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Everything posted by blesson87

  1. 9) Don't dose any chemical that you seldom or do not measure. Excellent point. One should never dose anything that cannot be measured.
  2. Also when adding freshly prepared saltwater to your tank, it is best if it is aerated and mixed over a day's time and then allowed to settle before adding. The particulate matter that settles can be too dangerous to existing livestock.
  3. Yep ... as snoopyhamburger said .... chromis are excellent beginner fish, not firefish IME though. Keep chromis in groups of 5 n above in odd nos for best results. And how big is your tank ? IMHO ... Tangs are best added last even in a large enough tank ...
  4. And a word of caution when following this method ... if metal halides re being used it can melt screening if too close.
  5. With regards to strong lights and it killing or bleaching corals, just like fish, corals also need to be acclimated ... specifically light acclimated. A method I am familiar with is the use of different layer of screening over newly arrived corals. And every week or so remove a layer so that it progressively becomes brighter until no more screening is left. This method is called photo acclimation. Dont know if anybody here follows it but this is the best method I ve seen for people who own powerful lighting.
  6. Sorry for late reply ... blue colour is good news for your clam and your parameters look ok. Good luck ... for battling diatoms you will need some sort of nutrient export like dsb or macro algae or if into diy turf scrubber etc
  7. How does your clam look right now ? Blue mantle like first pic or brown mantle ?
  8. IMHO ... 3 weeks is just not enough for keeping clams. You will need a much more stable tank and importantly a mature tank for your clam's wellbeing. Doing research before impulse buying helps. Sorry if this comes out as harsh but I've lost enough livestock in the past due to impulse buying. Anyways goodluck.
  9. I ve had experience with new life spectrum pellets. Best IMO ... even finicky fish have taken them without any issues. And the fish show good colouration and growth. Dont have experience with other brands.
  10. Do Not put ur hand in the water without switching everything off first ! Most likely a short circuit of some sort and unless your tank is grounded it is very dangerous. I had this happen to me in a freshwater tank when a heater cracked and exploded ! Be careful ...
  11. Judging by the pic and you're admission of each head having tentacles ... I think its a favia of some sort.
  12. It looked like a worm to me. My bad ...
  13. Its some sort of worm. I remember having one in my tank. It spreads out a mucus net and traps detritus n food particles to eat. And the more it grows the bigger that tube becomes. Harmless imho but can remove if looks ugly. I removed and placed in sump after my christmas island hermit attacked n cut the tube in half lol
  14. Yes as far as I remember Bobbit worms were removed by fellow reefer friends as they were supposedly harmful. I have no hands on experience with them though. Bristle worms are part of the fauna of a reef so let them be unless they get too big.
  15. Just my 2 cents here, i used a DSB of 7 inches made of fine LS. It worked like a charm on nitrates. I didnt even have macro algae at the time. The visual confirmation that your DSB is working is you will start to notice formation of nitrogen bubbles in your DSB. Thats when you know its denitrifying. For phosphates i feel GFO and macroalgae is best. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  16. Just finished studying to be a doc ... Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  17. James72 thx and good to be here. If this is hell ... "I'm loving it" Aquaculture has been a passion of mine since i was 6yrs old. My previous reef was my learning curve ! Been a while since then but excited to get back on the wagon. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  18. Sigh ! Awesome name sir ! Didnt think i ll be censored lol Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  19. Thanks snoopyhamburger ... good to be here. And kick ass name sir Cheers Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  20. Thx Ashwin, i wanted to custom make it but everwhere i ve searched so far is turning out to be bit expensive, and fyi i'm just a student ... so still searching and doing my research. Thx for the offer to help dude, will definitely ask and i appreciate it. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
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