

  15. Otw to sub court.. Sibei Sianz

  16. Grave Encouters 2.. Lame shit ever.. Boring Story Line... BUT, guys who wanna scare the shit of you're girls, do bring them n watch ... HAHA!

  17. Close Encouters 2.. Lame shit ever.. Boring Story Line... BUT, guys who wanna scare the shit of you're girls, do bring them n watch ... HAHA!

  18. Mother will be out͵ cooking for a wedding.. Hmmm should i cook for lunch or just buy food instead?

  19. Morning seems too early

  20. Sleepy like hell... Feels so stone...

  21. NBCB.. Stupid Farking Android!! Toilet bowl calling for u..

  22. Woohoo.. today 1st day for DJ course.... Back to school

  23. Great Jarhead is on TV...

  24. Great.. People ask me y do i waste money to spend it on DJ Courses amd DJ Equipment. They Disallowed me to work in Clubs, they say being a DJ has no future and I might end up like my brother. Simple, the answer will be "I have a passion for music. I need equipments to fulfill my passion. Learning is the first step of succeeding. There's no harm working in clubs, I work to earn a living n to fulfill my passion, not hanky pankying around. Additional, being a DJ doesnt mean that its for club...

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